May 132023

We can’t leave the historic week of Trump being UNANIMOUSLY found GUILTY of SEX ABUSE AND DEFAMATION in UNDER three hours without marking the occasion for posterity.

There were a number of options open to me on how best to commemorate this historic marker, but I decided to go primarily with editorial cartoons.

One of the surprising things I came across while doing my research was Fox News actually showing a clip of TFG’s deposition where he incorrectly identifies his victim, E. Jean Carroll – someone he has repeatedly claimed as “Not my type”, as Marla Maples, his second wife.

And then when his mistake is pointed out to him, he immediately responds that the photo was “very blurry”.

For the record, here’s the actual photo marked as an Exhibit that was shown to TFG (blurry, my A$$):

[SIDEBAR: To be honest, I have no idea why his team of lawyers (NOT exactly a stellar lineup) let Trump repeatedly go with his “Not my type” as a defense.  It implies that if Ms. Carroll were his type, then his sexual abuse of her would have been OK.]

In going through dozens and dozens of cartoons the most common theme was Lady Justice exacting her well-deserved retribution.  So I put them together as a GIF and grouped similar ones sequentially.

I’ll let Ms. Carroll introduce the other Lady Justices:


[Reportedly the one with Lady Justice grabbing & dragging TFG by his balls was banned by Elon Musk’s Twitter]

Moving on to individual cartoons, I particularly enjoyed the one with Ms. Carroll doing a parody of Trump’s infamous Access Hollywood quote:

There were quite a few that focused on his tiny hands – and I particularly got a kick out of the one mocking his itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny paws:

The handcuff drawing raises a frequent question with folks wondering that since TFG was found GUILTY of sexual abuse, will he have to register as a sex offender.  Unfortunately for us (but fortunately for him) the answer is no.  Since this was a civil lawsuit rather than criminal case, he will not have to register.

But I still enjoyed this cartoon by Clay Bennett dealing with that issue:

A couple of times I’ve read about Team TFG really searching for a silver lining by pointing out that while found guilty of sexual abuse, he was not found guilty of rape:

That’s like the classic joke asking Abraham Lincoln’s wife:

“Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was your night at the theater?”

Trump has long voiced thoughts that he belongs up on Mount Rushmore – even Tweeting out a picture of himself lined up like a fifth face.


Later adding:

“Never suggested it [to Gov. Noem (R-SD)] although, based on all of the many things accomplished during the first 3 1/2 years, perhaps more than any other Presidency, sounds like a good idea to me!”

Well, Donny, as the saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for”.

Certainly looks like the appropriate cast of miscreants Trump would be comfortable with.  I think we can all agree with Obi-Wan Kenobi’s assessment:

“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”

And like the other criminals in the Mount Rushmore tableau, the main question now is how many more shoes will drop …

Looking forward to hearing more from Georgia and Special Prosecutor Jack Smith!



Feb 252022

As you all know, last week the noose continued to tighten on Trump when his accountants – Mazars – fired him with a stinging letter.

But if you happen to have read it, you realized that it was crafted by a top-notch law firm, employing some top-notched legalese.  Our friend and outspoken Trump critic (not to mention Kellyanne’s hubby), George T. Conway, Esq. (Harvard – AB [Magna Cum Laude]; Yale – JD) stepped up to translate it for us laymen.

I’ll be using snippets from the Mazars’ letter, but you can read the entire dismissal missive here:

From their letter:

MAZARS: Trump’s financial statements, from 2011 to 2020, “should no longer be relied upon”

CONWAY: You lied to us


MAZARS: “… various financial statements, as a whole, contain material discrepancies, based upon the totality of the circumstances, we believe our advice to you to no longer rely upon those financial statements is appropriate.”

CONWAY: The New York Attorney General clearly means business


MAZARS: “As a result, we are not able to provide any new work product to the Trump Organization.”

CONWAY: We’re not going to jail for YOU


MAZARS: “… we have also reached the point such that there is a non-waivable conflict of interest with the Trump Organization”

CONWAY: We’re now on Team AG


After this devastating blow from his accountants, TFG made an announcement on how he plans to proceed:


Given the Trump Organization’s history of … hmmm … creative accounting (aka, criminal malfeasance), and because we share so many of the same values, we really would’ve liked to have used the services of Arthur Andersen.  But sadly, their scandalous handling of the Enron account drove them into bankruptcy.

Consequently, Rudy Giuliani will soon announce the selection of our new accountants.

He’ll report once again from that infamous site – the Four Seasons Total Landscaping building, conveniently located next to an adult bookstore.  And fortunately for us, it has now become the Four Seasons Accounting & Tax Service.

But still in the running is the esteemed firm of Price Waterhouse Roofing & Siding.


So stay tuned …

