Aug 112021

Yesterday I was kind of bleary, because my portable noise generator, though it worked, didn’t last all night. (However, I did learn valuable information about what to do differently – found out it does run on house power and how to make that happen.) And the new one should come before the weekend (and it will run on house power.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – USPS Board Won’t Quit DeJoy — Or His Disastrous Plan
Quote – The arrangement, amazingly, was cleared by ethics officials the Postal Service according to a previously unknown inspector general report requested by lawmakers. He filed all the right paperwork, according to the IG. That doesn’t mean there’s anything that doesn’t stink about this. (DeJoy, however, remains under investigation by the FBI for his political contributions and company activities involving XPO.)
Click through for probably more than you wanted to know. Very little is good about this. However, President Biden’s latest nominee to the Board was just confirmed yesterday and that should help,

The Hill – The 19 GOP senators who voted for the $1T infrastructure bill
Quote – The passage of the bill comes just before Democrats take up a budget resolution that greenlights their ability to pass a separate $3.5 trillion spending plan, packed with the party’s top priorities, later this year without GOP votes. No Republicans are expected to support the budget resolution or the subsequent spending package, which is unlikely to get voted on before late September.
Click through for complete list. Don’t forget there’s another infrastructure bill in the House, and that Reconciliation will be invoked. This $1T bill is not the one we want (and we may not get the one we want, but we can expect to get closer to what we want than this.) Also, as Lona pointed out, this vote is going to go to Manchin’s head. It shouldn’t. These Senators are voting for it because they know something good is going to pass and they want to be able to claim credit.

HuffPost – Pentagon Issues COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate For All U.S. Military Members
Quote – Austin’s decision reflects similar moves by governments and companies around the world, as nations struggle with the highly contagious delta variant that has sent new U.S. cases, hospitalizations and deaths surging to heights not seen since last winter. The concerns are especially acute in the military, where service members live and work closely together in barracks and on ships, increasing the risks of rapid spreading. Any large virus outbreak in the military could affect America’s ability to defend itself in any security crisis.
Click through for story. If, like me, you were wondering what they were waitin for – it was FDA approval. But they decided it was too important to wait any longer (with which I concur – for what that’s worth.)

Food for Thought –

Aug 102021

Glenn Kirschner – Evidence Mounts of Trump’s Conspiracy w/DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark to Overturn Election Results

This really needs no remark from me.

politicsrus – Democracy Is Starving

Anti-Armageddon Update with Christopher’s sister Sharon (Somehow I think he’s proud of her…)

John Di Domenico -Trump Slams Cuomo’s 11 counts of sexual harassment

Woman Rescues A Very Angry, Growly Feral Kitten And Earns Her Love

Beau – Let’s talk about two Florida tough guys….

Aug 092021

Yesterday it was supposed to be warmer – the dude on the radio was hoping people had air conditioning – but it wasn’t here. It actually felt the cooloest day for a while. Hey, I’ll take that … as long as it doesn’t get too cold too fast. It was also a pill weekend, I filled the morning ones on Saturday and the evening ones yesterday. Set for two weeks now. Also placed a grocery order to be lelivered today.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Law & Crime – A Former MMA Fighter from N.J. and a Metal Baton-Swinging Seattle Resident Are the First to Plead Guilty to Assaulting Police on Jan. 6th
Quote – Both men technically face up to 20 years imprisonment at their upcoming sentencing on Sept. 17…. Both also face the possibility of $250,000 fines. Their sentencing hearings will be closely watched, as potential markers for how heavily federal judges will punish those charged with assaulting law enforcement on Jan. 6th.
Click through for deets and some speculation. Law & Crime can get very sensational in their headlines and in their selection of stories, but their style is pretty matter-of-fact.

AP News – Late nights, early mornings await Senate on infrastructure
Quote – As many as 20 Republicans are expected to join Democrats in what would be a big a vote on final passage. Overcoming a 60-vote hurdle Saturday with backing from 18 Republicans was a sign that the bipartisan tenuous alliance could hold on the public works package. Another procedural vote was expected late Sunday, as senators push toward Tuesday’s final passage. If approved, the bill would go to the House.
Click through for story. Don’t faint if some Republicans vote for this. They know we are going to get it done, and they don’t want us to be able to say, “Not one single Republican voted for it.”

