Oct 082021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump & Bannon’s Ongoing Conspiracy: Trump Tells Bannon to Defy Congressional Subpoenas (Have they even served Scavino yet? He’s been hiding from the servers) I have some sympthy for the Justice Department. Indicting them without locking them up would only add fuel to the MAGAt fire. Indicting them and locking them up in a known location would also add fuel to the MAGAt fire. Possibly so would indicting them and locking them up in an unknown location (isn’t that what Guantanamo is for?) If they defy these subpoenas and Congress makes a criminal referral to DOJ, they might be able to lock them up for that without adding too much fuel to the fire, though. And then investigators might have a little slack to gather more evidence for the real charges. Hey, it’s just a thought.

Don Winslow Films – #DeleteZuckerberg

MSNBC – ‘It’s Bad News’: MAGA’s Gaetz Sex Crime Probe Takes New Turn (I post this not because of any interest in Matt Gaetz, but for what it imlies about other investigations.)

The Lincoln Project – Trump or Virginia

Really American – Unvaccinated Destroying Everyone Else’s Life

Liberal Redneck – School Board Terrorists

Beau – Let’s talk about the New York police union and narratives…. (Beau works ahead too, so he had not heard of the guy’s resignation when I saw this. But that still adds no facts to the reasons. By the time you see this, we may all know more.)
