Yesterday, I got an email that Al Franken is hosting the Daily Show this week. If you are a regular viewer, you probably already know that. If not, you will have missed a show by now, but they probably can be streamed through The Daily Show’s YouTube channel – if not in full, at the very least highlights (and the guest was only Lindsay Graham anyway). You’re welcome. I also got confirmation to visit Virgil Sunday.
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Short Takes –
Steve Schmidt – Donald Trump: innocent until proven guilty
Quote – I am saying these things because I am about to make an important point — and I want to remind people of my bonafides to make it on the eve of Donald Trump’s long-overdue arrest. Donald Trump is innocent. Let me say it again. Donald Trump is innocent until proven guilty. This moment requires restraint from Donald Trump’s fiercest and most committed antagonists, of which I am certainly one. This moment requires Trump’s most ferocious opponents to be better than his most committed fanatics. This moment requires those of us who despise Trump the most to be the loudest voices for his constitutional rights to due process.
Click through for full article. It is extremely easy to forget this point of law, particularly when the defendant in question is someone you despise, and even more so if you feel that you already have evidence. This reminder is coming from someone who is in both those categories, and is therefore, I believe particularly compelling.
Pro Publica – This Georgia County Spent $1 Million to Avoid Paying for One Employee’s Gender-Affirming Care
Quote – When a sheriff’s deputy in Georgia’s Houston County sought surgery as part of her gender transition, local officials refused to change the department’s health insurance plan to cover it, citing cost as the primary reason. In the years that followed, the central Georgia county paid a private law firm nearly $1.2 million to fight Sgt. Anna Lange in federal court — far more than it would have cost the county to offer such coverage to all of its 1,500 health plan members, according to expert analyses…. In 2016, the county’s insurance administrator recommended changing the policy to align with a new federal nondiscrimination rule. But Houston County leaders said no.
Click through for sad story. It’s nearly always cheaper to do the right thing. Seriously, if an insurance administrator suggests spending money, you can take it to the bank that that spending is going to save you money in the long run.
Food For Thought
The fact that someone found this content offensive is quite a self-own by that person. For a transcript, highlight the following with your mouse : Being LGBTQ is not a choice. Being black is not a choice. Being the child of animmigrant is not a choice. Being a Christian IS a choice. Being a busybody IS a choice. Being a Christian busybody IS a really annoying choice. Mind your own business. Learn to leave others in peace.