It’s a busy day here in the CatBox. First, I awakened just after midnight, itchy and sticky. I finally fell asleep again after 3:30 AM and overslept by a full two hours. Then, I overloaded my computer doing research this morning, crashed it. I had several web pages and several applications open at once, and had not rebooted in a couple days. I lost forty five minutes work. Finally, it’s a grocery delivery day, and I do not know when Store to Door is coming. Some days… You have a good one!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 5:32 (average 8:18). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes:
From Willamette Week: Portland-area voters could open their ballots in three months to find a surprise: a request for $250 million to $300 million a year in taxpayer funding for services to get homeless people off the streets.
WW reported Jan. 27 that the regional government Metro may place such a measure on the May 19 ballot. That marks a stark change since last month, when the Metro Council insisted to advocates it would take as long as two years to grind a measure through the bureaucracy.
Instead, local officials now want to construct a measure and present it to voters in 13 weeks.
This is still overdue, even though Oregon leads the way! RESIST!!
From USA Today: Attorney Alan Dershowitz, a member of President Donald Trump’s defense team, alarmed Democrats and many legal scholars with his argument in the first day of questions and answers in the Senate impeachment trial that presidents cannot be removed from office for an action they believe could help get them re-elected.
In response to a question from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, about whether it mattered if Trump engaged in a “quid pro quo,” Dershowitz said that motive was what mattered and that if an act was in the public interest it was not impeachable. And he said it was reasonable for a public official to equate what is in their own political interest with the public good.
“Every public official that I know believes that his election is in the public interest,” he said. “And if a president does something, which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.”
Dershowitz said a quid pro quo that involved an illegal act, or was done for personal financial gain, would be impeachable, however. [emphasis added]
Dershowitz is so full of shit his eyes are brown. Hitler honestly believed that murdering six million Jews was in the national interest. According to the Republican Reich, that’s fine. Who would Fuhrer Trump want to murder…Jews? …Blacks? …Latinos? …Muslims? …Gays? …Seniors? …Poor People? …Libruls? In any case, Dershowitz missed a key point. Since the re-theft (Trump* was NEVER elected) of the White House would result in more personal profit for Trump* from having his entourage stay at Trump* resorts at considerable taxpayer expense, his campaign is for personal gain, so his campaign related acts are impeachable, even by the twisted, devious standards of the Republican Reich! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from Lona’s past): Shocking Blue – Venus
Ah… Lona’s memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!