Russia Intervenes for Trump*!

 Posted by at 10:37 am  Politics
Aug 082020

It’s official.  Criminal Fuhrer Trump* and Vladimir Putin [R-RU] are teaming-up in an attempt to steal the 2020 election the way they did in 2016.  Republican Senators have joined the effort.

Russia is using a range of techniques to denigrate Joseph R. Biden Jr., American intelligence officials said Friday in their first public assessment that Moscow continues to try to interfere in the 2020 campaign to help President Trump.

At the same time, the officials said China preferred that Mr. Trump be defeated in November and was weighing whether to take more aggressive action in the election.

But officials briefed on the intelligence said that Russia was the far graver, and more immediate, threat. While China seeks to gain influence in American politics, its leaders have not yet decided to wade directly into the presidential contest, however much they may dislike Mr. Trump, the officials said.

The assessment, included in a statement released by William R. Evanina, the director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, suggested the intelligence community was treading carefully, reflecting the political heat generated by previous findings…. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Rep. Schiff on MSNBC: Trump Puts Friendship with Putin Over National Security


As long as criminal Fuhrer Trump*, aka Putin’s Piddle Pervert, fears the release of the pee-pee tapes, Daddy Vladdy [R-RU] will do all he can to keep his bitch* (apologies to female dawgs)  in power.

Here’s coverage of the Senators, who are betraying America!

…Meanwhile, Senate Republicans on the Homeland Security Committee are holding hearings in an attempt to substantiate this charge — or, more realistically, to insinuate it. They have produced no evidence to advance their charge. The Russians have given Republicans stolen tapes of secret conversations Biden held with Ukrainians during his tenure as vice-president, and pro-Trump media outlets have hyped up the material, but nothing they have is inconsistent with the narrative that mainstream news organizations found. Biden was working to clean up Ukraine.

Senate Republicans tried to be cagey about their activities. After pro-Russian Ukrainians said they’d passed materials on to Republican officials, a Johnson staffer told NBC News in July that it was “‘false’ the committee has received any ‘oppo,’ or opposition research, without responding directly to whether that covers any materials from foreign sources.”

The Washington Post reported that Homeland Security Committee chairman Ron Johnson received secret documents from Ukrainians. And former Giuliani associate Lev Parnas has confessed to putting Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee and perhaps Trump’s most energetic defender on all things Russia, in touch with one of the Ukrainians releasing documents in the United States.

There is hardly any secret to what they’re up to. Johnson says he plans to release his report on Biden in September. It hardly matters if the information Russia gives him actually substantiates his allegations, or even whether it is authentic. The obvious plan is to splash some headlines into news screens in the heat of the campaign that seem to connect Biden to some kind of wrongdoing.

In reality, it is not a scandal about Biden at all. It’s a scandal about Republican cooperation with a Russian propaganda campaign….  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Mag Intelligencer>

Russian Election Interference Finds Ready Conduit In GOP Senators


Russia Ron and Snake in the Grassley would not be doing this without the full knowledge and support of Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch.


Jul 242020

It’s another busy day here in the CatBox.  My Providence home health doctor is coming this morning for her routine monthly visit.  Other than back pain, it’s a pretty good day.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:12 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive map

US Cases: 4,171,378
US Deaths: 147,364
World Cases: 15,715,850
World Deaths: 637,615
Trump’s* share of World Deaths: 23.1%

Short Takes:

From Alternet: If November brings the type of major blue wave that Democratic strategists are hoping for, it would include not only former Vice President Joe Biden defeating President Donald Trump, but also, Democrats achieving a majority in the U.S. Senate, increasing their majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and enjoying victories in an abundance of state races. And the Cook Political Report is saying that according to its analysis, Democrats are now favored to retake the U.S. Senate.

Cook’s Jessica Taylor reports, “With just over 100 days until Election Day, the political climate appears dire for Republicans across the board. President Trump is the decided underdog against former Vice President Joe Biden in our Electoral College ratings, and Democrats could end up expanding their House majority. That leaves the Senate as Republicans’ firewall — the final barrier to unified control for Democrats in 2021.”

