Apr 152024

Yesterday, I came across a new Parody Project video at Democratic Underground, and I’m providing the link to that site (you can easily get to YouTube from it if you prefer.) The poster,, “DFW,” is “The freedom Toast” just as Don Caron is “The Parody Project.” DFW is an ex-pat living in Europe after a lifetime of foreign service. In the one photo I’ve seen of him, he looks a bit like Santa Claus in a dress suit – and that’s probably more than you wanted to know. I recommend the YouTube CC because the white type washes out on some of the light backgrounds – the CC isn’t perfect, but it’s something.

This has taken a long, long time to accomplish, and it’s really only starting, but I for one am glad it has at last gotten this far.

On the eve of a major trial, Richardson takes a look at the other (neglected by the MSM) story of how the economy works, and when it works best, and why. While attending to the Trump** story, we also need to be telling this one.

Apr 082024

Yesterday, Trinette came by. I didn’t have a lot for her to do this week. I was working on my closet more than clutter. She says hi to all.

The Reich on the left is right as usual – about the likely event – and I hope he is equally right about the lag time. Much more than that and it will be too late. I apologize for not making a note of where i read this, but apparently some polling in swing states specifically showed voters positivw abot their state’s economy but negative about the national economy (which makes little sense -but i guess that’s why they’re swing states.)

I don’t know how public this knowledge is – by which I mean, technically it’s public knowledge, but no one will know it if news outlets don’t pick it up.

Feb 202024

Yesterday, one of the first things I did was check on my credit crard, and saw that the erroneous charges have been removed. I slept in, but I checked caller ID and I have not missed any phone calls today. I also have not receeived an email on the subject. It’s possible they just voided the transactions and didn’t tell anyone, but it’s also possible the Card company deleted them, with or without notification. They are watching the account also, so at this point I don’t need to call them again. I knew I would not be on the hook for the charges.

Many of us have issues with family, or longtime friends, who are Republicans. We all handle these issues in our own ways, because that is who we are. If any of us is dissatisfied with what we are currently doing, Mary Trump’s thoughts on this may help, one way or another.

This explains a lot. And notice, it can be acomplished without any politicians getting involved in the process.

Remember Justin Jones? he has a message for us. (Don’t click on the Xitter link – give it time to load – and if it still doesn’t, the transcript is complete, only missing his photo.)

(We did help through Greece – and that was “obsolete” ammunition, and I guess all we had – now, Congress’s approval is required to give anything. We could sell, but….)

Sep 272023

Thing is, he is entitled to Secret Service protection (until and unlessCongess legislates otherwise.) The Secret Service has a legitimate interest in setting terms for his detention. You can talk 24/7/365 about why he should be locked up. But unless those discussions include the Secret Service, it ain’t gonna happen.

Glenn Kirschner – Trump threatens witness Gen. Milley; Trump should be revoked on release & detained pending trial

Farron Balanced – Trump Tells Republicans To Obstruct His Prosecutions Or Shut Down The Government

Robert Reich – Say Goodbye to Lousy, Low-Paying Jobs: The Benefits of a Jobs Guarantee

Armageddon Update – “Family Values”

Street dog starts living indoors. Guess the first thing he did.

Beau – Let’s talk about Missouri, change, and elections….

Jul 142023

Yesterday, the Screen Actors Guild announced a strike – its first in 43 years. This also means the motin picture undustry will have two unions on strike at the same time, which has not happened for even longer – 20 years longer, to be precise. The actors (and other personalities) have issues of their own, but they are also supportive of the Writers, who were already on strike. I wish them, and all unions, well.

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Short Takes –

Robert Reich – It’s time to declare victory in the inflation fight
Quote – The consumer price index was at 3% for the month of June, compared to the year before. This is a significant improvement from the May figure, which was 4%. And a major improvement from last year’s peak of 9.1% in June. The last time inflation neared 3% was in March 2021. So will the Fed please now declare victory? Yes, I know, the Fed has an inflation target of 2%, and some Fed officials have recently signaled they’re likely to raise interest rates again at their July 25-26 meeting. But it’s time to stop, because higher rates will slow the economy — and a slower economy will hurt lower-wage workers.
Click through for full argument. No contradiction from me.