Rolling Stone – Die Hard Trump Supporters Increasingly Demand Violence If He Isn’t Reinstated, Homeland Security Warns
Quote – “Over the last few days what has occurred is there’s been much more public visibility, meaning the discussions and these theories have migrated away from being contained within the conspiracy and extremist online communities, to where they’re being the topic of discussion on web forums, or more public web forums, and even within the sort of media ecosystem,” a senior DHS official told ABC News. The drunk-on-Trump crowd has been triggered so much that Homeland Security says they are concerned about the calls for violence increasing further.
Click through for more. This is a situation in which police in key locations do need riot gear, and I hope they have it.

Food for Thought –

Jul 182021

Glenn Kirschner – With Donald Trump It’s Always About the Grift: His Latest Plea for Cash from the Red Hat Crowd

Meidas Touch – Jenna Ellis HUMILIATES Herself | Weirdo of the Week

Thom Hartmann – Is This America’s Last Chance At Multiracial Democracy?

RepresentUs – What the F@#k Is the Filibuster? Everyone here knows this, but passing it on could help someone – maybe.

Puppet Regime – Jeff Bezos Has a Solution for Work-Life Balance

Republican Accountability Project on Twitter

Liberal Redneck – PREGNANT MAN EMOJIS AND FREEDOM PHONES YALL I haven’t seen the emoji, but the phone … well, here.

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s coup denial….

Jul 082021

Glenn Kirschner – Following New York’s Lead, DC Appellate Court Suspends Rudy Giuliani’s Law License.

Meidas Touch – Case Closed #IndictTrump

Decency United – Leadership Across History – Qualities of Great and Terrible Leaders

Global Idigenous Council – “Family”

Liberal Redneck – “Fox Weather”

Parody Project – FILIBUSTER – a Parody of Land Down Under

Beau – Let’s talk about Chip Roy’s 18 months of nothing getting done….

Jun 102021

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ Announces it will Defend Donald Trump in Defamation Lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll this week is turning into a workshop on how decent people express anger. Glenn makes his voice into silk dripping with sarcasm.

Meidas Touch – with Stuart Stevens

The Lincoln Project – The Line

BARF BAG ALERT! Campaign “ad” from Lauren Boebert. Yecccch!

Liberal Redneck on Manchin

Now This News – Magawa the Landmine-Sniffing Rat is Retiring a Hero (Just a little break. There are actually maany of these rats and the lives they have saved, and are saving, are priceless.)

Beau – What National Security REALLY needs

Jun 082021

Glenn Kirschner – a recap of May

Don WInslow Films – Well, he nails Sinema, but I’d rather have her than a Republican 9and no, she isn’t one – she [and Manchin] both vote with the Democratic caucus more often than not. Sadly, the “not” votes are generally more visible.)

The Republican Accountability Project – a coule of weeks old, but aged well – too well.

Ring of Fire – Mo Brooks

RebelHQ – DANGEROUS Trump Speech You Can’t Ignore – good analysis of the need to cover garbage pople who are also dangerous

Beau – I’ve seen him upset before – but not this upset. (And with good reason.)

Jun 012021

So here is the plan – OK, not really, it’s juat a proposal. I welcome feedback both positive and negative. I will put up an Open Thread daily. It won’t be posted between 2 and 5 am as TomCat’s were, but I can always use the scheduling tool to put ot up at, say, 7:00 am Pacific (8 Mountain, 9 Central, 10 Eastern, not sure about Oz) and be consistent about it.
– I am thinking it’s maybe time to scrap the puzzle.
– I can include a cartoon every day – at least at first, they mostly will not be mine; but I do have the frame saved and can start making some as subjects arise. Besides, most of TC’s bear repeating.
– I should be able to come up with 2 or 3 short takes daily, even as competent and no-nonsense as President Biden is. there are others who are not.
– If anything in my personal life affects when or how much I will be able to post, I will, of course, tell you. Otherwise, not so much.
– There is no way that I know enough about 60’s and 70’s pop music to come up with blasts from the past daily. Is anyone else interested in that?


Short Takes

Twitter – A thread from Michael Harriot, concerning the Greenwood Massacre, AKA the Tulsa Race Riot. It’s posted in a Thread Reader so that it makes a coherent article. It tells the true story of that Massacre of 1921, a hundred years ago.  It’s not what you’re thinking.  I thought I knew something about it, but I certainy didn’t know all this.

The Hill – 9 Senate seats most likely to flip in 2022 This is scary because the list includes both ways.

PolitiZoom – Mike Flynn Telegraphs How He Intends To Sabotage Future Elections With His Movie ‘The Deep Rig’. I consider this important enough to feature it both here and in the Video Thread (his tweet).  PolitiZoom was started and is operated by Ursula Faw, who used to write at Daily Kos.  A few others who used to write there now (also) write here – all are people I trust to fact check.
