Jan 272022

Glenn Kirschner – Jan. 6 Committee is Talking with Former AG Bill Barr, Signaling Further Trouble for Donald Trump

The Lincoln Project – Bloodlines

Ring of Fire – Some Of The Capitol Rioters Were Even Dumber Than Previously Thought

MSNBC – Records Request Points To Congressman’s Role In Assisting Fake Elector Meeting
Records Request Points To Congressman’s Role In Assisting Fake Elector Meeting

Liberal Redneck – Biden “Attacks the Press”

Mrs. Betty Bowers – Reading Ted Cruz

Beau – Let’s talk about agents, influence, and cultural opinion makers….

Jan 262022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Draft Executive Order for Military Seizure of Voting Machines: Deeply Dangerous+Dictatorial

Biden Inaugural Committee – Year One of the Biden-Harris Administration

Ring of Fire (co-produced) – New Report Reveals US Chamber Of Commerce Criminal History

Political Voices Network – Top 3 stories last week

Rebel HQ – Fauci Goes Scorched Earth On Conservatives (ROTFL at Ojeda’s name for R Paul !!)

Pitties Who Lost Their Dad Do a Magical Thing When Meeting Their New Family (hanky alert)

Beau – Let’s talk about Mitch McConnell’s tribute to Malcolm X….

Jan 242022

Glenn Kirschner – With Supreme Court Ruling, the Investigative Circle is Tightening Around Trump in NY\GA\Congress

The Lincoln Project- Trump’s Judges

Thom Hartmann – Will Any Polling Station Be Left By 2022 Election?

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeds addresses Joe Manchin

Farron Balanced – Ivanka Trump Called To Testify Before January 6th Committee

Corey Ryan Forrester – This Week in Southern History – Jimmy Carter Is Inaugurated

Beau – Let’s talk about Ivanka Trump and the heart of the Republic….

Jan 202022

Glenn Kirschner – VA Gov Youngkin, a mini-Trump, Issues Legally Dubious & Dangerous Executive Orders on Day 1in Office

politicsrus – Say Something 2022

Farron Balamced – Authorities Tell Republican Texas AG He Can’t Hide His January 6th Involvement

Robert Reich – How to Avoid Burnout

Puppet Regime – Putin It Out There: Leverage 101

Rocky Mountain Mike – Sinema Girl

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine…. (Ordinarily I leave foreign policy to the experts, but Beau has an idea so creative [and funny]…)

Jan 092022

Glenn Kirschner – Pres Biden & VP Harris Address Nation on 1/6 Anniversary, as 1/6 Committee Ratchets Up Investigation

The Lincoln Project – Biden

Liberal Redneck – January 6th Anniversary

In memoriam Sir Sidney Poitier

MSNBC – Capehart memorializes Sidney Poitier

Colbert – Abhor-Rent

Beau – Let’s talk about Schumer and the filibuster…. Beau has a VERY good idea.

Dec 162021

Yesterday, nothing was predictable or went as expected. Butterfingers here dropped some things … and then picked up some other things, some probably dropped months ago (like 4mm beads, and earring backs.) Mislaid some things, found one that I’d been looking for. Got a package and found one item was missing but one was included I hadn’t ordered (and it wasn’t on the packing slip – and this is unheard of with this supplier.) Loaded some pictures for FFT to the library, and two just disappeared (they were still on my computer, but I had to find them in the trash to re-load them.) All just little things, but a bit disorienting. Nothing I can’t survive LOL!

Cartoon – 16 Voyager loaded

Short Takes

Mother Jones – What if Media Covered the War on Democracy Like an Actual War?
Quote – As we wind down a year that began with a televised insurrection and ends with detailed reporting on what a 2024 coup could look like, it’s more important than ever to stay grounded in that story. Call it the Big Story, in contrast to the Big Lie…. The Big Story did not begin on November 3, 2020, but it did enter a new chapter that day. Remember those surreal weeks, just barely a year ago? Protesters banging on doors at ballot-counting centers, Rudy Giuliani holding forth outside a landscaping shop, election officials reporting vile threats to their families?
Click through for more reality. Yes, Monika wants to raise funds, but who can blame her. It’s not like this isn’t important.

Crooks and Liars – Seems Like People Are Missing The Real Mark Meadows Story
Quote – The plan all along was to create a clash between “patriots” and antifa/BLM that would allow Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and stay in office. Leftists threw a major monkey wrench into the plot by not showing up. (Thank you, leftists. Major props!)
Click through. It’s not long, and not a word is wasted. And she’s right. And I missed it too.

