Feb 052022

Yesterday, I got the emails down to under 1700. I also found a way to increase how many I can delete at a time, so one more day may possibly do it. After that, I need to deal with some notofications and updates, but not all that many. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

CNN – Arizona Republican House speaker effectively dooms GOP bill to allow state legislature to reject election results
Quote – The speaker assigns all new bills to a committee for consideration before they can have full House votes, a choice that often has a great effect on a measure’s chance of success. But on Tuesday, Bowers took the unprecedented step of ordering all 12 House committees to consider the elections bill, virtually ensuring it will never reach the floor.
Click through for more. I have to say this is creative – and Democrats should pay attention. This is a technique which could be useful.

Two stories – one subject.
NBC News – A black man in Michigan tried to deposit checks at his bank. The manager called police.
MSN/WaPo – A Black doctor says she was refused service at a bank because of her race: ‘I felt like a criminal’
Click thrugh for individual details. Different states, different genders, different dollar amounts, but the same story. Either or both would be a great argument for restoring Postal Banking … if we had a sane Postmaster General. (My understading is Republicans in the Senate are dragging their feet on confirming nominees to the Board of Governors.) Meanwhile, I’d recommend Credit Unions. That’s not a guarantee, however.

The Conversation – Biden sending more troops to Eastern Europe – 3 key issues behind the decision
The Issues – 1. Does Biden have the authority to do this?
2. Have other U.S. presidents done something similar?
3. Why is Biden sending more troops to Europe?
Click through for all three discussions. I’m not a foreign policy expert, so fairly open-ended discussions like this are helpful to me.

Food For Thought:

Jan 262022

Yesterday, I looked at the WordPress update and how to install it, and learned that I will need to do a manual backup. While it is going on (and possibly also during the installation), the site will be in “maintenence mode” so I want to make sure to give some notice. Sure, I can do it inthe middle of the night – but I don’t want to be doing it in that part of the middle of the night which is when Lona is able to comment. Today is Wednesday – I won’t do it tonight. Instead, I’ll plan on Thursday night (Friday in Oz). So if anyone is up and looking at some odd hour Thursday night/Friday morning, and you can’t get in, please be patient.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Quote – To appreciate the nature of this new crop of bills, it is helpful to focus on legislation from a single state: Indiana. With eight bills currently under consideration, only Missouri (at 19) has made a greater contribution. Of the eight in Indiana, all target public K-12 schools, two target private K-12 as well, six would regulate speech in public colleges and universities, four affect various state agencies, and two threaten public libraries. All are sweeping, all are draconian, and few make any kind of sense.
Click through for story, with illustrative examples. PEN America’ main focus is free speech, but it also does prison work, encouraging creativity in writing, nd rewarding some of the best.

First look: Biden inaugural to blanket airwaves today [Jan 20]
Quote – The committee, which was nominated for an Emmy, is spending several million dollars in leftover inaugural funds to air the ad on broadcast and cable TV today…. “In recognition of the President’s first year in office, the Biden-Harris Presidential Inaugural Committee believed it was important to celebrate the strength and perseverance of the American people in the face of extraordinary adversity, just as we did a year ago today.”
Click through for article. Yes, this is about a video, and yes, yhat video will show up in the video thread. But it’s more than just a video. There’s a story attached, and that should not be missed.

The Conversation – 5 things to know about why Russia might invade Ukraine – and why the US is involved
Quote – Military support for Ukraine and political and economic sanctions are ways the U.S. can make clear to Moscow that there will be consequences for its encroachment on an independent country. The risk, otherwise, is that the Kremlin might undertake other military and political actions that would further threaten European security and stability.
Click thrugh for article, which you may want to keep for reference.  Heather Cox Richarrdson also has some thoughts – and informtaion.

Bonus Borowitz: Biden Proves Mental Sharpness by Accurately Identifying Peter Doocy

Food For Thought:

Jan 152020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox.  It’s cold out, and we had a light dusting of snow.  WWWendy will come this evening to de-stink the raunchy TomCat, help with chores, and put out my out clothes for tomorrow.  Tomorrow is my preliminary appointment with the thoracic surgeon, who will excise my lung tumors.  I leave at around 7:00 AM and return around Noon.  Therefore, please expect no more than a minimal Personal Update from me tomorrow.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:44 (average 8:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Rudolph Giuliani’s offer to act as Donald J. Trump’s defense attorney at the President’s impeachment trial has received unanimous support from congressional Democrats, who are now demanding that he perform such a role.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer told reporters on Tuesday that Giuliani’s participation as Trump’s lawyer during his Senate trial was, as far as they were concerned, “nonnegotiable.”

“Rudy Giuliani has demonstrated over the past three years that he can represent the President as no one else can,” Pelosi said. “If he is not the President’s lawyer in the Senate, that would be a deal-breaker for me.”

Concurring with Pelosi, Schumer added, “My Democratic colleagues in the Senate are prepared to pay Mr. Giuliani’s hourly fees, in cash, to make this thing happen.”

Dang, Andy! That would be wonderful! With Rudy 911 representing his Fuhrer, even Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch might vote to convict and remove!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Shocking New Evidence Rocks Trump Impeachment Before Senate Trial


Marie Jovanovich should be very, very afraid. Robert F. Hyde, the Republican congressional candidate stalking her for Trump*, looks like as vile a Republican pervert as Judge Roy Moore, Injustice Kavanookie, or even the biggest pervert of all, impeached Fuhrer Trump*.  RESIST!!

