May 122022

Yesterday, I woke up from a nightmare.I was talking with Mitch McConnell and he said something which almost made sense. It was horrible. I never used to dream about public figures Sigh.
Today is May 12. I’m using a cartoon made by TC, but every year on May 12 I remember that when I was a freshman in college and still visiting my high school bridge club because I didn’t feel ready for tournament bridge (this would have been 1963), every time there was a trick with four face cards, it was obligatory for someone to say, “Summit Conference.” And on a trick with three face cards it was obligatory for someone to sat, “May 12th.” (because on May 12, 1960, Khrushchev walked out on the summit conference.) Just one of those trivial to the point of being idiotic things that one can’t seem to forget. (And it really wouldn’t make a good cartoon, anyway. Too much explanation needed.)

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Short Takes –

The Daily Beast- A Second MAGA Clerk in Colorado Also Breached Voting Machines
Quote – Schroeder, who did not return a request for comment, is the second Colorado clerk accused of breaching voting machines under his supervision. The other clerk, Tina Peters of Mesa County, is currently facing a barrage of criminal charges for allegedly stealing a local tech worker’s identity, illegally copying her county’s election data, and leaking it to election fraud conspiracy theorists last spring. She later appeared at Lindell’s “cyber symposium” on supposed voter fraud where she implied, incorrectly, that the stolen data suggested election malfeasance against Donald Trump.
Click through for details. Colorado is a blue state if Democrats vote. But ever since Focus on the Family decided to settle in Colorado Springs, RWNJs all over the state have become more amd more loud and obnoxious. And lawless. Here’s a related article.

Crooks and Liars – ‘Songbird Of Mariupol’ Wants The World To Know That She’s Still Alive
Quote – For she is singing in a bomb shelter amid the shattered hell of Mariupol, accompanied by a low murmur from a chorus line of men sitting beside her. Her name is Kateryna. She joined the army last year after completing her music studies and, at the age of 21, she finds herself fighting for her life as a member of the heroic band of Ukrainian fighters making a desperate last stand in a besieged factory.
Click through for story and video. The video has CC (I don’t speak Ukrainan, but it looks good), and you can just tell she has a lovely voice, maybe perfect pitch, but the “accompaniment” doesn’t help.

AP News – Ambassador nominee for Ukraine seeks quick embassy reopening
Quote – Bridget Brink, who has spent the majority of her 25-year diplomatic career in former Soviet republics, spoke to members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ahead of what’s expected to be her easy Senate confirmation…. Committee Republicans and Democrats alike Tuesday emphasized getting Brink confirmed and in place in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, as soon as possible, as Ukraine’s forces are in their fourth month of battling invading Russian troops, with the help of an extraordinary campaign of military and financial support by the United States and European allies.
Click through (it’s short). Let’s not forget the last Ambassador, Marie (Masha) Yovanovitch. Like (and along with) LtCol Vindman, she demonsrated truth and honor in the face of a world-class bully. Big shoes to fill. I wish Bridget Brink all the best.

Food For Thought

May 082022

Glenn Kirschner – Don Jr. testifies to J6 congressional committee. Will he AGAIN be referred to DOJ for perjury?

Meidas Touch – Psaki HUMILIATES Fox News reporter with perfect response to stupid question on SCOTUS decision

Thom Hartmann – Roe v Wade Overturned Will Make Florida a Killing

Truth Matters – Sarah Right To Choose with Sarah Klee-Hood

Robert Reich – The End of Roe v. Wade?

Armageddon Update – The Stench of Musk (a little late to the party, but still worth seeing)

Beau – Let’s talk about Russians and John Deere….

May 062022

Glenn Kirschner – Draft opinion shows Supreme Court about to revoke women’s constitutional privacy rights

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Supreme Court Justices Lying UNDER OATH!

Rebel HQ – Ojeda v. Gaetz

Really American – GOP Plans To Take Right to Privacy (It’s been suggested that future movemets for abortion [and birth control] should not focus on the 14th Amendment but on the 13th, which prohibits involuntary servitude, and I concur.)

VoteVets – The Moment

Kalush Orchestra – Stefania – Ukraine 🇺🇦 – Official Music Video – Eurovision 2022
This is Ukraine’s entry in the Eurovision Son Contest (May 14). You can read more about it and about the contest here

Beau – Let’s talk about 10 propaganda techniques you’ll see in the midterms….

May 062022

Yesterday, as I expected, it was sunny, so I got out to run the car. I also checked google maps to make sure i remembered the route, and check the time. they say 46 minutes. If I add 10 minutes toget gas and amother 10 to get lost (because this is not one facility but 5 , and I don’t know how hard ir will be to find the visitation center that serves all of them, I need to leave before 7:00. But I am likely not to post Erintes until I get back, even if I have it ready the night before (which I certainly plan to), or send out the email either. That will give anyone else who may want to put up a post more time to do so and still be included in the email. (also, sorry about getting the posts backwards yesterday.  I put up the video one first because I had the material together first, and forgot that when I was schedulimg.  Almost did it again today.  Scatterbrain.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Daily Beast – The One Mistake Putin Is Dying for Us to Make
Quote – After [World War II], some top [German] generals claimed that in 1938, when Hitler began threatening Czechoslovakia, they were planning to oust him if it looked like he was about to plunge Germany into a war with the West that it was not prepared for at that point. Whatever the accuracy of their accounts, any resolve they may have had evaporated when British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and French Premier Edouard Daladier acquiesced to the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia by signing the infamous Munich agreement that September.
Click through for op-ed. Like any opinion piece, it may be wrong. Even when grounded in history – as it points out, there is a lot of history, and which part of history one looks at influences one’s opinions. But it makes a strong point.