But that “firewall,” Taylor reports, could disappear because “as of now, Democrats are a slight favorite to win the Senate majority.”

A Republican pollster, quoted anonymously, told Cook, “Something remarkable would have to happen for Republicans to still have control of the Senate after November. It’s grim. There’s just so many places where Democrats either have the upper hand or are competitive in states that six months ago, we wouldn’t have considered at risk.” And a GOP strategist was equally pessimistic, telling Cook, “If you’re an incumbent in a bad environment sitting at 44%, you should be pretty damn scared. The expanding map has made it really hard, and there’s just a lot of Democratic momentum right now.”

From Cook’s projections to November results!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Portland mayor is tear-gassed alongside protesters

Portland is my home. The rare crowd violence has nothing to do with the demonstrators. There are a few right wing anarchists using the peaceful demonstrations as an excuse to act-out. Both the federal Nazi Republican gestapo and the unmuzzled Portland Police Bureau are ignoring the violent anarchists and attacking peaceful demonstrators and our mayor.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from labor): Ryan Bingham “Direction of the Wind” (Madison, Wisconsin protests) (live performance music video)

Except for unmuzzled Republican Nazi police unions, support labor.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 252020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox.  Store to Door will be delivering groceries, and I have to put them away.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update or an Open Thread.  I have a doctor coming from Providence Medical Group at Home.  What I can publish depends on how long she is here.  How many Republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?  The answer is ∞.  Republicans want to keep you (and their idiot Sheeple) in the dark.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,463,923
Deaths: 124,308

Short Takes:

From NY Times: The Senate on Wednesday confirmed Cory T. Wilson of Mississippi to a New Orleans-based circuit court over united Democratic opposition, handing President Trump the 200th federal judicial confirmation of his tenure and achieving a Republican goal of filling every appeals court opening by the end of the year.

In winning Senate approval, Judge Wilson, a conservative state court judge and former Mississippi legislator, became the 53rd federal appeals court judge installed by Mr. Trump and cemented a milestone in a judicial legacy that has reshaped the federal courts during his administration, including putting in place two Supreme Court justices. Republicans lauded the achievement. The vote was 52-48.

This is a sad day for America. There are now 200 more reasons that justice here will be undermined for many decades.  RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Union County, Oregon is tied to 236 cases of COVID-19 in the area — in a county with 258 cases.

And of course, the church in eastern Oregon cited Donald Trump’s demand that states allow churches to open as the reason they restarted services, against the law which didn’t allow religious groups to convene in large gatherings.

These Republican pseudo-Christians (the opposite of real authentic Christians) love to infect their neighbors with Trump* virus for their beloved criminal Fuhrer Trump*!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Adam Schiff Channel): Rep. Schiff on CNN: Barr is the Second Most Dangerous Man in America

Since Barrf is the third most dangerous man in the country (You forgot Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch), impeach him!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline High Quality

Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

May 062020

It’s a super-tired day here in the CatBox.  I have no idea why, but, after sleeping just a couple hours last night, I woke up and could not fall asleep again.  Tonight is a WWWendy night.  After de-stinking the rancid TomCat, we’ll be gooping.  Happy Hump Day to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:16 (average 4:48).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?


I made this cartoon eight years ago.  Republicans are still at it, but worse.

Trump* Virus Update:


Short Takes:

From YouTube (Raw Story Channel): Kamala Harris grills DNI nominee John Ratcliffe on Trump’s COVID-19 response [emphasis added]

That lying, goose-stepping, Republican Nazi Sycophant needs to change his name. As it stands, it’s an insult to Rats.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): Essential Workers Deserve a Bill of Rights

While I fully agree that essential workers are heroes that need and deserve a Bill of Rights, I would take it one step further and cover ALL workers with a Bill of Rights!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Wooden ShipsCrosby Stills Nash and Young

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Apr 292020

I’m still very tired, here in the CatBox.  Tonight is a WWWendy night.  On my treatment, My Radiation Oncologist will measure me Monday and irradiate me Friday.  Then my chemo resumes the following Monday.  I’m proud to announce that I Republicated this morning. I looked into the throne, and there was Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch!  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:34 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: CNN announced on Tuesday that it will show the phone number of a national poison-control hotline whenever Donald Trump appears on the air.

