Feb 202023

Yesterday, things seemed to go very slowly. There wasn’t much email (though there was some of interest.) I have had a runny nose for the last few days; without going into gross detail, I can say that it didn’t seem to maych CoViD symptoms at all, but it’s always better to have accurate knowledge. So I administered a rapid test (the ones the government sent for free) and you’ll all be happy to know it was absolutely negative. (If there is one thing I am good at, it’s following directions, expecially clear ones, which these were.) I also looked at old March cartoons, and found that I only will need to make six – one early in the month, 4 around the 15th, and one near the end of the month. So I’ll get off easy. Also, yes, I did see that Jimmy Carter has decided to go into hospice care at home rather than be going in and out of hospital, and who can blame him. I found a link to send well wishes – you have to write your own. And then there’s this.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

PolitiZoom – INCOMING! Trump Is Taking Friendly Fire From His Own Foot Soldiers
Quote – No [expletive deleted]. [Friday} in federal court in Washington DC, in the Proud Boys sedition trial, at least some of the Boys are claiming that it’s Trump who belongs on trial, not them. After all, he was the President, and he called them to DC and gave them their marching orders. And then the lawyer fired off a full clip at His Lowness by announcing that he was planning on subpoenaing Trump to testify on his client’s behalf.
Click through for some detail. This is going to be interesting – and sad. For those who inexplicably confuse Trump** with Jwsus, I have a quote that seems likely to me in this situation: “Depart from me, I never knew you.”

Children’s Defense Fund – New Dangerous Assaults on Teaching the Truth
Quote – In his seminal book The Mis-Education of the Negro, Dr. Woodson also explained that providing a standard “mis-education” to young Black children in the school system—“the thought of the inferiority of the Negro is drilled into him in almost every class he enters and in almost every book he studies” was a calculated and insidious attack: “When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.” Decades later, James Baldwin put a similar insight in sharp words that resonate right now: “It’s not the world that was my oppressor, because what the world does to you, if the world does it to you long enough and effectively enough, you begin to do to yourself. You become a collaborate, an accomplice of your own murderers, because you believe the same things they do.”
Click through for full article. Likewise, when Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. was making a documentary on “Africa’s Great Civilizations,” and he first saw the Library of Timbuktu, he literally wept, because all his life he had been taught that “Black people never wrote anything.” I think the snowflakes in this dialog are all white, as indeed snowflakes generally are.

Food For Thought

Feb 102023

Yesterday, I placed and received a grocery order. I had tried to place it the night before, but I couldn’t get the site to take my substitution instructions, and this morning was no better. So I switched stores, and got the order placed (not identical because there are things each carries that the other doesn’t – but close enough.) It had snowed, and it was pretty cold – there was wind, which would blow flakes around, but wasn’t going to help if the snow had gotten heavy by freezing up. Oh well, today and he next few days should be much warmer, and it will be mostly gone for Sunday when I go to see Virgil. Also, if you want to learn more about “the balloon,” other balloons, and what we were able to learn from this one, Heather Cox Richardson has more information that I expect the main stream media to present … since some brain cells are required to digest it all, and the MSM doesn’t generally cater to folks who have those.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Not Just Ginni: John Roberts’ Wife Prompts SCOTUS Ethics Questions
Quote – According to the letter, [Kendal] Price [a co-worker of Mrs. Roberts] was fired in 2013 and sued the firm, as well as Mrs. Roberts and another executive, over his dismissal. He lost the case, but the litigation produced documents that he sent to Congress and the Justice Department, including spreadsheets showing commissions attributed to Mrs. Roberts early in her headhunting career, from 2007 to 2014. Mrs. Roberts, according to a 2015 deposition in the case, said that a significant portion of her practice was devoted to helping senior government lawyers land jobs at law firms and that the candidates’ names were almost never disclosed.
Click through for details, which are not as dramatic as those surrounding the Thomases, but are every bit as unethical.

The Nib – Black and Red
Quote – [W]hen the Bolsheviks took power… America’s northern cities saw themselves transformed by the arrival of the black proletariat…. At least 500,000 black southerners migrated north between 1914 ans 1920.
Click through for graphic article. The title refers to black people and red politics (before the right commandeered the color red.)

