May 072022

Glenn Kirschner – NY appellate court rejects Donald Trump’s Appeal – Trump must pay 10K-a- day for contempt of court

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Attack on US Veteran

The Lincolb Project – The Choice

MSNBC – For Religious Right, Abortion Was A Means To Power As Segregation Lost Political Potency

American Bridge – VP Kamala Harris’ forceful denunciation of SCOTUS voting to overturn Roe v. Wade

Mrs. Betty Bowera – God Comes Out as Pro-Choice

Beau – Let’s talk about SCOTUS, dirty little secrets, and hypocrisy….

May 042022

Yesterday, I received confirmation for my visit to Virgil this Sunday. I would have receuved it Monday if I hadn’t made a proofreading error which I had to clarify. I’m both relieved and a little sad that I got the approval in spite of the delay, because May 8 is Mothers’ Day. But maybe the mothers of inmates who are not only children are visiting other days on the weekend. I hope so. Anyway, I’ll be there.

Cartoon – 04 0504Cartoon.jpg

Short Takes –

Twitter – Statement of President Biden on reported Spureme Court draft    Quote:

Click through – the link is to Twitter – it should allow you to click on the full statement and see a larger image. Of course there are a gazillion actions already set up, and it won’t do any haem to join one or more. (Update: Chief Justice Roberts confirmed the draft yesterday)

Daily Kos (Community) – Ukraine Invasion Day 69: irony might yet win the war
Quote – Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to undergo cancer surgery and temporarily hand over power to a hardline former federal police chief, according to a new report. Putin will transfer control of Russia’s government to Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian federal police’s Security Council, while he is incapacitated….
Click through for a little more on this and a lot more on the war in general.

No More Mister Nice Blog – Who Are Right-Wingers When They’re At Home?
Quote – [T]he teams working on Fox’s evening lineup began to make wider use of expensive ratings data known as “minute-by-minutes.” Unlike the “quarter-hour” ratings more commonly used in cable newsrooms, which show how each 15-minute “block” performed, the minute-by-minutes allow producers to scrutinize an audience’s real-time ebb and flow. Mr. Carlson … was among the network’s most avid consumers of minute-by-minutes, according to three former Fox employees….
Click through for article. This blog is in our blog roll, and does great work – but I usually find it when Crooks and liars lifts fro it.

Food For Thought

Apr 302022

Glenn Kirschner – More audiotapes show Republicans McCarthy, Gaetz, Scalise and Mo Brooks feeding on one another

Meidas Touch – Catholic Politician REACTS to Marjorie Taylor Greene Calling Catholics ‘Satanic’

Lincoln Project – Last Week In The Republican Party – April 27, 2022

Democracy Now – Juan Gonzlez: In Surprise Move, Gorsuch Challenges U.S. Colonialism in SCOTUS Ruling on Puerto Rico (this really is jaw-dropping!)

No on H -Stop the Republican Con – Judges and Police agree [This ad being pushed by the DA they are trying to recall]

Rocky Mountain Mike – You Sank My Battleship

Beau – Let’s talk about Transnistria, the unknown, and new develops for Ukraine….

Apr 282022

Yesterday, I got up early – didn’t even get dressed right away in case I was going to have to wear something more presentable – shortly after 11:30 checked the website and saw the lovely words “DO NOT REPORT.” Then I disconnected the TENS (eariler than usual, but I didn’t seem to need more), played Wordle to decompress, went and got dressed, and came back to get serious about today’s post – and next month’s cartoons.

Cartoon – “Operation Eagle Pull.”  And what a cluster it was.  And how many Vietnamese who had worked with us we betrayed.

Short Takes –

House panel to explore impeachment, judicial ethics in wake of Ginni Thomas texts
Quote – The texts from Ginni Thomas to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows about the 2020 presidential election and the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot have set off a political firestorm in Washington, raising Democratic anger and calls for Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from decisions related to the election and former President Trump. Republicans overwhelmingly have rallied to Clarence Thomas’s defense.
Click through for details. Sure, it may not work, but it needs to be attempted with all the enthusiasm and evidence we can muster.