Speaking on behalf of the network, Wolf Blitzer, the veteran anchor, said that CNN was adopting the new policy out of concern for “the health and safety of our viewers.”

“At CNN, we strive to keep our viewers informed. But, in order to do that, we must first keep them alive,” he said.

In order to implement the new policy, Sanjay Gupta, the network’s chief medical correspondent, will monitor CNN’s programming on a twenty-four-hour basis for any signs of Trump.

Dang Andy! How about adding the Bovine Excrement Hotline?  RESIST!!

From Alternet: In the span of a couple of months, Senate Republicans have gone from bullish on their prospects in November to pretty desperate. Back in February, they were salivating over painting Democrats as the party of left-wing extremism, with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as its standard bearer. The GOP caucus had just giddily acquitted Donald Trump after a sham witness-free trial and senators were looking forward to touting the strength of the economy.

Then Trump spent the month on a lying spree about the soon-to-be global pandemic that would ultimately ravage American lives and livelihoods—on his watch. Democrats coalesced around the far more moderate former Vice President Joe Biden, and the economy started to plummet along with Trump’s approval numbers. Now Senate Republicans are staring down a presidential election that increasingly stands a real chance of sweeping away their slender three-seat majority.

In fact, Democrats aren’t just viable in the most talked-about Senate races in Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, and Maine. They are now also looking at opportunities in Montana and Georgia, along with a slim glimmer of maybe hanging on to Democratic Sen. Doug Jones’ seat in Alabama.

May I live to see it happen!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): THE GREEN LEAVES OF SUMMER – THE BROTHERS FOUR

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Apr 012020

It’s another tired day here in the CatBox.  I’ve been very busy researching my medical way forward.  I did order one thing from Amazon that should help with both Trump* and cancer:  100 barf bags.  I just learned I get my port in next Monday and have my first infusion the following Monday.  This is getting too real!  WWWendy comes this evening to de-stink the TomCat and help with chores.  I’m ready for a nap, and it’s only 8:30.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:46 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Jen Sorensen Cartoon:


Embedded with permission from Jen Sorensen.

Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 188,881
Deaths: 4,066
Recovered: 7,251


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump should use this time when he is staying at home to repeat first grade, the nation’s teachers are urging.

Carol Foyler, the executive director of the National Alliance of Elementary Educators, said that the homebound Trump has a “golden opportunity” to use remote learning to repeat the first-grade curriculum.

“At a time when many of our nation’s children are being homeschooled, this seems like the perfect time for President Trump to learn the basics of reading, writing, and math,” she said. “By June, he could be reading ‘Hop on Pop’ and ‘Go, Dog, Go!’ ”

Sorry, Andy. I just can’t believe this one. All elementary educators are bright enough to be certain that criminal Fuhrer Trump* would flunk first grade.  RESIST!!

From Alternet: Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s financial disclosures from late February and early March are simply fascinating. We already knew that Loeffler sold off a lot of stock in early February, while buying stock in a company positioned to do well during coronavirus shutdowns because it provides online meetings. But the hugely wealthy senator’s money moves didn’t stop there.

Loeffler sold off $18.7 million in shares of Intercontinental Exchange, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange. Loeffler’s husband, Jeff Sprecher, is the CEO of the company and she used to be an executive there. Loeffler and Sprecher also sold shares of retail stores including Lululemon and T.J. Maxx, while making another really interesting investment. This time, they bought shares of a company that makes protective gear being used in hospitals fighting COVID-19.

She did not even warn her own constituents, let alone the rest of us, that she knew the Trump* virus pandemic was about to strike. How many thousands did she and Republicans like her murder by choosing to line their own pockets, instead of doing their job? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): How to Prepare for the Trump Recession with Robert Reich

Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the Right, the Republican Reich, cares only for grabbing power and providing welfare for billionaires. All of Robert’s proposals are spot-on, but only as a start. I will not survive the Republican Recession. I hope and pray you do! RESIST!!