HuffPost – Why We Need More Close Interracial Friendships (And Why We’re Bad At Them)
Quote – Developing cross-racial friendships is even more difficult in adulthood. Outside of maybe bonding with a co-worker of a different race, we mostly adhere to our geographic segregation and stay socially segregated, too. The barrier to befriending someone is even higher when the person of color thinks their otherwise friendly white co-worker or neighbor is closed off to learning about what it means to be white in a race-conscious society. “It’s possible to learn some of that in the context of a cross-racial friendship, but it’s easier to become friends with a person of color if some of that work has already been done,” Daniel Tatum said.
Click through for details. I could wish this wasn’t accurate. But I can’t deny any of it. A lot of steps went into developing my relationship with my BFF, but I have not forgotten the very first step – we were co-workers, yes, and one day she said something, I forget what, and I replied, “Oh, fo’ shizzle.”

Food For Thought

Jul 082023

Yesterday, I received an e-mail with a little video of Jamie Raskin announcing that his cancer is in total remission. Now that’s something to break out a little bubbly for! I also received a note (email) from Pat advising me she has out-of-town family visiting, so will probably not be around this weekend (so don’t worry.) I also received a grocery order.  Most of it was there, But there was one substitution, and it was a bad one (which common sense should have prevented.  So I had to file a refund claim for that.  I got it all in and the shulder was still better after doing so than it was the previous day, so that’s a win.  It’s still a work in progress, but I;m liking the progress.

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Short Takes –

Politico – Biden’s hydrogen bombshell leaves Europe in the dust
Quote – European leaders have devoted tens of billions of dollars toward encouraging production of hydrogen, a clean-burning fuel that advocates say will create jobs and help fight climate change. But now, many of those jobs will be going to the United States instead. The clean energy subsidies that undergird President Joe Biden’s climate agenda have just prompted one Norwegian manufacturer to choose Michigan, not Europe, as the site of a nearly $500 million factory that will produce the equipment needed to extract hydrogen from water. And other European-based companies are being tempted to follow suit, people involved in the continent’s hydrogen efforts say — making the universe’s most abundant substance the latest focus of the transatlantic trade battle on green energy.
Click through for details. I wish no ill to Europe, but I cannot help feeling that this is so cool.

National Public Radio – Researchers found a rare octopus nursery off the coast of Costa Rica
Quote – Scientists working off the coast of Costa Rica say they’ve discovered the world’s third known octopus nursery…. According to a press release, researchers witnessed Muusoctopus eggs hatch. They said it demonstrated that the area, known as the Dorado Outcrop, was hospitable to young octopuses… Scientists said the discovery also indicated that some deep-sea octopus species brood their eggs in low-temperature hydrothermal vents, such as the one where the nursery was discovered, where fluid heated in the Earth’s crust is released on the seafloor — like hot springs.
Click through for story. I cannot bring myself to be surprised that octopuses have discoverd this and made use of it for child care – they are so doggoned smart! But I am charmed by it. The octopuses in this story are neither South Asian nor mimics, but I couldn’t resist the chart below.

Food For Thought

Jul 062023

Yesterday (I’m calling it yesterday because it came in after midnight, but she probably wrote it the day before), Joyce Vance took on the subject of “legacy admissions.” Legacy admissions refers to preference given to children of alumni (and alumnae.) But she also points the three other categories which receive preferential consideration: children of big donors, children of faculty and staff, and athletes. Of course one thinks “football,” but, at least in the “ivy league”, most athletic admissions are for sports not played in minority high schools (e.g., fencing.) This essentially comes down to money. Not only athletes, but also faculty and staff are recruited, and those policies are a recruiting tool. And in the case of big donors and legacies (small donors) the connection is even more obvious. I knew that private schools did these things, but I wasn’t aware it had come to the point where state colleges and universites were so starved for cash that they needed to adopt the practices. Another reason the far right wants to abolish the Department of Education.

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Daily Beast – This Melting Planet May Reveal How Venus Became a Hellscape—and Why Earth Was Spared
Quote – Venus, the second planet from the sun, isn’t just Earth’s neighbor. It’s roughly the same size as Earth—and rocky, like Earth is. But while Earth evolved into the wet, breathable planet we know and enjoy, Venus apparently got so hot that its oceans evaporated. Poisonous carbon dioxide vapor then blanketed the planet, trapping the heat and making everything even hotter: a process of runaway global warming that gives climatologists here on Earth nightmares. Why Venus got hot and toxic while Earth stayed relatively cool and liveable (for now) is one of the big mysteries of the solar system—and one with immediate implications for us as we pump more and more carbon into Earth’s atmosphere and risk our own greenhouse-gas calamity.
Click through for details. I think it’s safe to say that no carbon life form is ever going to survive on Venus any time soon. And it certainly wouldn’t hurt to know how it got to that point.

