Jul 092022

Yesterday, I was grieved to learn from Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletter (it comes in the middle of the night) that Shinzo Abe, former Prime Minister of JJapan, had been shot, and even more grieved to learn he had died from it. I put the news in a comment in yesterda’s OT, adding I had (politically speaking) fallen in love with him upon seeing his reaction to Trump**. I went looking for the picture, and eventually found it, and I reproduce it above the cartoon to refresh everyon’e memories. Later, I received an almost complete grocery delivery – no substitutions, only one item shorted, and I received two of it out of four ordered – so that was a success. I got it mostly put away within an hour.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Conversation – Abortion decision cherry-picks history – when the US Constitution was ratified, women had much more autonomy over abortion decisions than during 19th century
Quote – But in his rather selective forays into history, Alito doesn’t ask what to me, as a historian, constitutes a set of fundamental questions: Why was abortion eventually criminalized during that time? What was the broad cultural and intellectual context of that period? And, more important, is there something peculiar about the 19th century? As far as women’s bodies and abortion are concerned, the 19th century saw a decrease in the trust in, and power of, women themselves.
Click through for history. For most of my life, it appeared to be that someone who had risen to the level of a Justice on the Supreme court may not have known everything, but they did know enough not to discuss, particularly in decisions, anything they knew nothing about.

Crooks & Liars – Trumpers Sure Seem Happy That Georgia Guidestones Were Destroyed
Quote – Part of a mysterious Georgia monument was destroyed by an explosive device on Wednesday, and conservatives seem really happy about that even though it’s an illegal act which prompted an active police investigation in Elberton, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. And now the monument has been leveled.
Click through for more. I had never heard of them either – the last time I was in Georigia was around 1970, and they didn’t go up until 1979-1980. Really, the only mystery is probably who paid for them. They wre for pretty sure supposed to give guidance after a nuclear war destroyed almost everything. Wikipedia has good details and Beau did a video on them. But RWNJ’s never met a conspiracy theory they didn’t love.

Food For Thought

Jul 082022

Glenn – Supreme Court parade of horribles: what we CAN do about the court revoking our constitutional rights

Twitter – Ken Harbaugh is the Governor Missouri needs. But alas, he isn’t even running. (The CC is accurate.)

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda RIPS Steve Bannon’s Podcast

Represent Us – Retired Four-Star General Issues a Dire Warning for America

Mrs. Betty Bowers – Don Jr’s Intervention

Beau – Let’s talk about Moore v Harper and SCOTUS….

Jul 082022

Yesterday, I finished the last cartoon for July, and set up the template to work on August. I also learned from Heather Cox Richardson that a trailer for the Trump** documentary which was being filmed right around the 2020 election (to include the period of the insurrection) has been released. I scouted around for it and eventually found it – but it’s not embeddable, so it won’t be in the video thread, but here’s a link if anyone’s curious.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The 19th – When abortion clinics close, low-income people will also lose access to other reproductive care
Quote – Robin Marty has three months. That’s how long the money will last. The abortion clinic she runs in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, halted abortions following the reversal of Roe v. Wade last month, but it has enough cash reserves to provide other reproductive health services, including birth control, HIV treatment, prenatal care and gender-affirming care through about September. In that time frame, her staff is working to implement a new model that would keep West Alabama Women’s Center in operation, serving as a key access point for thousands of low-income people in the region who rely on abortion clinics for other services — the kind that are unavailable to them through insurance or that they otherwise would have to get on months-long waitlists to receive.
Click through for story. I probably don’t need to remind anyone that this is a feature – not a bug. Robin saw this coming (and wrote a book about it) – if she isn’t prepared, no one is.

HuffPost – Washington Post Editorial Board Offers Grim Warning About Supreme Court’s ‘Next Move’
Quote – “Our democracy’s path rests mostly with the Supreme Court. If five justices overturn the North Carolina decision, they will know what they are doing, which is writing a recipe for election tampering,” the Post editorial board wrote. “They will also know why they are doing it: not because the Constitution demands it, but because they can.”
Click through for details. Should the Court decide wrongly on this, it will not affect the 2022 midterms – which means the 2022 midterms could just be the last free and fair national election in the United States for the foreseeable future -certainly the last in our lifetimes. How do we convince Democrats that it’s not illegitimate or immoral to campaign on fear when the threat is real?

Food For Thought

Jul 052022

Yesterday, I read Robert Reich‘s and Heather Cox Richardson‘s fourth-of-July essays, which cam in, one late the previous night, and one very early in the morning. In a way they say the same thing in different words. And in a way, both are wrong – not in the wrong direction, but not going far enough. It was this that struck me in Richardson’s piece (referencing the Gettysburg Address): “the Civil War was ‘testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.’ It did, of course.” No. It didn’t. The same issues which divied us in 1776 and 1865 and 1964 have never gone away. We just managed to push them underground for a few years (a trifle longer the second time). And Trump** did not bring them to a boil. They were always at a boil. All he did was give the wrong side permission to speak.

If we are ever going to heal this divide, we have to do more than trying harder, because that isn’t working. The most recent time around (the 1960s), psychology had become a science, and there have been all kinds of psychological studies about perceptions which have provided new information about the states of mind of Americans – but not one (and no combination) has given any insight into what to do to make it go away. Now, again, some states are talking about seceding. And some progressives are saying (and more are secrtly thinking) perhaps we should let it happen (at least some of us are talking about the need to rescue sane people from the departing states, and how difficult that would be) We already have a Civil War on our hands now – right now. It’s not yet a shooting war. But that doesn’t mean it won’t be. And way too few appear to realize it.

