No ads today. just a retrospective on the life of Ruth Bader Ginsberg – including one from SNL – and some new petitions.
I have to say that a whole lot of “wypipo,” even now, are not aware of who the notorious B.I.G. is and therefore do not know whence the nickname comes. I find that a bit embarrassing myself.
It’s another sick painful day, here in the CatBox. I slept most of yesterday afternoon and last night. Nevertheless, I overslept this morning. WWWendy retuned greetings. This is my only article today, but I think it’s a good one. I hope to publish an article on SCOTUS/SCROTUS (Supreme Court/Republican anti-Constitutional VD) tomorrow, which will be busy, because Diana is coming to check in on me. Today is a Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, and I shall meditate as my Broncos travel to Pittsburg where the Stealers will try to steal their victory. I love you guys so much that I’m giving up part of my worship to finish this. May the Holy Ellipsoid Orb bless you all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:48 (average 6:17). To do it, click here. How did you do?
US Cases: 6,971,365 US Deaths: 203,880 Plus thousands of Trump’s* GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding from us
Short Takes:
From NY Times: Letters sent in recent days to the White House and to local law enforcement agencies in Texas contained the lethal substance ricin, and investigators are trying to determine whether other envelopes with the toxin were sent through the postal system, a law enforcement official briefed on the matter said on Saturday.
Investigators believe that the letters were sent from Canada and have identified a woman as a suspect, the official said.
The letter to the White House, which was addressed to President Trump, was intercepted, as were the letters to a detention facility and a sheriff’s office in Texas.
The envelope to the White House was caught at the final off-site processing facility where mail is screened before being sent to the White House mail room, according to a second law enforcement official. The Postal Service irradiates mail that is addressed to the White House and other federal agencies in the Washington area, and the mail is sorted in a facility that samples the air for suspicious substances.
I say with confidence that the woman in Canada who did this was NOT our Sasquatch! As much as knowing that Trump* was playing sizzle-checkers with his perv-pal Jeff Epstein, accomplishing his physical demise is God’s job. Ours is limited to accomplishing his political demise. I suspect this may be a false-flag, perpetrated by Republicane to paint Democrats as violent criminals or to give Resident Bone Spurs* an excuse to declare war on Canada. However, I condemn all who approve, support, and take part in such acts. It wrong, no matter who does it. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Who is Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s Front-Runner For Ginsburg’s Seat?
I think Republicans are most likely to go for confirmation in the “lame duck” Senate. If they make it appear that the left are winning this battle prior to the election, it could make Democrats feel overconfident. At the same time, this would send millions of desperate Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians (the exact opposite of real authentic Christians) scurrying to the polls in an attempt to kill Roe v. Wade. These pro-death hypocrites think the right to life begins at conception and ends at birth. After the election, GOP Senators can goose-step with their Fuhrer* and BBMMM with nothing left to lose. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast of past protest): Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Lucky Man
Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”
Not everywhere in the United States is experiencing wildfires this year – yet. But just because you cannot see it or even smell it does not mean it is not dangerous to you – and I don’t mean just indirectly. We need to be aware as much as we can.
What’s in wildfire smoke, and why is it so bad for your lungs?
The health impact of wildfire exposure depends in part on the fire itself and how much smoke a person breathes in, how often and for how long. AP Photos/Noah Berger
If I dare to give the coronavirus credit for anything, I would say it has made people more conscious of the air they breathe.
A friend texted me recently after going for a jog in the foothills near Boise, Idaho, writing: “My lungs are burning … explain what’s happening!!!”
A wildfire was burning to the east of town – one of hundreds of fires that were sending smoke and ash through communities in hot, dry western states. As an environmental toxicologist, I research how air pollution, particularly wood smoke, impacts human health and disease.
I gave my friend the short answer: The state had issued a yellow, or moderate, air quality index warning due in part to wildfires. The high temperature for the day was expected to reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and it was already approaching 90. That combination of high temperatures and elevated levels of particles from a fire can affect even healthy lungs. For someone with lung damage or respiratory illness, moderate levels of smoke particulate can exacerbate respiratory problems.
That’s only the start of the story of how wildfire smoke affects humans who breathe it. The rest, and how to stay healthy, is important to understand as the western wildfire season picks up.
What’s in wildfire smoke?