HuffPost – Final Child Tax Credit Payments Go Out Amid Doubt Over Program’s Future
Quote – As a main Democratic holdout in the Senate, Manchin has faced relentless questioning from reporters about his position on various elements of Build Back Better, and he lost his temper on Wednesday when HuffPost followed up with a question about whether he supported continuing the child tax credit in its current form. “This is bullshit,” he said. “You’re bullshit.”
Click through for backstory, and consequences. I find this situation painful, and I don’t even have kids.

Food For Thought:

Dec 122021

Yesterday, I visited Virgil.The sun wasn’t that bad in the morning, although I think I will start looking at the almanac hor how the time of sunrise moves.  From four weeks ago to two weeks ago, the sunrise got ten minutes earlier.  From two weeks ago to this visi, sunset got a total of two minutes earlier, and all of that was in the first few days – it’s been the same for nine days in a row.  So I’m sort of expecting it to start getting later instead of earlier in a day or two.  The days will still get shorter until the soltice, but all of that will come from the sunrise getting later, and none from the sunset getting earlier.  The visit was good, and Virgil returns all greeting with thanks.

Cartoon –

Short Takes

From an email from Democracy for America:
[On Thursday,] at the direction of Mitch McConnell, Joe Manchin, and Kyrsten Sinema moved forward with a one-time exemption to the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling.
That’s right, Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who have both previously stated that they would not support any filibuster exceptions under any circumstances, even to protect voting rights, just made an exception to the filibuster.
If Manchin and Sinema are going to make an exception to the filibuster when McConnell wants to, they should be bending over backwards to make that same exception to protect voting rights.
Join DFA as we tell Manchin, Sinema, and all Senate Democrats: If you’re willing to make an exception to the filibuster in order to raise the debt ceiling, you must make that same exception to protect voting rights.

Law & Crime – Our First Look at Josh Duggar Immediately After Child Porn Conviction and Months Ahead of Sentencing
Quote – Other court records indicate that the jury began deliberations at 12:17 p.m. on Wednesday. They asked for a recording of an interview with Duggar himself to be re-played — and it was, in its entirety — before jurors retired to deliberate once again. Court recessed for the day around 5:00 p.m. The jurors returned for about an hour and a hate Thursday before returning a verdict at 10:07 a.m.
Click through for more. This story just begs for snark, and both Wonkette and Crooka and Liars did not disappoint – but it’s also serious, so I decided to cover it from this source.

HuffPost – Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 ‘Agent Provocateur’ Is A Big Tucker Fan And An Amateur Cardinals Mascot
Quote – But the man is no fed. He is mainly known to St. Louis Cardinals fans as “Rally Runner,” HuffPost has learned, and he sprints around the outside of Busch Stadium during home games. Based on the man’s Facebook posts, he appears to have a fairly difficult life and has a tenuous relationship with reality. And he’s a huge Tucker Carlson fan.
Click through for more facts, and, sadly, more insanity (disturbing but valuable to grasp what we are up against.)

Food for Thought –

Nov 122021

Yesterday, I took advantage of some halfway nice weather to go out and install the visor extender. It fits perfectly. I also started a file to keep track of the time of sunset – I really only need to know in the day I go, but to have an idea in advance of roughly how late it is, and even which direction it is going, is helpful.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – FAIL: ‘QAnon Shaman’ Tries Forrest Gump Defense
Quote – Chansley “[riled] up other members of the mob with his screaming obscenities about our nation’s lawmakers and flouting the ‘opportunity’ to rid our government of those he has long considered to be traitors,” U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves and assistant U.S. attorney Kimberly Paschall wrote in the 28-page sentencing memo.
Click through for more. I used the quote even with its error in diction. I doubt anyone but me noticed.

Daily Kos (Eleveld) – Turns out McConnell gifting the party to Trump is killing Senate GOP recruitment
Quote – Notably, Trump is playing key role in nearly every one of those Senate contests. In almost every state, Trump has done at least one of several things: repelled a top-tier candidate, made an endorsement, radicalized the GOP field, or become a complicating factor by incessantly pushing his election fraud lies and demanding absolute fealty.
Click through for specifics. Sounds like good news, but it is contingent on there being enough sane Republicans left in the country. That was not somethng we had to worry about in 2010. There were crazies, yes, but they weren’t the majority, or in control, or the face of the party.

Quote – “I was a juror on the case… and this thing has weighed on me for a long time. What happened was, several of us from the jury were getting on an elevator. This was well before deliberations. And one of the jurors said, ‘Well, they should just take that n—– out back, shoot him and bury him under the jail. It didn’t matter what happened, this was a Black man that was on trial for murder. He did it.’”
Click through for the full letter. Our national shame of still exercising capital punishment and our national shame of racism are both on display here.

Food for Thought –