From YouTube: Canned Heat – On The Road Again [HQ]

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Mar 042020

It’s a queasy day here in the CatBox.  I’m keeping it down, but just barely.  By rotating food items to different meals, I’ve determined that I can eat items I thought I couldn’t eat at lunch, when I have no pills to take.  I’ll have my mortar and pestle today, my big jar of applesauce tomorrow, and box of 50 2 oz. plastic cups with lids to store powdered meds and applesauce on Sunday.  WWWendy is coming this evening to de-stink the Tomcat and help with chores.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s non-food item took me 4:02 (average 5:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Take damn his undeserved medal away too!

Short Takes:

From Alternet: A mother and son from Sarasota Military Academy in Florida are being quarantined for COVID-19, according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. On the Academy’s Facebook page [Fakebook delinked], the school posted on Monday that the “mother’s contact with a patient at Sarasota Doctors Hospital in her professional role,” had led to both her and her son to be quarantined as a “precautionary measure.” The two reportedly showed no symptoms of the virus.

On Friday, Feb. 28, Trump’s top coronavirus point man and non-believer in science, Mike Pence, held a fundraiser in Sarasota at the home of Republican Rep. Vern Buchanan. At the event, Pence talked about “possible changes in travel status to the United States,” while shaking hands with dozens of supporters and 44 cadets from Sarasota Military Academy. Ruh-roh.

While I would not wish Trump* virus on anyone, spending some quarantine time might teach that hate-spewing pseudo-Christian sycophant a little compassion for his and his criminal Fuhrer’s other Trump* virus victims.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Mitch McConnell’s Do Nothing Republicans

Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the right, the evil Republican Reich, has two perfect (for them) shepherds: criminal Fuhrer Trump* and Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch. Flush both in November, and flush all their cronies. Every Republican in office is one Republican too many!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): THIS MAGIC MOMENT-JAY AND THE AMERICANS

Ah… the memories.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Feb 162020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy if coming to de-stink the rancid TomCat and help with chores, including the preparation of what I need for my day trip to the hospital on Tuesday.  I hope your day is fully Republican-free.  If not, flush!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:09 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Moscow Mitch McConnell went on Fox News to chortle and gloat over the 395 bills the Democratic House has passed in the last year that he’s refusing to consider.

“It is true,” the Senate majority leader said. “They’ve been on full left-wing parade over there, trotting out all of their left-wing solutions that are going to be issues in the fall campaign. They’re right. We’re not going to pass those.” Like making sure state and local governments have enough funding to secure the 2020 election and legislation ensuring that people’s health care is protected. You know, crazy “full left-wing parade,” unlike his Senate that’s cranking out extremist, unqualified judges and voting on forced-birther bills that can’t even pass in the Senate.

At the same time Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch’s beloved criminal Fuhrer Trump* is whining about how the House of Representatives get nothing done, because they spend all their time persecuting him. The only solution is to dump every Republican dawg catcher, the Nazi Republican Fuhrer, and every Republican in between. Every Republican in office is one Republican too many!  RESIST!!

From Raw Story: Appearing in MSNBC’s “AM Joy” former lead prosecutor Glenn Kirschner hammered Attorney General Bill Barr of a pattern of deceit and perjury that began with his Senate confirmation hearings and continues to this day.

Speaking with host Joy Reid about Barr’s ABC interview admission that he is unhappy with Donald Trump’s tweets and that he doesn’t let them influence him, the prosecutor called him out.

“Bill Barr is not to be believed,” Kirschner explained. “You know, from day one, Joy, at his confirmation hearing he lied — he committed perjury. [Sen.] Kamala Harris asked him, did anybody at the White House including the president ask you to open an investigation or suggest you should open an investigation? What did he say? ‘You know, I’m grappling with the word suggest.’”

First, Barrf should be impeached. Then, Barrf should be disbarrfed!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Marcels – Blue Moon

This was the first 45 RPM record I ever owned. Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!