What exactly is in a wildfire’s smoke depends on a few key things: what’s burning – grass, brush or trees; the temperature – is it flaming or just smoldering; and the distance between the person breathing the smoke and the fire producing it.
The distance affects the ability of smoke to “age,” meaning to be acted upon by the sun and other chemicals in the air as it travels. Aging can make it more toxic. Importantly, large particles like what most people think of as ash do not typically travel that far from the fire, but small particles, or aerosols, can travel across continents.
Smoke from wildfires contains thousands of individual compounds, including carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. The most prevalent pollutant by mass is particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, roughly 50 times smaller than a grain of sand. Its prevalence is one reason health authorities issue air quality warnings using PM2.5 as the metric.
The human body is equipped with natural defense mechanisms against particles bigger than PM2.5. As I tell my students, if you have ever coughed up phlegm or blown your nose after being around a campfire and discovered black or brown mucus in the tissue, you have witnessed these mechanisms firsthand.
The really small particles bypass these defenses and disturb the air sacks where oxygen crosses over into the blood. Fortunately, we have specialized immune cells present in the air sacks called macrophages. It’s their job to seek out foreign material and remove or destroy it. However, studies have shown that repeated exposure to elevated levels of wood smoke can suppress macrophages, leading to increases in lung inflammation.
What does that mean for COVID-19 symptoms?
Dose, frequency and duration are important when it comes to smoke exposure. Short-term exposure can irritate the eyes and throat. Long-term exposure to wildfire smoke over days or weeks, or breathing in heavy smoke, can raise the risk of lung damage and may also contribute to cardiovascular problems. Considering that it is the macrophage’s job to remove foreign material – including smoke particles and pathogens – it is reasonable to make a connection between smoke exposure and risk of viral infection.
Recent evidence suggests that long-term exposure to PM2.5 may make the coronavirus more deadly. A nationwide study found that even a small increase in PM2.5 from one U.S. county to the next was associated with a large increase in the death rate from COVID-19.
Wildfire smoke pours over palm trees lining a street in Azusa, Calif., on Aug. 13, 2020. AP Images/Marcio Jose Sanchez
What can you do to stay healthy?
The advice I gave my friend who had been running while smoke was in the air applies to just about anyone downwind from a wildfire.
Stay informed about air quality by identifying local resources for air quality alerts, information about active fires, and recommendations for better health practices.
If possible, avoid being outside or doing strenuous activity, like running or cycling, when there is an air quality warning for your area.
Be aware that not all face masks protect against smoke particles. In the context of COVID-19, the best data currently suggests that a cloth mask benefits public health, especially for those around the mask wearer, but also to some extent for the person wearing the mask. However, most cloth masks will not capture small wood smoke particles. That requires an N95 mask in conjunction with fit testing for the mask and training in how to wear it. Without a proper fit, N95s do not work as well.
Establish a clean space. Some communities in western states have offered “clean spaces” programs that help people take refuge in buildings with clean air and air conditioning. However, during the pandemic, being in an enclosed space with others can create other health risks. At home, a person can create clean and cool spaces using a window air conditioner and a portable air purifier.
The EPA also advises people to avoid anything that contributes to indoor air pollutants. That includes vacuuming that can stir up pollutants, as well as burning candles, firing up gas stoves and smoking.
================================================================ Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, “can travel across continents” – I suppose there are things scarier than that, but not many, and not much. Although “can suppress macrophages” is also right up there. At least this article gives us some practical, personal advice on avoiding as much damage as possible – and you can’t do it for us; we must practice it ourselves. I think the best thing you can do for us at this point is to help inspire people to VOTE, and specifically to VOTE BLUE, no matter who, top to bottom. And then hang around for the fights which are certain to come, and help us prevail. Only then will we be able to start the real battle to prevent the end of the world as we know it.
Yesterday was Constitution Day, and POGO has prepared a quiz on “How well do you know the Constitution?” It has some tricks in it, but that is educational. No one is looking at your score but you.
This is one of Doug Jones’s own ads.
Meidas Touch – This may be too much truth for MAGAts to stomach.
Nuestro PAC – new to me, and added to the list to check.
RVAT – Olivia Troye
The Lincoln Project – the second one may need a hanky.
