Yesterday, after a nice quiet Easter, my inbox kept filling up again after I’d empty it. It wasn’t as bad as it gets at the ends of months (and, even worse, quarters), but it was a smmall annoyance. Obviously, I sirvived (grin). I am still knitting crutch covers. It took me until the fifth one to finally optimize the casting on process … but I learned a lot from that, so it was well worth it.
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Short Takes –
The New Yorker [Jane Mayer] – The Slime Machine Targeting Dozens of Biden Nominees
Quote – [S]ince at least 1987, when President Ronald Reagan unsuccessfully nominated Robert Bork to be a Justice, the fights over Supreme Court nominees have been especially nasty. Yet the A.A.F.’s approach represents a new escalation in partisan warfare, and underscores the growing role that secret spending has played in deepening the polarization in Washington.
Click through for details. Things just seem to get worse and worse sometimes.
POGO – Misconduct at CBP Runs Deep, and Congress Must Address this Systemic Problem
Quote – For years, officers and agents from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the largest law enforcement agency in the country, have faced few consequences for mistreating migrants, even when their assaults were captured on film — even when they killed people. A new investigation from the Project On Government Oversight now shows that this lack of accountability has shielded some CBP agents from being held accountable for other unconscionable behavior as well.
Click through for specifics. In the United States today, any group that does any policing should, sadly, be automatically suspect. That runs deep, and far too few peole are willing to even look at it, let alone do something about it.
Democratic Underground (demmiblue) – A Bowl for Ukraine
Quote – Not only that, he had over 20,000 orders for bowls and chopping boards, which, he calculated, would take him 32yrs to fulfil. And now the press were knocking at the door. It was a lot to take in for a wee lad of 12yrs…. But Gabriel was certain of one thing – he wanted to share the kindness. So instead of carving 20,000 bowls, he would carve just one special one – his #BowlForUkraine
Click through for story. If you needed some hope after those first two … well, I did too.
Food For Thought (crude, yes – but clever)