Crooks and Liars – Chicago Study Proves You Can Reduce Gun Violence Without Arrests
Quote – The recently completed trial tracked some 2,500 men in Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods and found that men who participated in an intensive, 18-month program called READI Chicago were nearly two-thirds less likely to be arrested for a shooting or homicide and nearly 20% less likely to be shot or killed themselves than a similar group of men that weren’t in the program. Those are all significant declines considering a third of participants had been shot at least once before enrolling, and had an average of 17 arrests on their rap sheet.
Click through for more information. This could lead to wonderful results – if it doesn’t get stopped by Republicans.

Mother Jones – Inside the Top-Secret Abortion Underground
Quote – As long as women have had unwanted pregnancies, other women have helped them resolve the problem. After the mid-19th century, when abortion was outlawed, women either found a physician who did it on the sly or turned to traditional helpers, a practice that continued even after the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. Today, as abortion rights are restricted at an unprecedented rate—between 2011 and 2016, more than 160 clinics closed—this informal network of nonmedical providers is responsible for a small but significant number of abortions nationwide.
Click through for story. The Underground Railroad was formed to help people escape from slavery. Being dinied an abortion isn’t exactly like being a slave = it’s more like being livestock. If this underground system is what it takes, then it is what it is.

Food For Thought

Apr 062022

Glenn Kirschner (Jonathan Capehart) – “The Supreme Court Can’t Be Trusted to Police Itself.” (and 2 more shorts)

American Bridge – Ron DeSantis Breaks Law to Shield Appointee Tied to Sex Crimes Investigation

VoteVets – Profiteers

Now This News – Why the Filibuster Has to Go, By Adam Jentleson

Ojeda Live – Top 5 Most Evil Televangelists

Randy Rainbow – GAY! – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Beau – Let’s talk about gas, insulin, and republican strategy….

Apr 032022

Glenn Kirschner – Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Conflicts of Interest & the Need for an Impeachment Inquiry

Meidas Touch – Rep. Raskin TROLLS GOP with ‘cocaine-fueled orgies’ slam

The Lincoln Project – Compromised

RepresentUs – Wisconsin Election Officials Face Death Threats

The Ring of Fire – Missouri Republicans Demand Citizens Repay Unemployment Benefits (Legally, the government s correct – but it’s also true that, yes, they COULD legally forgive it – and, morally , should.)

Brent Terhune – A Madison Cawthorn Party

Beau – Let’s talk about why the public’s opinion doesn’t count….

Mar 312022

Glenn Kirschner – Federal Judge Finds, by a Preponderance of the Evidence, that Trump Committed Crimes Against the US

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican PArty

MSNBC – Sen. Whitehouse: Three New Supreme Court Justices Being Told What To Do By Donor Front Groups

Robert Reich – The Oligarchy’s Ultimate Political Weapon

Al Franken – Critical Race Theory – An ACTUAL Explanation

Liberal Redneck – Trump’s January 6th Burner Phones

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, a judge, DOJ, and a ruling…..

Mar 292022

Glenn Kirschner – Ginni Thomas’s Pipeline to the White House, a Compromised Supreme Court and the Coming Subpoenas

Thom Hartmann – Did Tulsi Gabbard Just Expose Herself? (I won’t say “I told you so” because I don’t remember whether I ever voiced my doubts. I do, however, remember that I had them.

MSNBC (h/t Colleen) – Ali Velshi – When Biden Said Putin ‘Cannot Remain In Power’, He Was Right. And He Should Stick To It [IMO ali is 100% correct morally, and 100% wrong strategically. Blinken’s “clarification was in order to save all of our lives.]

ELTA Sports – The narration is in Chinese but the song is mostly in English (some Ukrainian) and this seems to be the only video wih the complete performance, the full staning ovation, and some slomo closeups at the end. (background here) 

The Ring of Fire – Trump Jr Launches Conspiracy Theory About Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Mental Health

Picky Kitten Refuses To Give Up His Bottle

Beau – Let’s talk about a free library to satisfy your curiosity….