It’s another sick painful day here in the CatBox. Since I have to be up for Diana’s visit, I might as well put the time to good use with this article, but this is my only article today. Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update. WWWendy is coming a day late, because she works her bartending job tonight, and Diana can change my patch when she’s here. I’ll finish after Diana comes. Diana thinks I should call in. She does not think they’ll send me to the hospital. She thinks they’ll just set me up with the stent surgeon. TGIF!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:14 (average 4:43). To do it, click here. How did you do?
US Cases: 6,880,914 US Deaths: 202,307 Plus thousands of Trump’s GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding from us.
These stats come from worldometer, an international organization. The NY Times also uses their data. they are more accurate than US (Trump*-muzzled) stats.
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: A Michigan pastor has been hearing a whole lot from the public recently after sending an email to journalist Sarah Jeong—which was then posted by Jeong on her Twitter account. In the email, the christian (with a little “c”) David Muns threatens Jeong with genital mutilation, calling her a “bitter Asian woman.” The entirety of his statement will be discussed below, and includes graphic language, but those are the broad strokes.
Muns was supposedly responding to a meme that attributed a fake quote to Jeong, from her time on The New York Times editorial board. Someone (or someones) spent a good amount of time coming up with some wildly awful things to say about white folks and white children, and then attributed them all to Jeong. These quotes were debunked back in 2018, but Muns, not much for reading deeply into things, clearly missed the memo.
The nasty email that Muns sent reads: “How about if we took all the little bitter Asian women and had a lottery and cut their clits like the Muslims do. Not a very classy position is it, neither is your trashy little bitter personality towards white men. Only in a world where journalism is controlled by brain dead Liberals do you people even have jobs.”
If I were not feeling so bad, this typical Republican pseudo-Christian (the exact opposite of a real Christian) POS would get a parade! What a jerk! RESIST!!
From NY Times: When Donald J. Trump first ran for the White House, he promised to “come up with a great health plan,” one that would repeal the Affordable Care Act but replace it with something better while maintaining its biggest selling point: protecting people with pre-existing medical conditions.
Once elected, he swore he had a “wonderful plan” and would be “putting it in fairly soon.”
On Tuesday night, President Trump was at it again, during a town-hall-style meeting broadcast on ABC, where he was schooled by Ellesia Blaque, an assistant professor of Africana and ethnic literatures at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania. She told him she had a congenital illness, demanded to know what he would do to keep “people like me who work hard” insured — and cut him off when he tried to interrupt her.
“We’re going to be doing a health care plan very strongly, and protect people with pre-existing conditions,” Mr. Trump told her, adding, “I have it all ready, and it’s a much better plan for you.”
Amen. This lie is old bullshit. The only “health care” plan we’ll ever see from Trump* and/or the Republican Reich is RepubliCare. Those who can pay get overpriced care. Those who can’t pay get the RepubliCare Death Benefit. They get to die. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast of past protest): People Got To Be Free – The Rascals
It’s a crappy day here in the CatBox. I managed to eat this morning, but breakfast took over two hours. I’m feeling tired, pained, and down. I’m going back to bed. This is my only article today. I’ll be back in the saddle tomorrow, if I feel better. Happy Hump Day!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:57 (average 6:47). To do it, click here. How did you do?
US Cases: 6,789,877 US Deaths: 200,280 Plus thousands of Trump’s* GOP Plague murders Republicans are hiding from us Republicans reached another milestone. Next Republican goal? 250,000 by 11/3
Short Take:
From YouTube (a blast of past protest): JOAN BAEZ ~ Joe Hill ~
Joe Hill was a Union organizer, who was falsely accused of murder, convicted, and executed buy Utah Republicans. Tolerating Republican injustice anywhere guarantees it everywhere! Electing Republicans guarantees Republican injustice. RESIST!!
It’s a painful day here in the CatBox, and this is my only article. I don’t know whether this is a side effect of the inflammation from my treatment or a sign that my disease is getting worse, but I feel completely worn out; I am still having trouble eating, because my esophagus feels raw; and my back pain is worse. Tonight is a WWWendy night. What I do tomorrow will have to depend on how I feel. Tuesday is flush your Republicans day, and I’m sure I’ll be making a throne run before I publish this (success).
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:38). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update:
US Cases: 6,751,113 US Deaths: 199,148 Plus thousands of Trump’s* plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us
Religious Agony:
Stinking Orb! 🙁
Short Takes:
From NY Times: The top communications official at the powerful cabinet department in charge of combating the coronavirus made outlandish and false accusations on Sunday that career government scientists were engaging in “sedition” in their handling of the pandemic and that left-wing hit squads were preparing for armed insurrection after the election.
