Jul 012022

Glenn Kirschner – Even Mick Mulvaney concludes Trump incited an armed riot. So why has there been no accountability?

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to OAN Anchor’s TOTAL MELTDOWN over Pride Flag

The Lincoln Project – Now We Know the Truth

Twitter – Saw this on DU and had to share. Hanky Alert.

Parody Project – Anthem for the Insurrection

Beau – Let’s talk about pragmatism, unpacking the court, and dealbreakers….

Jul 012022

Yesterday, I started the day with computer issues. I got in to two web pages, but couldn’t open any more with out 403 errors (“not authotized.) I rebooted the modem – nothing. I used CCleaner’s “Health Check” – nothing. I rebooted the computer and that finally solved the issue. but it took between one and two hours. Obviously I got in and got things done (grumbling all the way.)I figured I needed a little pampering after that, so spent some time goofing off.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Robert Reich – Trumpism and the myth of the “free market”
Quote – Today, I look at what’s happened to wealth and power, and how the dramatic consolidation of both at the top of America continues to fuel Trumpism. Wealth and power are inseparable. Democracy depends on the support of a large and growing middle class that shares a nation’s growing wealth — and through that wealth, its power.
Click through for Part 2 of “The Roots of Trumpism.” I don’t know how many parts there will be (he may not know yet himself.)

Wonkette – Supreme Court Kills Tribal Sovereignty Too In Case You Thought It Was Just ‘Women’ And ‘Classrooms Of Kids’
Quote – As with other SCOTUS decisions this term, Wednesday’s decision in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta hinged on Donald Trump’s addition of one more rightwing jerk to the court. In 2020, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still around to join the majority in McGirt, but this week, Amy Coney Barrett joined four other rightwing justices to roll back McGirt in a serious way. This time around, Gorsuch wrote a very angry dissent, joined by Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Stephen Breyer. At issue in this case was a matter that had long been treated as settled law: What power do states have in criminal cases involving non-Indians? (We’re going to use that dubious antiquated word more than we usually do, following the usage of the Court and some prominent Native American legal writers. Usage is always evolving, unless you’re talking federal courts, right?)
Click through for article. Amazing, I know, but apparently Gorsuch’s pro-Native-American stance is real. This is the second highly publicized decision where he has been on the right side. But he wasn’t enough.

Food For Thought

Jun 302022

Glenn Kirschner – J6 hearing reveals Trump knew mob was armed, wanted to lead them to the Capitol to stop Biden’s win

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen REACTS to Trump Officials Being Indicted and Subpoenaed

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – June 28, 2022

Robert Reich – This is Why We Need to Get Money Out of Politics

Liberal Redneck – Not So Supreme Court

Beau – Let’s talk about what they’re going after next….

Jun 292022

Glenn Kirschner – Surprise J6 public hearing; former US Atty General lays out evidence of Trump’s criminal intent

Meidas Touch – Furious Texas Paul REACTS to Horrific Roe v. Wade Decision

MSNBC – Footage Of Rudy Giuliani Encounter Reveals What Actually Went Down

Ojeda Live – Calling All Patriots, Working Class Americans & Defenders of Choice

Shirley Serban – Sound of Science (so realistic it’s spooky)

Beau – Let’s talk about the objection to unpacking the court….

Jun 282022

Glenn Kirschner – Two topics: how to combat the Supreme Court revoking women’s rights; how to hold Trump accountable

Meidas Touch – AOC brings the HOUSE DOWN with Scathing Speech After Roe v Wade Decision

The Lincoln Project – Wandrea “Shaye” Moss

Farron Balanced – Fox News Host Hilariously Smacks Down Dr Oz For Lying About Poll Numbers

OwlKitty in Lord of the Rings

Beau – Let’s talk about unpacking the Supreme Court decision…. (I am in favor of a two-pronged strategy – expand AND impeach. But then I’ve always been a belt-and-suspenders type)

Jun 282022

Yesterday, I realized Nameless has posted Sunday evening after I sent the email – I’ll pick it up in next week’s, but for regular readers, here’s the link – https://www.7thstep.org/blog/2022/06/26/there-is-no-joy-in-mudville/ I didn’t see it immediately because I was loking for an email response to my visit-Virgil notification, and when I found it, it was a notificaion that he has been moved again. I needed to address that right away because they only have certain hours in which they read and answer emails, so I didn’t get to PP right away. And I realize this OT is pretty lightweught. Sometimes that happens. BTW, there’s another hearing today I’ll be watching it after the fact. And one final note – I’m not big on podcasts myself as a learning method (I find it difficult to sit still and listen), but this one, recommended by the editor of Mother Jones, appears to be seriously content-rich, down to earth, and something you can recommend to anyone whose shock at current events leads them to wnt to learn more. It’s called “How to Citizen.” https://www.howtocitizen.com

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker (Borowitz) – Women Declare Themselves Corporations to Force Supreme Court to Grant Them Rights as People
Quote – Attorneys across the nation indicated that they have been swamped by requests from clients seeking to incorporate as soon as possible. “The Supreme Court decided in 2010 that corporations are people, so all we want is to be treated like corporations, ” Carol Foyler, who now goes by the corporate name FoylerCo L.L.C., said.
Click through for full (short) article. I’ve heard lots of ideas less intelligent than this one.

Robert Reich – When I was Baby Jesus
Quote – What was I to do? I did the only thing my five-year-old brain could come up with: I apologized to God. I did it quietly as I lay on the straw on the stage, under my breath so no one else would hear, and then apologized again during the prayers and Christmas carols. I whispered, “God, I didn’t have a choice. I was cast as Baby Jesus. I don’t celebrate Christmas. It’s against my religion. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
Click through for his thoughts on yet another horrible SCOTUS decision.

Food For Thought

Jun 272022

Glenn Kirschner – Supreme Court revokes women’s constitutional rights. Congress MUST open impeachment hearings – NOW (the sound is odd, but there is CC)

Meidas Touch – Adam Kinzinger Stuns with Speech of the Year during Jan 6 Hearings

The Lincoln Project – Lady Ruby

MSNBC – Lawrence: Samuel Alito’s Lies Did Not Stop In His Confirmation Hearing

VoteVets – Pride

Beau – Let’s talk about what happens if Trump is acquitted….

Jun 262022

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;

And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,

But there is no joy in Mudville Americamighty Casey has women’s rights were just struck out.

After what SCOTUS has done to America and our Constitution, I just really couldn’t put my heart into going whole hog on something funny.

But I’ll share a couple of things that brought a smile …

This is TFG imitating a female weightlifter at his latest rally in Illinois on Saturday.

Entertaining enough for me to make a GIF of it:

And this morning on “Meet the Press” Peggy Noonan actually got the entire panel to laugh when she said the GQP should become the party that helps women and children (because, Lord knows, they do NOT do that currently).

Wanting to leave on a positive note, I’m sharing a Tweet I came across of a young woman who composed a post-Roe version of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”.  It was posted in the response to TFG’s latest rally where MAGA Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) [she’s actually quoted Hitler in the past] thanks TFG “for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday”.

