Yesterday, A new story came out about a new political assault. The victim was a candidate for the Pennsylvania State House, which is about as far down the ballot as one can get, unless the municipality elects its dog catcher. But this attack also included an elderly man (69) and blows to the head causing unconsciousness. This is getting ridiculous. Crooks and Liars picked the story up from the local paper; there’s been no national coverage that I know of. Which makes me wonder how many other candidates for downballot offices are getting assaulted and we never hear about it.
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Short Takes –
Civil Discourse – A Tale of Two Arizona Voter Intimidation Cases
Quote – The lawyers at Protect Democracy, which represents the League of Women Voters, were busy assembling the evidence. It appears that it was the evidence they were able to put in front of the court in the second case that persuaded Judge Liburdi to reach a different outcome. The League requested an injunction to stop the voter intimidation and attached affidavits that set forth such serious claims that the Judge ordered a hearing, which took place [Novrmbrt 1]. I’m told that the testimony was very powerful…. The best part of the order requires the group to post, both on their website and on their Truth Social page, accurate information about Arizona drop box voting laws and a copy of the court’s orders. I’m imagining a lot of heads exploding when they’re told…the truth.
Click through for full article. Legal representation and the way evidence is presented matters as much as the evidence itself, and maybe more.
Crooks and Liars – Judge To True The Vote Founder: Comply Or Go To Jail
Thursday’s hearing, which took place on the 11th floor of the federal court building in downtown Houston, was the first time either Engelbrecht or Phillips have appeared in court in the matter. Engelbrecht and Phillips testified only after the judge demanded they do so — Hoyt needed their testimony so he could rule on whether the pair should be held in contempt of court for refusing, for weeks, to hand over information he’d ordered they produce to the plaintiffs.
Click through for details. The Arizona intimidators are comparable to Jan 6 participants. These two are more at the Roger Stone-Mike Lindell level.
Food For Thought