May 192022

Yesterday, I watched a Sixty Minutes segment (during that hour I avoid the radio -its only about 27 minutes, so I also watched something else – a documentary about the WWII British equivalent of Tucker Carlson – mildly interesting.) If you watch 60 mnutes you have probably seen the segment. If not, you may want to bookmark this for when you have a spare half hour. It’s the story of a black family who purchase a large home which turns out to have been, not just a plantation, but the plantation on which their ancestors were enslaved. Simply amazing. Here’s the link. I also managed to get trash ans recyclables out to the curb (It only took me about a half hour and a few extra CBD gummies to recover from that.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

CPR News – ‘I’m not giving up’: Sen. Michael Bennet’s drive to make the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent
Quote – The pandemic-relief package, known as the American Rescue Plan, expanded the Child Tax Credit for one year, made it fully refundable, so the poorest families could benefit, and for the last half of 2021, sent it in the form of monthly checks to families, turning it into a reliable income supplement…. Bennet’s frustration that the expanded benefit was not made permanent, or even just extended, is palpable…. “I’m not giving up. And I don’t think we should give up. And I, frankly, I’m not giving up until we have an economy that when it grows, it grows for everybody, not just the people at the very top. And I think we can do that too,”
Click through for story. Colorado would have to be crazy not to re-elect Senator Bennet. (And it’s because part of Colorado IS crazy that I became a – small- monthly donor to the campaign.)

HuffPost – Living With The Far-Right Insurgency In Idaho
Quote – [White nationalist Vincent James Foxx] is one of many far-right activists who have flocked to Idaho in recent years, where a large and growing radical MAGA faction in the state’s Republican Party has openly allied itself with extremists to a shocking extent, even for the Trump era. This faction is accruing more and more power in Boise, the state capital: Imagine a statehouse full of Marjorie Taylor Greenes and Steve Kings. At the local level, they have seized seats on school boards and county commissions at a fast clip.
Click through for details. Idaho is pretty much every bit as LDS as Utah – just not as publicly. I don’t know what the position, or the participation of the LDS Church is in this – but I’ll bet there is some. The church just possibly could surprise us.

The Hill – House passes domestic terrorism bill in mostly party-line vote
Quote – The bill calls for establishing a Domestic Terrorism Unit in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the DHS, which would be tasked with observing and examining domestic terrorism activity, in addition to a Domestic Terrorism Office in the Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division of the DOJ, which would look into and prosecute domestic terrorism incidents and communicate with the Civil Right Division about occurrences that may be considered hate crimes.
Click through for discussion and details. This could work, if only the government (federal and atate) would stop assuming that it’s only terrorism if a non-white person does it – when the reverse is closer to the truth.

Food For Thought








May 022022

Glenn Kirschner – With Trump’s admission that he alone oversaw Calamari’s compensation, DA Bragg’s action even worse

MSNBC – Lawrence: U.S. Senate Is A Fundamentally, Relentlessly, Permanently Undemocratic Institution

Lincoln Project – The GOP Isn’t Interested

Meidas Touch – Biden ROASTS Trump and Fox News at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Really American – GOP Lawmaker Says Rape is “Opportunity” For Women


Beau – Let’s talk about Romney, bribes, and cancelling debt….

May 022022

Yesterday, I didn’t need the TENS unit for my back. So I jumped in and used it on my shoulders, which have been complaining lately. A couple of hours when I got up, and then I left the pads in place and did another hour in the evening, I don’t often have the luxury to skip the back, so I wanted to get as much as I could (and it’s very awkward to place the pads for where inside the shoulder the pain is, so it makes sense to leave them in place.) I did feel much better. I also got my forms filled out and scanned for requesting to visit Virgil next Sunday. I can’t sent the email till today … but I may just have sent it a little after midnight. I also inventoried and ordered over the counter meds. And I even finished knitting a vest.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

PolitiZoom – Biden Knows Just How To Handle McConnell. And McConnell Hates It
Quote – You can’t work together in a small body like the U,S. Senate as Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell have, and not get to know each other pretty well. As Biden weaves his way through a deadlocked Senate, requiring VP Kamala Harris to cast tie breaking votes, it becomes crystal clear that Biden paid a whole lot closer attention to McConnell than McConnell did to Biden.
Click through for mini-civics-lesson. Murfster is pretty shrewd. Let’s hope he’s right on this one.