Food For Thought


Everyday Erinyes #356

 Posted by at 3:30 pm  Politics
Feb 052023

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Sometimes those who are the most engaged in political activism can also be the most naive. I don’t know how otherwse to explain how those of us who have been working on civil rights, civil liberties, and voting rights since the 50’s, and gained so much, have also lost so much. Did we fail to watch our backs? Did we miss the signs? Or did we see the signs, but were unsure of how to respond? Now it appears we need to do it all over again – or our kids and grandkids do, those of uswho have any. We and/or they will need to come up with better plans for how to keep what has been won. I know, it sounds tiring. I feel exhausted myself. But it’s that or slide into fascism.

Civil rights legislation sparked powerful backlash that’s still shaping American politics

A group of voters lining up outside the polling station, a small Sugar Shack store, on May 3, 1966, in Peachtree, Ala., after the Voting Rights Act was passed the previous year.
MPI/Getty Images

Julian Maxwell Hayter, University of Richmond

For nearly 60 years, conservatives have been trying to gut the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the crowning achievement of the civil rights movement. As a scholar of American voting rights, I believe their long game is finally bearing fruit.

The 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder seemed to be the death knell for the Voting Rights Act.

In that case, the court struck down a portion of the Voting Rights Act that supervised elections in areas with a history of disenfranchisement.

The Supreme Court is currently considering a case, Merrill v. Milligan, that might gut what remains of the act after Shelby.

Conservative legal strategists want the court to say that Alabama – where African Americans make up approximately one-quarter of the population, still live in concentrated and segregated communities and yet have only one majority-Black voting district out of seven state districts – should not consider race when drawing district boundaries.

These challenges to minority voting rights didn’t emerge overnight. The Shelby and Merrill cases are the culmination of a decadeslong conservative legal strategy designed to roll back the political gains of the civil rights movement itself.

A receipt for a $1.50 poll tax paid in 1957 by Rosa Parks.
A number of Southern states had a poll tax that was aimed at preventing by Black people, many of whom couldn’t afford to pay it. This is a receipt for a $1.50 poll tax paid in 1957 by Rosa Parks.
Library of Congress, Rosa Parks Papers

Victory – and more bigotry

The realization of civil and voting rights laws during the 1960s is often portrayed as a victory over racism. The rights revolution actually gave rise to more bigotry.

The Voting Rights Act criminalized the use of discriminatory tests and devices, including literacy tests and grandfather clauses that exempted white people from the same tests that stopped Black people from voting. It also required federal supervision of certain local Southern elections and barred these jurisdictions from making electoral changes without explicit approval from Washington.

These provisions worked.

After 1965, Black voters instigated a complexion revolution in Southern politics, as African Americans voted in record numbers and elected an unprecedented number of Black officials.

In fact, the VRA worked so well that it gave rise to another seismic political shift: White voters left the Democratic Party in record numbers.

As Washington protected Black voting rights, this emerging Republican majority capitalized on fears of an interracial democracy. Conservatives resolved to turn the South Republican by associating minority rights with white oppression.

In 1981, conservative political consultant and GOP strategist Lee Atwater recognized that Republicans might exploit these fears. He argued:

“You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” – that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.“

‘Retard civil rights enforcement’

It wasn’t just Southerners who aimed to undo the revolution enabled by the Voting Rights Act.

President Richard Nixon helped begin this process by promising Southerners that he wouldn’t enforce civil rights. In fact, in a secret meeting with segregationist Sen. Strom Thurmond, Nixon promised to ”retard civil rights enforcement.“

Three men in suits at a large gathering smoking cigars, clapping and looking happy.
Conservative political consultant and GOP strategist Lee Atwater, center, at the GOP National Convention in Dallas, Aug. 23, 1984, recognized that Republicans might capitalize on white people’s fears of rising Black political power.
AP Photo/Ed Kolenovsky

By the early 1980s, President Ronald Reagan also used white people’s growing fear of African American political clout to his advantage.

Reagan’s administration, according to voting rights expert Jesse Rhodes, used executive and congressional control to reorganize the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and the Supreme Court.

The objective?

To undermine how Washington enforced the Voting Rights Act – without appearing explicitly racist.

One of the Reagan administration’s strategies was to associate minority voting rights with so-called reverse discrimination. They argued that laws privileging minorities discriminated against white voters.

