Yesterday, I managed to remember it was Father’s Day in time to wish Virgil a happy one. The prison dog’s handler brought him out to say happy Father’s Day to all the visitors. And of course we played cribbage. Two weeks ago the cards were seriusly hot – we were seeing scores up as high as 24. Yesterday not so much. The highest score all afternoon was 16, and there were only 3 hands all afternoon which achieved that score. But who cares – we were having fun.
Before we get too giddy over the Supremes approving mifeprestone (for now), we need to look deeper. Robert Hubell does. There are several topics here, but each has its own large type headline, so it’s not hard to find. And some of the other topics are pretty interesting also.
Yes, it took me a while to get this up. But I try to minimize bad news over a weekend. At least there are influential people who see right through this and are doing their best to spread reality. Unfortunately, the media is not among them.
Yesterday, Trinette’s son Zach was by to “mow the grass” (a very charitable euphemism for “mow thw weeds. And I did reach the exterminator, who confirmed they are coming in the late afternoon tomorrow. So that’s all good. Also, as I’m sure youall know, Hunter Biden was convicted of a gun felony. And then too, in case anyone cares, I looked up the no paywall link to the Rolling Stone article which captures the Alitos’ real political ideas. It’s here. And one last thing – the Theater of War production scheduled for 6 pm Eastern today was featured on PBS News Hour over the weekend and the segment can be streamed here if anyone is interested. I’m sure they aren’t finished with this project.
The Southern Poverty Law Center calls this geoup “The greatest threat to democracy you’ve never heard of.” The HuffPost Fringe shares the information.
I do hope TFG (Can also stand for That Felon Guy) doesn’t actually try this. However, as Virgil’s mother used to say, “Xit in one habd and hope in the other and see which gets filled first.
Yesterday, the Election Department advised me that my primary ballot is in the mail, and CPR advised me who the Deocratic candidates are for the 5th District. i’m not familiar with either name, so I’ll have to look both up. My district is the only one in the state which has never sent a Democrat to Congress, and we may well not get DNC support. However, two things are different this year. First, the District has gotten much smaller because of people moing in – which makes us more urban – and second, there is no incumbent. So it’s not impossible for us to have a chance. I’ll be voting this one with my head rather than my heart.
You may have seen this story – I’ve seen a couple of things on PFAs – but this is not just the story but the investigation details, straight from Pro Publica. When Pro Publica is shocked, the rest of us need to pay attention.
Robert Reich shows how the hard realities of income equality can (and do, and that’s no accident) get lost in statistics. I think of the old adage “Figures don’t lie. But liars do figure.”
Yesterday was pretty quiet. Today I will be getting in touch with my plumber, because over the weekend, my mud room developed a pond. It’s right between my water heater and my washing machine, so I don’t know which is at faultBut whatever it is, it needs to be gone.
I’m not going to embed this, nor count is as an article, because it is not political. What it is about is how, when you post a comment on the internet (especically when it isn’t answered on the site, you have no idea how much it may impact someone. And you may never know. Humility is a good thing, but it’s possible to be too humble about what we do here, and easy to get discouraged. Please don’t get discouraged. (Oh, BTW, hanky alert)
Hanky alert here too. I can actually see why MAGAts would hate people like Steve and Skyler – because they are nearly impossible to live up to, their existence lays bare all the failings of the right.
I’m not ceazy about predictions, especially ones that depend on people I don’t know. But this is amusing. On that jury, I would have fit in well.
Yesterday, I saw another Parody Project production. I’m not sure it’s new, but it is delightful. (The original song is IMO deplorable, but this may redeem it.) Also, Trinette was by (and returns greetings). I had a whole bunch of stuff- trash, recyclables, and charity – which I needed help getting it out. After seeing Virgil, despite coming home exhausted, I had a burst of energy over the week. That helped me with the decision to start making it every other week to see him.
This site was down yesterday evening, but should be up today . (And I don’t want to hear a single word about a PhD candidate using a double negative. There’s more to brains than formal grammar.)