Crooks and Liars – DeSantis Ruthlessly Mocked For Idiotic Claim About Old Cartoons
Quote – “Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Pepe LePew cartoons featured bestiality, people (or ducks) getting shot in the face with a shotgun, and stalking/sexual assault.”….“When we were younger, we watched cartoons about a French skunk who raped female cats which was totally fine because he was heterosexual.”
Click through for more examples. All the salacious examples people came up with are from Warner Brothers. But I could argue that Disney’s rigis gender roles did as much damage, if not more. (And neither Snow White not Sleeping Beauty consented to those kises.)
BuzzFeed News – One Bullet Can Kill, But It Takes More Than 100 People To Save A Gunshot Victim’s Life
Quote – More often than not in Philadelphia, it’s a police officer who transports a gunshot victim to the hospital in what’s called a “scoop and run,” which eliminates the time waiting for a paramedic. Gun violence is so prevalent that Sgt. Gregorrio Santiago said he takes part in a scoop and run nearly every day. After “scooping” the gunshot victim into the backseat of a cruiser, police will alert hospital workers to be ready at the entrance to immediately put the victim on a stretcher. Philadelphia’s scoop-and-run program means more gunshot victims make it to the hospital alive, Santiago said.
Click through for – there’s a member at DU who invariabley comments on the daily political cartoons, “Thank you fot this depressingly excellent collection” – a depressingly excellent article.

Food For Thought

Apr 152022

Glenn Kirschner – One Govt Official, LT GOV Benjamin, Indicted for Bribery While Another, Trump, Remains Unindicted

The Lincoln Project – Enabler In Chief

The Damage Report – Virginia GOP Caught For Vile Racist Tirade

Ojeda LIVE – The WORST in Congress? MTG & MC square off in the battle for the most vile imbeciles of the House

Armageddon Update – What Happened to Us?

Phone-Sized Kitten Turns Guy Into A Cat Person

Beau – Let’s talk about why the West is slow-walking the sanctions….

Apr 102022

Glenn Kirschner – NY DA Bragg tries to double-talk his way out of his decision to end the Trump criminal investigation

Ring of Fire – Conservatives Have Complete Meltdown Over Oreo Cookies

MSNBC: “Extraordinarily Disgraceful” that American Officials would Support Putin, says Spanberger

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda SHREDS Moscow Mitch’s Lack Of Morals

Ths tweet is from Steve Schmidt of the Lincoln Project, and yes.

Mrs Betty Bowers – Schooling Ron DeSantis

Beau – Let’s talk about West Virginia, solar, and stranded assets….

Apr 062022

Glenn Kirschner (Jonathan Capehart) – “The Supreme Court Can’t Be Trusted to Police Itself.” (and 2 more shorts)

American Bridge – Ron DeSantis Breaks Law to Shield Appointee Tied to Sex Crimes Investigation

VoteVets – Profiteers

Now This News – Why the Filibuster Has to Go, By Adam Jentleson

Ojeda Live – Top 5 Most Evil Televangelists

Randy Rainbow – GAY! – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Beau – Let’s talk about gas, insulin, and republican strategy….

Mar 272022

Glenn Kirschner – Ginni & Clarence Thomas, Mark Meadows & Trump: Corruption at the White House & the Supreme Court

Ojeda Live – The Oath Keepers or the “OOPS” Keepers!?!

Truth Matters – We Are Dems For Action

Farron Balanced – Clarence Thomas Disappears As His Wife’s Scandal Deepens

Armageddon Update | Judge Not Lest Ye…

Tiny Lost Seal Grows Up To Be Blubbery And Hilarious

Beau – Let’s talk about Abbott’s Operation Lone Star….

Mar 252022

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump Flips (Politically) on Mo Brooks. Could it be that Mo Brooks has Flipped on Trump?

Meidas Touch – Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson takes Senator Cotton to School!

Lincoln Project – Josh Mandel: Ohioans or Trump?

Robert Reich – Why Abortion Bans Aren’t Pro-Life

Armageddon Update – Havin’ Fun Yet?

Shirley Serban – Song for Ukraine and the World – Give Us Peace / Dona Nobis Pacem

Beau – Let’s talk about Rule 303 Belorussian style….
