So sorry I’m late. I had it ready bot forgot to post. Yesterday, the radio opera was Verdi’s “Ernani,” an early work, in a historic broadcast from 1962. For at least the last three years, the Met has been setting aside one broadcast for a historic performance, and they ask listeners to vote for whhich of ten or a dozen they would like to hear. I didn’t vote for “Ernani,” but I’m not surprised it won, because Leontyne Price. And the three male stars are equally prestigious to anyone who was listening to opera in the sixties. However, I voted for “Der Freischutz,” simply because one never hears it these days. But “Ernani” is almost as rare, and probably more interesting. One of the roles, the baritone, represents someone who actually lived and made history, though whether he was ever in love with Wlvira, or even whether she existed is doubtful. But Charles, Holo Roman Emperor, the fifth of that name, did exist, and was elected to that post by an “Electoral College” – a standing one, comprising princes (heads of state) of the countries within the empire. Charles, and Ernani (the tenor, an outlaw, as much due to politics as to poverty), and da Silva (the bass, a Spanish nobleman, and Elvira’s guardian) are all three in love with Elvira, who loves only Ernani. The character who strikes me as different from other characters in this opera, and indeed from most characters in opera is da Silva, who seems to think he’s Rodney Dangerfield, but unlike Dangerfield he means it seriously. I see no signs of him actually being persecuted – he just doesn’t always get his way (and who does?) But that victim mentality – almost a complex – may at least partially explain why he is so malicious. A play by Victor Hugo was the inspiraton for the opera.
Phillis Wheatley was America’s first black woman poet. This article picks her up at the auction at which she was sold upon arrival – which was pretty consequential – and goes from there, as does the book, with vatious little-known information. IMO she deserves to better known, and not just her name.
This is a segment from The Young Turks featuring a doctor discussing Trump**’s inability to produce the correct word for the context. No, it won’t convince any of his cultists. But what interested me was his use of the term “brain damage.” Virgil has brain damage with far less symptoms than Trump**) and he and I both know how he got it – he got it from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBIs are often closed head injuries, as Virgil’s was but not always, but in any case it’s unlikely that one would experience one and have no idea that something had happened. How else could one damage one’s brain? Drugs would be one. Some condition which involved anoxia could. Could some or all of these symptoms go back to his bout of CoViD-19, for which he was hospitalized? I’m no doctor, but I would say absolutely. There is increasing evidence that even mild CoViD-19 can cause damage to the brain.
The transcript of Hunter Biden’s testimony is 229 pages. This is shorter, and it’s a gift link.