Yesterday, I got two petitions which I did not sign (along with a bunch of others that I did sign.) Both were from Left Action (I don’t know whether it is a wing of Care2/The Petition Site, that is who hosts its petitions.) The first one I saw (the second I received becaue I read my emails from the top down) was addressed to Judge Merchan and was headed “Don’t let Trump’s lawyers get a mistrial.” The problem is that it is addressed to the judge. Prople not involved in the trial pushing the judge to rule a certain way could be construed as obstruction of justice. The other one was regarding remmoving Aileen Cannon from the Mar-a Lago case. It didn’t specifically say it was addressed to the Citcuit Court (I forget which District that is), but I had to assume that it is, since that’s the only body which can do what is petitioned. I’m not saying no one can petition the courts, but this is not the way. Such a petition would have to come from someone with standing, like a group which had filed an amicus brief. We have all gotten so accustomed to “Don’t like something? Sign/start a petition that we have lost sight of the need to address those petitions to the entity which can actually act on them, and that entity had better not be someone in the justice system for whome the petiton could be construed as obstruction. Judge Merechan has been doing everything he possibly can from the day the case was assigned to him to insure there will be no mistrial. This petition could even conceivably increase the chances of a mistrial, not reduce them, if it is actually delivered and Trump**’s defense team find out about it. Both petitions were from n email address which can apparently be responded to, since i did and haven’t received a non-delivery notice. I hope y’all will consider this concerning these and any other petition involving any court. You can probably petition the prosecutor, maybe even the defense, but please, not the judge.
At least this is good news – if, as Ben said, we can keep it. I can guarantee that, should Trump** win, we cannot. And even if he doesn’t, if enough of his followers get into/stay in Congress, I certainly wouldn’t guarantee being able to keep it.
More proof that it’s not about life, it’s about control. With my age and experience, I probably shouldn’t be – but I was shocked by the sheer volume.
I don’t see how any sane person can fail to be in awe of Volodomyr Zelensky. Eleven assassination attempts and still trucking. Fly high, Ukrainian Guy!
Yesterday, catching up on my email, I came across the comment (about Trump**) that “None of his family has showed up to support him.” Not that this is the first time I have seen it, sometimes with the variant “or friends” (he has no friends), but it was the first time it occurred to me that he probably would not consider their showing up to be support at all. He would see it as scene-stealing, and he’d be furious.
This short (2 minutes) video from the Center for Media and Democracy is about the movement on the right to have a new Constitutional Convention. I don’t like scaring people, but fear exists because it has survival value (in this case the survival of democracy.) We don’t need to panic – it’s not helpful – but we do need to be aware of it. The text under the video (I needed to click “more”) provides two links to more information.
After that, I need – and probably you do too – something upbeat. Colorado Public Radio doesn’t always deliver that – but today they came through.
Yesterday, going through my inbox, I was seeing message subjects like “I underestimated House Speaker Mike Johnson” (Steve Schmidt) and “Mike Johnson Grows Spine And Passes Ukrainian Aid Package” (Wonkette) and “Mike Johnson Measured UP” (also Steve Schmidt) and “Ukrainian Army Celebrates Major Victory Over M – oh, wait, that was Borowitz. Y’all may be seeing some similar ones, since we don’t all get the same emails. Hey, I like the result, but I don’t like the tendency to make Mike Johnson a hero. Yes, Johnson put some foreign aid through and got it passed – four bills – and he did it by making a deal with Hakeem Jeffries. There are multiple theories on the details of the deal – because they are not confirmed I won’t cite any – but I have only seen one comment to the effect that “This was very clever. It looks like something Mitch McConnell might do.” I agree. Yes, he got it done, but don’t go tinking he did it out of the goodness of his heart. We – by which I mean not only us here, but Democrats in Congress – need to watch him very carefully, and to look very carefully at the details of any future proposed deals, and negotiate firmly.
Robert Hubbell looks at the Ukraine vote with particular attention to the margin by which it passed, and extrapolates that in a way which, while not as positive as it might be, yet is more positive than many of us have been thinking. I hope he’s right – or that, if he’s wrong, the reality is even better.
Heather Cox Richardson memoralizes the history of Earth Day, among other things pointing out that environmentalism used to be bipartisan – or, better, to transcend partisan politics.