It’s a hot time, here in the CatBox, with the next three days forecast in the 80°s. That’s not too bad in itself, but it’s a little strange for May. Yesterday my Oncologist and I agreed that since my treatment had almost killed me from septic shock, we needed a new plan, and she had one ready. First, I’m going to have another PET Scan to verify the progress of my disease, and see if there is a tumor in my liver that they can biopsy. If there is, Evelyn will get me into a clinical trial, sponsored by the American Cancer Society. They analyze the DNA of my cancer and design an individual drug that specifically targets my cancer, without targeting me. I’ll keep you posted. Tomorrow, I’ll probably have no more than an Open Thread or a Personal Update. WWWendy will be gone this weekend. She’s driving to Wyoming for a family reunion first thing Friday morning. She will return Monday night. Please pray for her safety. As a result, my next two WWWendy days are tomorrow and Tuesday. Will I be stinky by Tuesday, or what? Happy Hump day to all!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:04 (average 4:33). To do it, click here.
Trump* Virus Update:
Cases: 1,729,022
Deaths: 100,686
Recovered: 480,273
Short Takes:
From YouTube (CNN Channel): Trump threatens to shut down social media platform
This is much too little, much too late. Twitter is almost as bad as Fakebook. It’s time to put Twitter in the shitter! RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): As U.S. Deaths Reach 100,000, Trump Praises His Handling Of Virus
Congratulations to criminal Fuhrer Trump for murdering 100,000 in the Republican war against America for greed and power. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Ghost Riders in the Sky – Johnny Cash – Full Song
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!