Mar 122022

Yesterday, while looking for short takes (and finding the first one), I was (as I often am) reminded of something written by C. S. Lewis. I was pretty sure the quote in question was in “Screwtape proposes a toast,” so I looked to see whether that might be available on the ‘Net, and indeed it is (in pertinent part), for free, with some emphasis added, at the link on the title. With the caveat that it’s not always easy to read things that come from Opposie Land, I can’t recommend it highly enough. It is more accurate now than it has ever been/. The phrase “scary good” comes to mind. (It’s also not that long. It’s not a book like “The Screwtape Letters,” but just an essay.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Letters from an American – March 10, 2022
Quote – Freedom House documents that for sixteen years, global freedom has declined. Authoritarians are undermining basic liberties, abusing power, and violating human rights, and their growing global influence is shifting global incentives toward autocratic governments and away from democracy, “jeopardizing the consensus that democracy is the only viable path to prosperity and security, while encouraging more authoritarian approaches to governance.” Over the past year, 60 countries became less free, while only 25 improved.
Click through for the full letter. In her “notes” she includes a tweet from Anne Applebaum which is accurate as far as it goes, but vastly underestimates the antiquity of the practice, which can be traced back to ancient Greese and is almpst certainly older.

Daily Kos (David Neiwert) – Outcome of Michigan militiamen’s trial in plot to kidnap governor could have broad consequences
Quote – [I]f the Wolverine Watchmen’s legal defense is able to succeed by establishing in court that the methods used to build the Michigan case are unsound, it could have far-reaching consequences for the government’s ability to investigate these groups—as well as to prosecute other related cases, such as the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection prosecutions. It also could feed the conspiracist claims by Tucker Carlson and others that the FBI manipulated those rioters into performing criminal acts. Most militia groups have kept a lower profile since the Michigan kidnapping bust in October 2020 and the post-Jan. 6 arrests, according to Rachel Goldwasser, a research analyst with the Southern Poverty Law Center. The outcome of the Michigan trial, she said, may “indicate whether they stay in their foxholes or come out as a force in public again.”
Click through for details.

Women’s History – Wikipedia – Edith Cavell
Quote – She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from both sides without discrimination and for helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during the First World War, for which she was arrested. She was accused of treason, found guilty by a court-martial and sentenced to death. Despite international pressure for mercy, she was shot by a German firing squad. Her execution received worldwide condemnation and extensive press coverage.
Click through for bio. The night before her execution, she said “Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.” Though she may well have spoken afterwards, those are generally considered to be her last words. It’s a thought which is not popular with governments … but it transcends governments and is definitely worth aspiring to.

Food For Thought:

Mar 112022

Glenn Kirschner – Proud Boys Leader Tarrio Indicted; Guy Reffitt Convicted on All Counts. A Good Day for Justice

MSNBC – Vindman: Ukraine Fighter Jet Hang-Up ‘Pretty Absurd’

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda TEARS Into Pro-Putin Republican

The Daily Show – Women Giving Back – The Women Vital to Ukraine’s Resistance

ViolinistsSupportUkraine – Violinists Across the World Play for Ukraine (not something you will see every day)

Rob Rogers – Helping Ukraine

Beau – Let’s talk about shifting public health strategies….

(The map is here)

Mar 102022

Glenn Kirschner – Bill Barr Has Direct Evidence of Trump’s Criminal Intent & Must be Subpoenaed by DOJ for Grand Jury

Thom Hartmann – Did Young People Forget Cold War?

MSNBC – McFaul: Captured Russians Have No Explanation For Why They’re In Ukraine

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda RIPS Into The “People’s Convoy”

RepresentUs – Elizabeth Warren Rails Against Dark Money

Women’s History – Armageddon Update – with Mrs. Titus

Beau – Let’s talk about why Lindsey Graham is on Russian TV….

Mar 092022

Glenn Kirschner – NY DA Bragg Ends Trump Investigation, Misleads about Reason for Not Releasing Resignation Letters OK, I was wrong. Dammit. This is not good.

American Bridge – Bloody Sunday

Don Winslow Films – #PutinIsLying

MSNBC – Why Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine Has Touched Such A Raw Nerve

Rebel HQ – Ukraine Ambassador Trolls Russians In Epic Fashion

Publicae – I’m in Kyiv! Defiant Ukraine President Zelenskyy counters Russian fake news and reveals his location

Beau – Let’s talk about preparing for a possibility….

Mar 072022

Yesterday, I took some time to look up interesting women for this month. My collection is rather personal – mostly women I had never hear of myself, but also a few whom I had heard of but who have been forgotten since. Perhaps we can all learn something.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – GOP Senators Ripped For Reckless Tweets During Zelenskyy Zoom Call
Quotes – “The Ukrainian Ambassador very intentionally asked each of us on the zoom to NOT share anything on social media during the meeting to protect the security of President Zelenskyy. Appalling and reckless ignorance by two US Senators.”
“Why the hell would you risk that man’s life by tweeting this in real time when you were specifically asked not to?!”
“Still on the payroll, I see. Couldn’t follow directions on the Zoom call, huh? Is Pootie paying you in crypto now that the ruble has tanked?”
Click through for more. You probably heard that this happened (although Grassley was not included when I first heard it.) And the volcano of fury it stirred up among all decent prople will do nothing to help keep him alive. But ti’s good to know decent prople are out there. (Is there any difference between this and Bo ebert tweeting out Speaker Pelosi’s location on January 6?)