Undoing progress

Here’s the background to that strategy:

The years following 1965 were characterized by the dilution of Black Southerners’ voting power. Realizing that they couldn’t keep African Americans from voting, Southerners and segregationists resolved to weaken votes once they’d been cast. They gerrymandered districts and used other means that would dilute minority voting power.

African Americans took the fight to the courts. In fact, nearly 50 cases involving vote dilution flooded the court system after 1965.

Over the course of the 1970s, the Supreme Court met the challenge of vote dilution by mandating the implementation of majority-minority districts.

Conservatives during the early 1980s had become increasingly alarmed by the Supreme Court’s and Department of Justice’s preference for drawing racial district boundaries to give minorities more influence in elections in such ”majority-minority districts.“ These districts aimed to guarantee that minorities could elect candidates of their choice free from machinations such as vote dilution.

With little regard for vote dilution itself, conservative politicians and their strategists argued that majority-minority districts discriminated against whites because they privileged, like affirmative action policies, equality of outcomes in elections rather than equal opportunity to participate.

A gray-haired man in a suit walking in front of a lot of marble steps.
Edward Blum, a longtime conservative legal activist, has brought and won many cases at the Supreme Court rolling back civil rights gains.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Tidal wave

This strategy paid off.

During the 1980s, Republicans used congressional control, a Republican White House and judicial appointments to turn the federal court system and the Department of Justice even further right.

By the 1990s, conservatives replaced federal officials who might protect the Voting Rights Act. In time, these developments, and growing conservatism within the courts, prompted conservative litigation that continues to shape civil rights laws.

A tidal wave of anti-civil rights litigation, led by a well-funded man, Edward Blum, flooded the court system. Blum sought to undermine the Voting Rights Act’s supervision of local elections and undo racial quotas in higher education and employment.

Blum, a legal strategist affiliated with the conservative American Enterprise Institute, helped engineer these now-famous test cases – Bush v. Vera (1996), Fisher v. University of Texas (2013) and Shelby v. Holder (2015). He also orchestrated two pending cases at the court that could reshape the consideration of race in college admissions, Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. University of North Carolina.

These cases, at their core, attacked the rights revolution of the 1960s – or rights that privilege minorities. The argument?

These protections are obsolete because Jim Crow segregation, especially its overt violence and sanctioned segregation, is dead.

New claim, old game

Nearly 30 years of Republican or divided control of Congress and, to a lesser degree, the executive office gave rise to increasingly conservative Supreme Court nominations that have not just turned the court red; they all but ensured favorable outcomes for conservative litigation.

These include the Shelby and Merrill cases and, more recently, litigation that seeks to remove racial considerations from college admissions.

In the Shelby case, the court held that the unprecedented number of African Americans in Alabama – and national – politics meant not merely that racism was gone, it meant that the Voting Rights Act is no longer relevant.

These cases, however, have all but ignored the uptick in conservatives’ claims of voter fraud and political machinations at polling stations in predominantly minority voting districts.

In fact, the rise of voter fraud allegations and contested election results is a new iteration of old, and ostensibly less violent, racism.

The Voting Rights Act was not only effective; Washington was also, initially, committed to its implementation. The political will to maintain minority voting rights has struggled to keep pace with the continuity of racist trends in American politics.

The work of protecting minority voting rights remains unfinished.The Conversation

Julian Maxwell Hayter, Associate Professor of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, what wouldn’t I give to see you, in your most terrifying appearance, swoop into the House and carry off Jim Jordan (and others, but if I started naming all the names we’d be here all week.) I know that’s not going to happen. But it does seem it will take something about that drastic, and at least that effective, to make any inroads. But it felt like that in the 50’s too. Maybe I’m just getting too old.

The Furies and I will be back.

Jan 052023

Glenn Kirschner – Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony shows how DOJ’s refusal to indict Mark Meadows comes home to roost

Thom Hartmann – SCOTUS Judge’s Obscene Joke During Important Case Should Scare You!

Political Voices Network – arbara McQuade: Trump’s Crew, Thomas Caught Lying? Ornato’s Memory is Foggy & Meadows is Too Quiet

Ring of Fire – Trump Allies WANT Him To Get Indicted To Help His Campaign

Terrified Pregnant Pittie Is The Happiest Mom Now

Beau – Let’s talk about what the US is getting out of Ukraine….