From CBS: [BREAKING] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has revealed the impeachment managers for President Trump’s upcoming Senate trial, naming the members who will prosecute the case against the president on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

She announced her selections Wednesday morning:

  • House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff
  • House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler
  • Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
  • Congressman Hakeem Jeffries
  • Congresswoman Val Demings
  • Congressman Jason Crow
  • Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia

Godspeed, one and all!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Pictures of Matchstick Men


I love the wah wah guitar in this one! Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 142020

Not long ago, Impeached Resident Donald Trump*, Fuhrer of the Republican Reich, withheld the Congressionally mandated military aid to Ukraine, and blackmailed Ukrainian President Zelensky to find or manufacture dirt on Joe Biden, arising from his son’s questionable employment at Burisma.  Burisma is the Ukrainian gas company and was notorious for corruption when Hunter was there.  But Trump* and his Reich handled the crime with such extreme incompetence, that they accomplished only Trump’s impeachment to become Trump*.  Still needing dirt on the Biden’s, the Republican Reich has called in Trump’s* boss to do the job right, Vladimir Putin [R-RU].


With President Trump facing an impeachment trial over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden, Russian military hackers have been boring into the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the affair, according to security experts.

The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.

It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidensthe same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign. In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Russia is trying to steal another election for Putin’s Pet Pervert, but exactly what are they up to?  Both Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell have coverage:

Rep. Adam Schiff: NYT New Russian Hacking Report ‘Deeply Disturbing’


Fmr. FBI Official: ‘This Is A Full-On Attack On Our 2020 Election’


Here are the possibilities I see:

  1. Russia is fishing for dirt, because they think Biden would beat their puppet, Trump*.
  2. Russia thinks Trump* can beat Biden, and think their investigation will make Biden more likely to win.
  3. Russia is just trying to create chaos an confusion to frustrate American voters and turn them off to the process.
  4. Russia want’s Biden to win the nomination and found dirt on Joe and Hunter to spring as an October surprise.

The last choice worries me most, but I do have a suggestion.  Joe and Hunter should both volunteer to testify at Trump’s* impeachment trial to show they have nothing to hide.  On the other hand, if there is something to hide, Joe should drop-out now for the sake of the nation.


Jan 052020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox, as WWWendy will be here in less than two hours.  I couldn’t keep my supper down last night, but I did manage a small bowl of Cheerios this morning.  Yesterday I meditated on the Holy Orb.  Congrats Pat.  Was that a comeback, or what?  Kudos to Tennessee, for eliminating the team that licks Trump’s* sphincter!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:02 (average 4:53). To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): CNN legal analyst: We’re just now seeing how big the Ukraine cover up is


Doesn’t this make it plain to see why Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch is so anxious to prevent witness testimony at the sham trial he plans to protect his Fuhrer, Trump*?  RESIST!!

From BBC: President Trump has warned the US is “targeting” 52 Iranian sites and will strike “very fast and very hard” if Tehran attacks Americans or US assets.

The president’s remarks followed the US assassination of Qasem Soleimani, a top Iranian general, in a drone strike.

Soleimani’s killing was a major escalation between the two nations, and Iran vowed to take “severe revenge”.

Writing on Twitter, Mr Trump accused Iran of “talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets”.

He said the US had identified 52 Iranian sites, some “at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture”, and warned they would be “HIT VERY FAST AND HARD” if Tehran struck at the US.

The president said the targets represented 52 Americans who were held hostage in Iran for more than a year from late 1979 after they were taken from the US embassy in Tehran.

I understand Fuhrer Trump also said some were cultural sites, indicating his intent to attack civilians, while Iran stated that their retaliation would be against military targets. Trump and the Republican Reich are now threatening the war crime of military terrorism against women and children.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Jefferson Starship – White Rabbit – 11/8/1975 – Winterland (Official)


Is this long instrumental cool, or what? Ah… the memories!!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Dec 222019

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is due in about 90 minutes, and we have lots of chores to do.  Tomorrow I have my GI appointment.  I fear that they will just schedule me for tests at the lab.  I so hope I’m wrong.  I need some relief NOW!  I should be back in the saddle on Christmas Eve.  Go Broncos.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:37 (average 5:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From NY Times: American military and intelligence officials tracking North Korea’s actions by the hour say they are bracing for an imminent test of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching American shores, but appear resigned to the fact that President Trump has no good options to stop it.

If the North goes ahead with the test in the coming days — Pyongyang promised a “Christmas gift” if no progress had been made on lifting sanctions — it would be a glaring setback for Mr. Trump’s boldest foreign policy initiative, even as he faces an impeachment trial at home.

The score? Fat Korean Maniac 2 – Fat Russian-controlled Maniac 0.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): A REPUBLICAN CHRISTMAS – Parody | The Freedom Toast (Guest Post)


Magnificent! The Republican Reich hope they die soon. JD send me an update on them, please.  RESIST!!

From TPM: According to newly released documents, the White House moved to freeze military aid to Ukraine less than two hours after President Donald Trump’s July 25th call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The documents were obtained with a FOIA request by the Center for Public Integrity and published Friday night. 

“Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process,” Mike Duffey, an Office of Management and Budget official, wrote in a July 25 email to OMB and Pentagon officials. “Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction.”… [emphasis added]

So what we have here is an order from imFuhrer Trump* to hold up the aid and cover up the act of doing it. That’s a criminal violation of the Impoundment ActRESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Rascals People Got To Be Free


Ah… The memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!
