Sep 082022

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Cannon’s unjustified special master ruling; Barron’s bedroom; and DOJ’s continued inaction (Southern District of Florida appeals to the Eleventh Circuit. The SCOTUS justice assigned to the Eleventh Circuit is Clarence Thomas. God help us)

Meidas Touch – Top British Broadcaster SLAMS Mainstream Media FREAKOUT over Biden’s Pro-Democracy Speech

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party, Sep. 6, 2022

MSNBC – Not Everyone With ‘Political Integrity’ Should Run, Says Writer (Long, but good point[s])

“Honest Russian Army Ad”

Beau – Let’s talk about the loneliest man on Earth….

Sep 072022

Glenn Kirschner – In sequence, this would have been the monthly recap, so I’m using this clip.

Meidas Touch – Newsmax Guest TURNS ON TRUMP live on air leaving hosts SPEECHLESS

The Lincoln project – Biden vs Trump

Twitter – Joe responds to heckler during Labor Day speech (This includes the full heckler remarks – the Lincoln Project cut it for clarity)

Mrs. Betty Bowers – Stupidest People in Congress Awards (from May – somehow I missed it.)

Beau – Let’s talk about preparing for the next 2 months….

Sep 012022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s demand for Special Master moot? DOJ already reviewed the evidence of crime seized from Trump

Meidas Touch – Biden goes FULL DARK BRANDON, BLASTS Republicans in Speech of the Year ( haven’t nbeen sharing or talking about “Dark Brandon” memes, because I kind of think they’re silly. But I do get that it’s both necessary and nice for Joe [and all out leaders] to call our MAGAts with facts and truth.)

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party 8/30/22

Farron Balanced – Trump’s Legal Team Has No Idea What They’re Doing

Armageddon Update – Airlines Auger In

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine, Russia, and DOD naming it….

Aug 172022

Glenn Kirschner – John Bolton’s dangerous disregard for the national security threat posed by Donald Trump

Meidas Touch – Beto O’Rourke STUNS in town hall TURNING Republicans into Supporters (one at a time, yes … but they may spread it.)

Crooks and Liars – 72-year-old Ukrainian takes out a Russian 014 military column

Ojeda Live – Is Donald Trump the Most Dangerous Opposition Our Nation Has Ever Faced?

Brent Terhune – Nuclear Documents

Beau – Let’s talk about Cracker Barrel and sausage….

Aug 162022

Yesterday, I felt much better than I did Sunday – so much beter that I was able to move tuff on the porch around a little more, and sweep off somw of the dust and dried leaves.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Conversation – War in Ukraine highlights the growing strategic importance of private satellite companies – especially in times of conflict
Quote – My research focuses on international cooperation in satellite Earth observations, including the role of the private sector. While experts have long known that satellite imagery is useful during a conflict, the war in Ukraine has shown that commercial satellite data can make a decisive difference – informing both military planning as well as the public view of a war. Based on the strategic value commercial satellite imagery has held during this war, I believe it is likely that more nations will be investing in private satellite companies.
Click through for more information. This does change things.

The Daily Beast – Why Putin’s Private Army Is Snatching Kids From Their Moms
Quite – Four witnesses told The Daily Beast that large numbers of children had been seen in gold and diamond mines controlled by the Wagner Group since a spate of massacres killed scores if not hundreds of artisan mine workers—and forced many more to flee—in the Central African Republic (CAR). “I counted up to 20 children in a gold mine controlled by Russian fighters near Bambari [in the central part of the country],” Sylvestre, a 27-year-old artisanal miner based in Bambari, told The Daily Beast. “One of those I saw is someone here in Bambari whose mother had said he had been kidnapped by Russian soldiers.”
Click through for full story. Who does Russia think it is? Alabama?

Food For Thought

Aug 032022

Yesterday, Virgil called and I was able to reassure him that I’m alive and also let him know I have no idea how long it is going to take to get repairs done. So that’s a relief. As much as I had it under control in that I did get stuff done, all that streaa wore me out. I may be sleeping more than usual for the next few days. Today’s short take are kind of “The Good, the Bad, and theUgly” – the first one is the good, the second is the bad – and the FFT is the ugly. Honestly – people! I was toying with another bad/ugly article but it’s not verified yet so I’ll hold it for a bit.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

DU (crimycarny) – I got a personal call from Jamie Raskin regarding my son’s suicide (hanky alert)
Quote – After I hung up I went downstairs to tell my husband. As I was showing him the number I accidentally hit redial. I hung up right away and I also assumed it was a switchboard type number. Next thing I know a call is coming in from the same number. I pick up and it’s Jamie again! He said “Hi Crimycarny, I saw you just tried to call. Did you need something?” I said no, that it was a mistake redial. He replied “ok, I just wanted to make sure. Well, you have my number if you need anything.”
Click through for full story. We have some great Democrats, but if you can think of anyone who is more “the real deal” than Raskin. I’d love to hear it.