Dec 312022

Yesterday, I decided that, since almost everyone is doing end-of-year retrospectives, I didn’t have to. Instead, since I have a couple of depressing sories which unfortunately are important, I at least made a satire sandwich. I hope the middle one gives you a chuckle or a grin, maybe even a LOL.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Trigger Warning
Denverite – Migrants in Denver faced horror on their journeys to the U.S., but despite their desperate risks, many will be forced to leave.
Quote – Kevin, who’s 22 and declined to tell us his last name, is one of at least 1,500 newly arrived migrants who’ve been sheltered by the city this month. He’s one of millions who’ve taken dangerous paths through jungles and deserts over the years to ask the U.S. government for asylum, legal and safe passage into the country. But that status is far from a guarantee. “Imagine traveling with your child, then your child dies and you arrive in the United States only to be deported,” he told us in Spanish during a recent visit to a church-run shelter. “You lost your child and you lost your dream. So then it’s difficult.”
Click through for full story, if you can bear it There is a trigger warning.

SATIRE Wonkette – Donald Trump Has Not Turned His Back On Me! He’s Turned His Front Towards Himself! By Sean Hannity.
Quote – I can hear all my listeners out there asking, “Sean, why are you letting the neighborhood children break wooden boards over your head? Is this a Make a Wish Foundation thing? Are the kids all cancer patients whose dying dream was to beat the crap out of Sean Hannity with a two-by-four?” Well, I can assure you it’s nothing like that. I would never do anything nice for a sick child. No, what’s happening is that a bunch of angry MAGA types in the area sent their little brats to beat up on me because they heard I admitted under oath in a deposition that I did not actually believe “for one second” that Donald Trump lost the election due to widespread voting fraud.
Click through – It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. (Try not to overdose on Schadenfreude.)

Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin (Democratic Underground)
Associated Press – Supreme Court asked to bar punishment for acquitted conduct
Quote – A jury convicted Dayonta McClinton of robbing a CVS pharmacy but acquitted him of murder. A judge gave McClinton an extra 13 years in prison for the killing anyway…. McClinton’s case and three others just like it are scheduled to be discussed when the justices next meet in private on Jan. 6.
Click through for details. Even for today’s Republican party, this is jaw-dropping abuse of power.

Food For Thought

Dec 182022

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Rigoletto” by Verdi. It’s pretty well known, and I’ve written about it here before. Din I mention it’s based on a play by Victor Hugo? I know I’ve mentioned many operas are based on his works. (In the late 19th-early 20th century it was David Belasco. But Puccini, though he set a couple of Belasco’s, did’t so much look at the author – he’d go to see plays in languages he didn’t know, and if he could follow the plot anyway, he’d consider the property. That’s one reason why his operas were immediate classics – it was a very effective way to choose properties which had deep and broad appeal.) “Rigoletto” was the second operea of which I ever owned a complete recording, and yes, that was on vinyl, and yes, I still have it.I didn’t buy it – it was a parting gift from the enlisted Marines whose boss I was at my forst duty station, and I’ll never forget their kindness – particularly the kin=dness of the corporal who volunteered to find out what opera I wouls like without letting on that was why he wanted to know. He was just about the last person I would have suspected of that, and his patinence at my rambling – it must have been a real challenge for his wife, also a corporal in the office, not to break out in giggles. Today, I’ll be seeing Virgil. Of course I will pass on all greetings to him, and will post a comment here when I get back.


Short Takes –

Robert Reich – When will the GOP reach the anti-Trump tipping point?
Quote – When will the GOP finally reach its anti-Trump tipping point — when a majority of Republican lawmakers disavow him? Again and again, it looks like the tipping point is near but the GOP remains under Trump’s thumb…. [per Mitt Romney: “He’s got such a strong base of, I don’t know, 30% or 40 % of the Republican voters, or maybe more, it’s going to be hard to knock him off as our nominee.”
Click through for his thoughts – I’m pretty sure he (and therefore Mitt) are right. And that brain-dead base doesn’t care about anything that actually matters. This trading card fiasco may chip away at the base, but I’m not holding my breath for a major reversal.

