Aug 222020

Trump Gaffes Part 2 will focus on his verbal, pronunciation and spelling slipups, and I’ll start with the low-hanging fruit.

While it’s impossible to figure out the very first Trump gaffe, one of the earliest ones was just a couple of months into his administration – back in May of 2017.  As always, Trump just deletes anything he deems embarrassing – so there’s only a screenshot of his famous whine about negative press Covfefe:

But just because Trump deletes it doesn’t mean the Twittersphere is going to let it pass.

Once the Mueller Investigation began, I don’t think Trump let a day pass without whining about something.  One of his longer whines was when he claimed that Democrats were unable to find a Smocking Gun.

(No idea why, but he let this one remain.)

Fortunately the Twitterverse was able to locate the Smocking Gun:

(One thing we can all agree on is that Trump has never COLLUDED with a Spell Checker.)

After the Clemson football team was crowned national champions, Trump invited them to the White House.  But his self-induced government shutdown (because the funding bill didn’t include money for his Wall) meant the White House kitchen staff was gone – so he had to improvise.

But who knew that rather than standard fast food fare, he would elect to get Hamberders instead!

Burger King responded brilliantly:

A surprising fact I learned while putting this together is that Trump gaffes, when committed in an official capacity, are memorialized by the official White House records.

An example is when Trump saluted parents who sacrifice for the FURNITURE of their children.  It’s in the official White House transcript:

One that truly baffles me is that Trump has repeatedly, and on multiple occasions, claimed that the F-35 Stealth aircraft is LITERALLY INVISIBLE.

 I personally think he has a Wonder Woman fixation – and is thinking of her “Literally Invisible” plane:

 One of my favorites is during a July 4th celebration the Teleprompter stopped working, and Trump had to wing it.  If you had any doubt how the Revolutionary War was going to turn out, Trump reassured you that the tides changed in our favor when Gen. Washington was able to take over all the airports:


Our Army manned the air, it ran the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do.”

Here’s George commanding our “Revolutionary” Air Force:

And I guess George agreed with Tom Cruise even way back then that …

“I felt the need … the need for speed”

There are so many more Trump gaffes, I’m going to switch to compilation videos to help out.

We’ve all known that Trump – combining his 3rd grade reading level and difficulty using a Teleprompter – produces disastrous pronunciations.


Even when a person is standing right next to him, Trump can NOT remember anyone’s name.

And we’ll close with one from the Daily Show.  We’re all aware that Trump et al have been trying (with no success) to convince folks that Biden’s going senile.  With a clever job of splicing, the Daily Show was able to turn the tables and make Fox News extremely concerned about Trump’s mental acuity – using his own words!

I’ve left out quite a few – but I did try to select the ones that amused me the most.  But I think it’s time I move on to another topic next week.

Hopefully you feel better armed to counter any claims mocking Biden’s mental acuity.