Crooks and Liars – Where Have All The Flowers Gone? Stomped By Russians, Every One
Quote – Look, we get it. He’s losing a war he was assured would take just a few days to win, and it’s day 158 of the Russian invasion, so obviously, he’s mad at some flowers. You can’t make this stuff up…. [T]here is no help for people like the self-entitled man driving with a diplomatic license plate, who got out of his car to kick some children’s flowers, then sped to safety behind the gates.
Click through for story and video. As he kicks the flowers, he yells, “Murderers! Murderers!” Projection much?

Food For Thought (been saving this one for a day when Roger’s name came up. The Lincoln Project video in today’s thread.)-

Jul 262022

Glenn Kirschner – With J6 committee revelations, it’s time for DOJ to indict Donald Trump & his co-conspirators

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Democrats SLAM GOP for voting AGAINST contraception bIll

The Lincoln Project – Josh Hawley Is A B*tch

“Nyet Vladimir” – Ukrainian War Song (The Ukrainian version of the Finnish song “Nyet Molotov.” The Finns wrote the song during the 1939-1940 Winter War they were fighting against the Russians. Sadly, the Ukrainians had to adopt the tune with different lyrics in 2022.)

John Fugelsang – America’s Next President, Ron DeSantis

Beau – Let’s talk about privacy and your cell phone….

Jul 172022

Yesterday, I had a rather crowded late morning/early afternoon. The radio opera was Vivaldi’s “Bajazet” which I had never heard of, let alone heard, before. However, atthe same time, Theater od War was mounting a Zoom production of Aeschylus’s play “The Suppliant” (an unusual word in English these days – but think “The Refugees”), as a vehicle to jump start a discussion on Ukraine, and with an all-Ukrainian chorus (including a very remarkable 12-year-old girl.) My final decision was to watch the play (and subsequent discussion) but with the opera softly in the background. So I’m not able to share much about the opera. In the end I made the right choice, I think. There was a note that the session was being recoorded – it is not yet posted at their site, but if and when it is I’ll share the link. Also included were three professional actors whose names you migh recognize – David Strathairn (Danaus), Oscar Isaac (Pelasgus), and Willem DaFoe (Aegyptus.)The play dates to the mid-fifth century BCE (450 BCE plus or minus 10) but so much has not changed. One line: “Those who speak in foreign tongues are never fully welcome.) As are all of their productions, it was very moving. On top of all that, I received cinfirmation to visit Virgil today – so I’ll be around even less than usual. But I’ll be in as much as I can.

Cartoon –

I didn’t know who Mola was either. He appears to have been Franco’s Jeff Clark (or Roy Cohn) but he died in an air crash in 1937 and his name disappeared.

Short Takes –

CNN Politics – Why Republicans want to redefine one word in the Constitution
Quote – The Constitution refers specifically to the “legislature” in each state determining the time and manner of federal elections. Backers of the “Independent State Legislature Claim” argue that since the Constitution doesn’t name other parts of state government — including courts — they should have no power to check the legislature on the subject of federal elections. Even if a state’s constitution or laws give power to courts or a governor, the theory argues legislatures should be able to ignore them.
Clck through for full analysis. The case in question is Moore v. Harper. I don’t want to forget that myself, nor do I want any of us to forget it. After it’s decided, we’ll know whether it’s OK to forget it … or whether we eill never forget it, whether we want to or not.

Mother Jones – Don’t Fall into the Collusion Trap on Trump and January 6
Quote – This question is an important one, but it is also a trap. Trump and his comrades have been rather deft at developing a tactic to protect him from charges of profound wrongdoing: They raise the bar. If Trump is caught holding a match outside a burning house, Trump and his defenders will say, “Do you have proof he doused the interior with gasoline? That’s fake news. A hoax.”
Click through for full explanation. Neither the Committee nor prosecutors are IMO likely to fall into this trap, but since public opinion can help or hurt a case, it still matters.

Food For Thought