Denverite – Some local Chicano murals are being recognized nationally as endangered — which could help preserve them. Quote: [Huitzilopochtli]

Click through for story. “Huitzilopochtli” means “Hummingbird Warrior.”  (What, you expected a verbal quote for an art story?)

Opinion: The Republican blueprint to steal the 2024 election
Quote – The Republicans’ mystifying claim to this day that Trump did, or would have, received more votes than Joe Biden in 2020 were it not for actual voting fraud, is but the shiny object that Republicans have tauntingly and disingenuously dangled before the American public for almost a year and a half now to distract attention from their far more ambitious objective. That objective is not somehow to rescind the 2020 election, as they would have us believe. That’s constitutionally impossible. Trump’s and the Republicans’ far more ambitious objective is to execute successfully in 2024 the very same plan they failed in executing in 2020 and to overturn the 2024 election if Trump or his anointed successor loses again in the next quadrennial contest.
Click through for op-ed. Yes, two op-eds in one day. The author of this one is by no means a liberal or progressive, and maybe that makes it easier for him to see what the Republican Party is up to – we liberals and progressive believe in basic human goodness, after all. But we need to learn when not to – and what to do about it. There’s some commentary in New York Magazine here.

Food For Thought

May 042022

Glenn Kirschner – From a corrupt Supreme Court justice to upcoming J6 public hearings: Legal Recap for April 2022

The Lincoln Project – Truth Matters

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen REACTS to Georgia Trump Grand Jury

WHCD – Trevor Noah on Fox (but his best line was addressed to Chuck Todd – “I’d ask you a follow-up, but I know you don’t know what that is.”

Liberal Redneck – SCOTUS Overturning Roe v Wade

Puppet Regime – Zelensky Visits the Big Apple

Beau – Let’s talk about how Russia could do things differently…. (I love this… I didn’t see it coming – but now I’ve said that, you likely will.)

May 042022

Yesterday, I received confirmation for my visit to Virgil this Sunday. I would have receuved it Monday if I hadn’t made a proofreading error which I had to clarify. I’m both relieved and a little sad that I got the approval in spite of the delay, because May 8 is Mothers’ Day. But maybe the mothers of inmates who are not only children are visiting other days on the weekend. I hope so. Anyway, I’ll be there.

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Short Takes –

Twitter – Statement of President Biden on reported Spureme Court draft    Quote:

Click through – the link is to Twitter – it should allow you to click on the full statement and see a larger image. Of course there are a gazillion actions already set up, and it won’t do any haem to join one or more. (Update: Chief Justice Roberts confirmed the draft yesterday)

Daily Kos (Community) – Ukraine Invasion Day 69: irony might yet win the war
Quote – Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to undergo cancer surgery and temporarily hand over power to a hardline former federal police chief, according to a new report. Putin will transfer control of Russia’s government to Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian federal police’s Security Council, while he is incapacitated….
Click through for a little more on this and a lot more on the war in general.

No More Mister Nice Blog – Who Are Right-Wingers When They’re At Home?
Quote – [T]he teams working on Fox’s evening lineup began to make wider use of expensive ratings data known as “minute-by-minutes.” Unlike the “quarter-hour” ratings more commonly used in cable newsrooms, which show how each 15-minute “block” performed, the minute-by-minutes allow producers to scrutinize an audience’s real-time ebb and flow. Mr. Carlson … was among the network’s most avid consumers of minute-by-minutes, according to three former Fox employees….
Click through for article. This blog is in our blog roll, and does great work – but I usually find it when Crooks and liars lifts fro it.

Food For Thought

May 032022

Glenn Kirschner – J6 hearings to start 6/9; how many Republican pols will refuse to testify, joining The Cover Up Club

Lincoln Project – Russian Rand Paul

Really American – Republicans MELTDOWN Over Student Loan Forgiveness

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to megaviral #WeirdGOP Video

Ojeda Live – Disgusting and UnAmerican… Yep That’s the GQP!

Twitter – QAnon Anonymous

Beau – Let’s talk about Gerasimov, the most sought after man in the world…

Apr 302022

Glenn Kirschner – More audiotapes show Republicans McCarthy, Gaetz, Scalise and Mo Brooks feeding on one another

Meidas Touch – Catholic Politician REACTS to Marjorie Taylor Greene Calling Catholics ‘Satanic’

Lincoln Project – Last Week In The Republican Party – April 27, 2022

Democracy Now – Juan Gonzlez: In Surprise Move, Gorsuch Challenges U.S. Colonialism in SCOTUS Ruling on Puerto Rico (this really is jaw-dropping!)

No on H -Stop the Republican Con – Judges and Police agree [This ad being pushed by the DA they are trying to recall]

Rocky Mountain Mike – You Sank My Battleship

Beau – Let’s talk about Transnistria, the unknown, and new develops for Ukraine….