Crooks & Liars – Buttigieg Drops Truth Bomb On The GOP About Biden’s Economy
Quote – Well, look, we’re seeing extraordinarily low unemployment, some of the most job creation under any president ever,” Buttigieg said. “We’re seeing, by the way, with that also unusually high rates of job satisfaction. We’ve seen inflation falling. We’ve seen manufacturing returning to the U.S. Now, obviously, a lot of effort and a lot of money goes into negativity to try to get people focusing on other things, like some of the things that we’re talking about in the culture wars that certain figures are bringing to the fore again and again, I think because they don’t want to talk about the economic work that they’re doing.”
Click through for story (and short video). Secretary Pete is very good at this. But I think this goes beyond just messaging. See Robert Reich’s take.

Robert Reich – Competence isn’t enough. Biden must also confront America’s economic bullies
Quote – Biden has framed that choice as competence or craziness. His new “Bidenomics” blueprint makes clear that America has done well under his quietly competent leadership — featuring significant public investment, taming of inflation, and rebirth of manufacturing. Trump has framed the choice as strength or weakness. I’d rather have someone in the White House who’s competent (even if weak) than someone who’s crazy (even if strong). But I fear voters may choose strength over competence. Strength is one of the central narratives of America. In the mythic telling, America was borne from grit, guts, and gumption.
Click through for his rationale. Messaging, yes – but more than that. I think Bob is on to something. Unless – do you suppose Joe could claim the mantle of the myth by messaging “Good old American know-how”?

Food For Thought

Jun 302023

Well, yesterday, they did it. The Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions (but you can bet any important body part you can think of that this applies to any selection process. If not now, it will.) In the interest of avoiding profanity, I’ll stop there. In other news … New York City’s “Free Shakespeare in the Park” is doing “Hamlet” this year. FSitP has never shied away from using the dynamincs of race, and this year is no exception. Hamlet and his relatives are all black – Polonis and his family, white or mixed. They decided not to show the ghost of Hamlet’s father, but instead to represent him by his voice through loudspeakers (which also obscure the direction from which his voice is coming – making it seem to come from anywhere and everywhere. Visual projections add to the effect.) The voice actor is not seen, nor credited. But Daily Beast reveals that the actor is in fact Samuel L. Jackson. Wow. PBS Great Performances featured their “Much Ado” a few years ago. I surely hope they pick this one up.

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Short Takes –

HuffPost – In Speech On Bidenomics, Biden Tries To Turn The Page On Reagan (And Every President Since)
Quote – Biden embraced the insult the Wall Street Journal Opinion page gave to his economic plans — Bidenomics. “I did not come up with the name,” Biden noted. But he would now embrace it to tout what the White House sees as significant economic achievements and a new vision of economic policy for the country. He denounce[d] the old supply-side economics that have dominated American policy-making since Ronald Reagan put them in place in 1981. But then Biden explained how his policies actually mark a break with this economic model — and while he didn’t say it, how they break with the policies of both Obama and Bill Clinton.
Click through for story. The speech is attracting a lot of attention, as it should. Enough attention? Not yet really possible to tell.

Daily Beast – Inside the Dem Playbook to Stymie GOP Impeachment Efforts
Quote – Lefty groups like the Congressional Integrity Project and Facts First USA were first formed in 2020 and are doing much of the heavy lifting for the White House, as Biden and his staff attempt to stay out of the political fray—at least publicly. “The impeachment efforts are not legitimate,” said David Brock, a longtime Democratic operative who launched Facts First USA. “They’re basically 100 percent driven by the idea that the Republicans believe that the impeachment of Trump hurt him politically. So the fact that they have the power to do it, they’re gonna do it, whether they have the facts on their side or not.” Brock, who was famously a right-wing reporter in the 1990s before converting to the Democratic side, said he’d seen this as a long time coming—a sort of slow onramp of Republican ire against the Biden administration that he only expects to grow ahead of next year’s elections.
Click through for details. I find this reassuring – and unexpected, though i should have expected it. Joe thinks of everything.

Food For Thought