Left Jabs – SCOTUS is Developing a Taste for Chaos
Quote – State-v.-state lawsuits are already starting to fly, and the legal positions are already being hardened. Interstate cooperation — a crucial component of daily life — is already fraught, and could at any time turn ugly. It’s almost as if chaos were the point. The six “conservative” justices — they’re conserving very little these days — are pushing everything in the direction of chaos. Whatever the democratic institution they’re invited to tear down, they seem willing to go there. Like they’re remaking the legal system in the image of Ginni Thomas.
Click through for full opinion. TomCat called the Court “SCROTUS” (R for Republican, and pun intended) since Roberts became Chirf Justice – And now it’s far beyond that. I’m not expecting the outcome of this particular case to be quite as bad as “Left Jabs” thinks, but I can’t think it will be good either.

Psyche – Heartbreak is more than a metaphor. Are you at risk?
Quote – But how much medical truth is there to ‘heartbreak’? This was a not a question that was taken particularly seriously – not until an unusual syndrome began appearing in Japanese hospitals in the 1990s. In X-rays, doctors saw the hearts of traumatised patients changing shape. They resembled takotsubo, the small clay pots used in Japan to catch octopus. The story of Takotsubo syndrome, and how it got its name, is the story of how heartbreak became more than a metaphor.
Click through for details. There is plenty of ancedotal evidence, through the centuries, for this. But the imaging results – showin two clearly different ways the hear can actually reshape itself under stress and/or grief – not to mention the preavalence of each differing by gender and age – that’s amazing.

Food For Thought

Dec 152022

Glenn Kirschner missed another day (I hope he’s alright), and I can’t find him on Political VOices Netwrok either. So here is Lawrence with Neal Katyal, who aregued the right side of Moore v Harper before SCOTUS last week.

The Lincoln Project – Marjorie Taylor Greene Says The Quiet Part Out Loud

Meidas Touch – Top Democrat [Ted Lieu] FACT-CHECKS Republicans on their Vile and Deranged Conspiracy Theories (repetetive, but not terribly long)

Parody Project – Ambrose

Woman Rescues A Very Angry, Growly Feral Kitten And Earns Her Love

Beau – Let’s talk about Republicans assessing Biden….

Dec 082022

Yesterday, after Senator Warnock’s victory, I was at least able to breathe again. Sadly, that was a real nail biter. But it ended well. So I decided it was time to move on to the Supreme Court. Both of today’s short takes are – not eacttly hopeful. But we need to know about them. If you need some comic relief, you can check out this BuzzFeed article on misconceptions (no pun intended) that men have about women’s anatomy and bodily functions. They reach never-before-published levels of absurdity.


Short Takes –

Mother Jones – Con Law: How a Fake Document Could Help the Supreme Court Diminish Our Democracy
Quote – So this August, historians of the Constitution were alarmed to see Pinckney’s fraud credulously cited in a brief submitted to the Supreme Court in Moore v. Harper, a high-stakes case that will be heard on Wednesday and whose outcome could usher in new state-level voter suppression and gerrymandering schemes. If the decision rests on Pickney’s alleged plan or similar shaky foundations, it may also prove to be the most dramatic example of a troubling new trend at the court: the flaunting [sic] of inconvenient facts and the adoption of alternative ones in their place.
Click through for article. Of course the author means “flouting” – flaunting is something quite different – almost the opposite actually. But that doesn’t change the fact that this is a horrible danger. It is impossible to trust Thmas, Alito, and the MAGA three not to fall for it. I would love to be proved wrong.

Colorado Public Radio News – Supreme Court seems poised to side with Colorado web designer in 303 Creative case
Quote – The case, 303 Creative v. Elenis, pits a Colorado website designer named Lorie Smith against state officials trying to enforce Colorado’s Anti Discrimination Act. Smith wants to start creating custom wedding websites. Specifically, she wants to post a message on her company’s site that she would not create websites for same-sex marriage “or any other marriage that is not between one man and one woman,” according to a brief in the case. But state officials would consider that discriminatory behavior based on the state’s laws, so Smith sued the state.
Click through for details. If I tried to express my deepest opinion on this, I would become incoherent, so I’ll fall back on my favorite bumper sticker: “Jesus called. He wants his church back.”

Food For Thought