Letters from an American – March 5, 2022
Quote – Aaron Blake of the Washington Post reported on Thursday that after Trump won the 2016 election and we learned that Russia had interfered to help him, Republicans’ approval of Putin jumped from about 14% to 37%. In the Des Moines Register today, columnist Rekha Basu explained how the American right then swung behind Putin because they saw him as a moral crusader, defending religion and “traditional values,” from modern secularism and “decadence,” using a strong hand to silence those who would, for example, defend LGBTQ rights. [emphasis mine]
Click through, and you’ll learn a lot about tha conflict in Ukraine. But it’s the conflict in the United States I wanted to highight. Wingnuts were not brainwashed by Trump**. They were brainwashed in advance to accept Trump**. At least that goes to explain why so many who are now turning on him over vaccines are not letting go of the tiniest fraction of the insanity.

Women’s History – Wikipedia – Hypatia of Alexandria
Quote – Hypatia was renowned in her own lifetime as a great teacher and a wise counselor. She wrote a commentary on Diophantus’s thirteen-volume Arithmetica, which may survive in part, having been interpolated into Diophantus’s original text, and another commentary on Apollonius of Perga’s treatise on conic sections, which has not survived. Many modern scholars also believe that Hypatia may have edited the surviving text of Ptolemy’s Almagest, based on the title of her father Theon’s commentary on Book III of the Almagest.
Click hrough for bio. Her name survived into my lifetime as a decriptive term applied to a woman who was a teacher of, and or inspirational to, some dude (e.g., “His wife iwas his Hypatia.”) But that seems to have dropped out of common use, at least in the U.S.

Food For Thought:

Mar 062022

Glenn Kirschner on Stephanie Miller This was going to be the February recap but I bumped that for this.

Lincoln Project – Don Jr CPAC speech

MSNBC – ‘Criminal Conspiracy’: Raskin Lays Out Trump’s Potential Jan. 6 Crimes

Farron Balanced – Republican State Of The Union Response Was Dumber Than Expected

The Daily Show – Tyranol: The Drug For Conservatives Who Want to Forget They Praised Putin

Shirley Serban – A Song for Ukraine 2022 (hanky alert) We have seen Shirley’s work before – she is the person who created “Bohemian Catsody.” Now I know she has a whole channel, and I have bookmarked it.

Beau – Let’s talk about a Russian article from the future….

Mar 052022

Glenn Kirschner – NY Prosecutors Investigating Trump Resign, DA Alvin Bragg Refuses to Release Resignation Letters I am posting this because I am not hiding anything. But I would point out that a straight stick points two ways. And I have not forgotten that when Tish James jumped in in Trump** her office announced that they and the Manhattan DA’s office would be coordinating their efforts. I would expect that a major element of that coordination would be coordinating the order in which steps would be taken. Again, a straight stick points two ways. We don’t have evidence for either direction at this point.

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – February 28, 2022

Ring of Fire – Mitch McConnell Brutally Smacks Down Donald Trump And Rick Scott

MSNBC – Trump Crime? MAGA Riot Panel Reveals Evidence Of ‘Criminal Conspiracy’

Truth Matters – State of Democracy

Armageddon Update | What Is It Good For? (“Scream Sanity” indeed!)

Beau – Let’s talk about Psaki, Hawley, energy, and national security….

Mar 042022

Yesterday, I mentioned emptying my mailbox. I don’t think I said that I was expecting a package today which might be small enough to fit into the mailbox if it weren’t full. Well, that package came yesterday. So did four other packages from three different carriers. So did the one bill I still get by mail (I had seen it in Informed deliviery and already paid it at the website, so it can stay in the mailbox as long as it takes before I decide to bring it in.) What’s that saying – “it never rains but it pours”? I found it amusing.  Apparently supply chain issues are unwilling to mess with me.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

ProPublica – Let’s Recall What Exactly Paul Manafort and Rudy Giuliani Were Doing in Ukraine
Quote – It’s all detailed in a wide array of public documents, particularly a bipartisan 2020 Senate report on Trump and Russia. I was one of the journalists who dug into all the connections, as part of the Trump, Inc. podcast with ProPublica and WNYC. (I was in Kyiv, retracing Manafort’s steps, when Trump’s infamous call with Ukraine’s president was revealed in September 2019.) Given recent events, I thought it’d be helpful to put all the tidbits together, showing what happened step by step.
Click through for full summary. No new details – but it may be the first time it’s all been put together into one conected narrative.

The Guardian (opinion) – It’s time to confront the Trump-Putin network
Quote – This weekend, British investigative journalist Carole Cadwalladr said on Twitter, “We failed to acknowledge Russia had staged a military attack on the West. We called it ‘meddling.’ We used words like ‘interference.’ It wasn’t. It was warfare. We’ve been under military attack for eight years now.”
Click through for full editorial.  Some of us have bbeen saying this for a long time.  I remember it coming up in discussions about what constitutes treson under the Constitution.  It’s really good to see it being expressed by  a respected person in a respected news outlet.

Women’s History – Wikipedia – Lois W
Quote – Her marriage to Bill W. began to be challenging due to the combination of a series of ectopic pregnancies and his drinking problem. Lois began to work on programs to help families of alcoholics after Bill had gone through rehabilitation at Towns Hospital in 1934 and cofounded Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1935. The same 12-Steps of recovery used by AA were adopted by Al-Anon or Al-Anon Family Groups.
Click through for full bio. Lois would have been 131 today (she used to say her birthday was “the strongest day of the year.” It’s hard to forget that.) One ectopic pregnancy can be fatal – a series of them just beggars the imagination. So she had to be strong.

Food For Thought:
