Yesterday, I read Joyce Vance’s take on Jack Smith’s brief, filed Tuesday in the documents case. She says it’s very clear that Cannon is wrong and that, if it would stop at the 11th Circuit, she would be reversed and that would be the end of it. But if it goes to the Supremes, anything might happen. She doesn’t mention that now Republicans are claiming that Harris in ineligible to be President because of the Dred Scott decision (which of course the Fourteenth and Fiftennth amendments make mincemeat of.) But yeah, with Republicans, anything can happen – especially anything unconstitutional. Also – probably because of the time difference – she’s vacationing in Scotland – last night’s post went up in the daytime, so I can link to it also. It’s about the superseding indictment in the DC (insurrection0 case.
Arbuckle, CA is in Colusa County, about 50 miles northwest of Sacramento. The whole county is rural, mostly agricultural, with rice v=beine the main crop, but almonds and wallnuts are also brown enough to get mentions. The article calls Arbuckle a “one-stoplight town.” The Census Bureau calls it a “designated place.” I expect that in the Middle Ages it would have been called a “hamlet.” None of that is any excuse for the behavior cited in the lawsuit not otherwise mentioned in the article. You know, if I wanted to, I could chare an article like this every day and never run out of material. And this is a huge part of or problems as a nation – this and the fact that for every lawsuit there are heaven knows how many more incidents which we never hear about, and never will.