Oddly, it may be Steve Schmidt who puts it the most clearly: “Then [the beginning of the Civil War, speaking of Congress] like now, there were some who looked at the empty desks and saw crisis in the absence – not [in] the cause of the absence.”

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Double Whammy: Trump Media Group Subpoenaed Twice In One Week
Quote – Digital World Acquisition Corp. said in a filing Friday that Trump Media and Technology Group received a subpoena from the grand jury in Manhattan on Thursday. The Trump company also received a subpoena from the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding a civil probe on Monday, DWAC said
Click thrpugh for details. Two different subpoenas by two diferent entities. Good.

Democratic Underground – Robert Hubbell has an idea for getting control of the Supreme Court.
Quote – It is debatable whether Congress can force Supreme Court justices to adopt an enforceable code of ethics. But the Constitution provides that Congress can restrict the appellate jurisdiction of the Court, as provided in Article III, Section 2: [T]he Supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.
Click through – This could be, not IMO a permanent solution, but a powerful stopgap until the Court can really be fixed (not that it shouldn’t stay in effect – it should always have been in effect.  But we also need more)

Food For Thought

Jul 042022

Glenn – J6 committee subpoenas WH Counsel Pat Cipollone. Will he testify or coverup Trump’s crimes?

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen REACTS to Trump attacks on Cassidy Hutchinson

Robert Reich – The Supreme Court’s War on the People (yes, I also used the text article.)

Beloved Community Talks | The Replacement Theory and White Fear: It Starts in Our Minds
This is a seminar produced by The King Center through “The Beloved Comunity Speaks” program, and it is 45 minutes even after I cut off some intro. I don’t expect anyone to watch it without setting aside time to do so, and I understand anyone who doesn’t want to do that. I share it mainly because I have a long online relationship with Scott. When he first “came out” on LinkedIn as a “reformed racist” in 2010 (and asked for advice how best to help eliminate racism from anyone willing to give it), I was new to LinkedIn myself but I felt I had to respond with support, and we have been LinkedIn contacts ever since. It hasn’t been easy for him (racism is not the only thing he is recovering from) but he has never wavered. He works with The King Center at least annually now. I’m proud to know him.

Puppet Regine – CoVid-19

Beau – Let’s talk about Elmo and a phrase I never thought I say….

Jul 032022

Glenn Kirschner with Stephanie Miller: Trump Will Hold onto His Lies Until the Day He Dies.

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Olivia Rodrigo and Megan Thee Stallion SLAMMING Roe Decision

The Lincoln Project – He Wanted to Help

Dakota Water Wars Part 5 – Ignoring Tribes, Ignoring Laws (I would point out that when the speaker castigates the DOJ official opinion, that was Trump**’s DOJ)

Mrs Betty Bowers – The Not-So-Supreme Court

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s denials from the committee….

Jul 022022

Glenn Kirschner – Cheney reveals witness tampering by Team Trump. Arrest warrants should issue PROMPTLY. Here’s why.

Meidas Touch – Top Former Prosecutor SAYS Trump is GOING DOWN in epic recap

The Lincoln Project – Weapons

MSNBC – How Trump’s Coup Plot Followed A ‘Pre-Existing Script In American History’ (And this is why we need to teach history – particularly reconstruction, which is extremely under-taught.)

As you can see, the RWNJ snowflakes have already come down on this. But we can get around that.

Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in to Supreme Court by Chief Justice John Roberts (and Associate Justice Stephen Breyer)

Beau – Let’s talk about how SCOTUS helped the Democratic Party….

Jul 022022

Yesterday, I started working ahead so I won’t lose sleep or sanity over juggling visiting Virgil and maintaining the blog. Speaking of Virgil, Colleen asked whether the half-day limit was related to the holiday and I said I didn’t thinks so but wasn’t sure. I didn’t say that the only facility he had previously been to with a half-day limit was an infirmary. So when he called today, I asked him, and he said, yes, he’s in an informary, but hadn’t told me because he didn’t want to worry me (ri-i-ight.) He said one of his legs collapsed. I said “Even with the walker?” and he replied “I couldn’t get to the walker fast enough.” So we’ll see what shape he is in. I pointed out that knowing that, yes, something happened, but he is getting medical care actually relieves my mind.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Robert Reich – The beginning of the end of regulation
Quote – West Virginia v. EPA is the latest battle pitting America’s big businesses (in this case Big Oil) against the needs of average Americans. In this Supreme Court — containing three Trump appointees, two George W. Bush appointees, and one George H.W. Bush appointee – big business is winning big time. The financial backers of the Republican Party are getting exactly what they paid for.
Click through for article. The 2020s are looking more and more like the 1920s every day. I hope we get to the 1932 election while I’m still alive (and I hope it doesn’t take until 2032 to do it.)

The Daily Beast – The Sleeper ‘Wire Fraud’ Scheme That Could Nail Trumpworld
Quote – While the Jan. 6 hearings have delivered explosive testimony and evidence suggesting that a number of former administration officials may face criminal liability related to the attack on the Capitol—possibly all the way up to Trump—there’s another potential criminal liability that has largely been lost in the news. That would be the sprawling wire fraud conspiracy which the Jan. 6 special select committee alleged in its second hearing, on June 13, a scheme which legal experts say contains the ingredients for possible federal charges against officials with the campaign and the Republican National Committee—as well as Trump himself.
Click through for details. I know, y’all don’t care what brings hem down as long as it is something, and the sooner the better.

Food For Thought
