Yesterday, I got up early – didn’t even get dressed right away in case I was going to have to wear something more presentable – shortly after 11:30 checked the website and saw the lovely words “DO NOT REPORT.” Then I disconnected the TENS (eariler than usual, but I didn’t seem to need more), played Wordle to decompress, went and got dressed, and came back to get serious about today’s post – and next month’s cartoons.
Cartoon – “Operation Eagle Pull.” And what a cluster it was. And how many Vietnamese who had worked with us we betrayed.

Short Takes –
House panel to explore impeachment, judicial ethics in wake of Ginni Thomas texts
Quote – The texts from Ginni Thomas to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows about the 2020 presidential election and the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot have set off a political firestorm in Washington, raising Democratic anger and calls for Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from decisions related to the election and former President Trump. Republicans overwhelmingly have rallied to Clarence Thomas’s defense.
Click through for details. Sure, it may not work, but it needs to be attempted with all the enthusiasm and evidence we can muster.
Crooks and Liars – Chicago Study Proves You Can Reduce Gun Violence Without Arrests
Quote – The recently completed trial tracked some 2,500 men in Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods and found that men who participated in an intensive, 18-month program called READI Chicago were nearly two-thirds less likely to be arrested for a shooting or homicide and nearly 20% less likely to be shot or killed themselves than a similar group of men that weren’t in the program. Those are all significant declines considering a third of participants had been shot at least once before enrolling, and had an average of 17 arrests on their rap sheet.
Click through for more information. This could lead to wonderful results – if it doesn’t get stopped by Republicans.
Mother Jones – Inside the Top-Secret Abortion Underground
Quote – As long as women have had unwanted pregnancies, other women have helped them resolve the problem. After the mid-19th century, when abortion was outlawed, women either found a physician who did it on the sly or turned to traditional helpers, a practice that continued even after the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. Today, as abortion rights are restricted at an unprecedented rate—between 2011 and 2016, more than 160 clinics closed—this informal network of nonmedical providers is responsible for a small but significant number of abortions nationwide.
Click through for story. The Underground Railroad was formed to help people escape from slavery. Being dinied an abortion isn’t exactly like being a slave = it’s more like being livestock. If this underground system is what it takes, then it is what it is.
Food For Thought