Michael R. Caputo, the assistant secretary of public affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of harboring a “resistance unit” determined to undermine President Trump, even if that opposition bolsters the Covid-19 death toll.
Mr. Caputo, who has faced intense criticism for leading efforts to warp C.D.C. weekly bulletins to fit Mr. Trump’s pandemic narrative, suggested that he personally could be in danger from opponents of the administration. “If you carry guns, buy ammunition, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s going to be hard to get,” he urged his followers.
He went further, saying his physical health was in question, and his “mental health has definitely failed.”
There is only one word to describe this asshole: Republican. See the following Short Take. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Sketchy Trump Official Reportedly Hijacking CDC Scientific Reports On Coronavirus
Why is it that Trump* seems to have an infinite supply of criminals who carry out the vile wishes of their Fuhrer and the Republican Reich? This is why we can’t trust CDC stats anymore. For that matter, we could trust NOTHING from the Republican Reich, long before they selected Trump* as Fuhrer. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast of past protest): Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) – 45 RPM – ORIGINAL MONO MIX
Ecclesiastes needs updating to include ‘a time to flush Republicans’! Protest like the 60s! RESIST!!
It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox, and I feel very tired. I overslept. The goop experiment I suggested to WWWendy Saturday was a total failure, and the resulting tumor-clog irritated the hell out of my esophagus, so the last two days have been painful. I thoroughly enjoyed my zoom meeting with my volunteer friends and some of my guys that have been released. I had a hard time recognizing them in street clothes, as I’ve never seen then in anything but prison blue and orange. My meeting with Diana was routine. The heat wave is over, and I have 10 days in the 70s and some 60s. Tonight my Broncos meditate on the Holy Ellipsoid Orb on Monday Night Football. I shall be in fervent prayer. Oh God! It’s Monday!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:42 (average 5:33). To do it, click here. How did you do?
US Cases: 6,715,194 US Deaths: 198,614 Plus thousands of Trump’s* plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Questions arose after the P.A. system at a Trump rally in Nevada accidentally blasted excerpts from Bob Woodward’s interviews with the President.
As supporters streamed into the rally, the customary sounds of such classic rock songs as “Fortunate Son” and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” were supplanted by audio of Trump acknowledging that the coronavirus was far deadlier than a flu.
After Trump was heard revealing the details of a previously secret weapons program, campaign aides frantically disconnected the P.A. system and started scrambling for an explanation.
LOL, Andy! Obviously this didn’t really happen, but just the thought of it happening is sufficient to provoke wet dreams! RESIST!!
From Crooks and Liars: Fresh on the heels of spreading hoax rumors about “antifa buses” coming to rural towns to create mayhem, right-wing conspiracists eager to spread the narrative about the supposed existential threat posed by black-clad antifascist activists have a hot new fraud for their armies of gullible social-media followers: The forest fires raging along the West Coast from California to Washington are an antifa plot!
The rumors—spread first by far-right activists, then parroted by followers living in areas where the fires are raging—claim that a handful of arrests for arson in unrelated fires are proof that the fires are being coordinated by leftists intending harm to befall rural Trump-supporting regions. “It’s the antifa burning EVERYTHING down!” shrieked one QAnon believer who chimed in on Twitter.
Among the leading spreaders of the false rumors is a right-wing online publication catering to police officers, Law Enforcement Today, which posted an article claiming that the “wildfires on the West Coast may be a ‘coordinated and planned’ attack.”
“Law enforcement throughout the west coast is reportedly being put on alert to look out for ‘opportunists’ and those who may have more sinister motives,” the article claimed. It then went on to list six arson incidents either related to the fires or in their general vicinity, but offered no evidence that they were coordinated in any fashion.
Of course there is no evidence that this is true and ample evidence that lightning strikes ignited the fires. The biggest danger to spreading garbage like this is that it will inspire a few QPoop wing-nuts to light fires and blame them on the left. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast for JD): Luciano Pavarotti sings “Nessun dorma” from Turandot (The Three Tenors in Concert 1994)
There is a voice as beautiful as Trump’s* is ugly! Protest like Pavarotti sings! RESIST!!