Samantha Bee from 6/10

 Posted by at 10:44 am  Politics
Jun 112020

It’s that time of week again, and here are three fine video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

America’s Long-Standing Tradition of Police Brutality

Republicans falsely claim that it’s a just few bad apples. That’s a lie. There are enough bad cops that the good cops are afraid to stand up to them.

Legislating Healing and Justice with Ayanna Pressley

Kudos to Ayanna Pressley. We need to replace Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch and all Republican Senators with people like her!

It’s Time to Defund the Police

If by “defund the police” we mean muzzling police unions, repurposing funds going to military equipment for police to help the community, and red-lining expenditures for programs that Republican police use to terrorize citizens, I’m all for it.  The Republican contention that this means leaving us without police protection is a lie.

Good one, Sam!


Jun 112020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Store to Door  should be delivering groceries within the next two hours.  Sometime tomorrow morning, I have a visit here from a Providence Home Health Nurse to determine what additional care I may need.  My participation here depends on when it is and how long it takes.  Have a great day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:42 (average 4:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,067,355
Deaths: 115,163
Recovered: 808,556

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Announcing that he was putting the nation on a “double-red threat level,” Donald J. Trump warned the American people on Tuesday to be on the lookout for terrorists posing as peaceful seventy-five-year-olds.

“One of these terrorists was already identified by the police in Buffalo,” Trump said. “They may be coming to your town next.”

Trump listed some “telltale signs of Antifa,” in order to help Americans identify septuagenarian terrorists in their midst.

“If the person appears to be seventy-five or older, with white hair and a peaceful demeanor, call the authorities immediately,” Trump said.

Dang, Andy! That’s straight news again!  RESIST!!

From Alternet: More than 1,250 former Department of Justice employees on Wednesday called on the department’s inspector general to open an investigation into reports that Attorney General William Barr personally ordered the tear-gassing of protesters in Washington, D.C. on June 1.

The former employees wrote that Inspector General Michael Horowitz must get to the bottom of Barr’s involvement in the dispersing of the crowd, which was part of the nationwide uprising against racial injustice following the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor…

…The Washington Post reported last week that Barr directed law enforcement officers on the ground to deploy tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades at protesters just before President Donald Trump walked through the park to get to a nearby church for a photo-op.

Barrf needs more than investigation. He needs a long prison term!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Buffalo Springfield – For what it’s worth , Vietnam war

Ah… the memories.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 102020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  Yesterday I had my PET Scan, and the test went well.  This time they bundled me very well with blankets, but I remembered the other thing I hate.  I’m a very itchy person and to have to lay still for over a half hour, itching in a dozen places I could not scratch was pure torture.  When we returned home, I ate lunch, took my shower, and got to bed for my nap quite late.  So I had supper late too, and by the time I crawled into bed for the night, it was completely dark.  I had a severe gas attack.  Lo and behold, it was so radioactive that it glowed in the dark.  The green cloud found a crack in the window frame, moved outside, and streamed off to the north.  That Sasquatch had better turn on her Geiger counter!  Happy Hump Day to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:18 (average 4:58).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,053,738
Deaths: 114,414
Recovered: 789,558

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Furious at Mitt Romney for participating in a Black Lives Matter march, Donald J. Trump declared on Monday that the Utah senator is “not welcome in my bunker.”

“Mitt Romney thinks he’s cute, first voting to impeach me and now marching,” Trump told reporters. “Well, I’ve got news for Mitt: his invitation to my bunker is hereby revoked.”

Trump said that, because of his disloyalty, Romney “will never experience all that the best bunker in the world has to offer.”

“There are luxury recliners, televisions as far as the eye can see, and a bottomless pit of snacks,” Trump boasted. “If Mitt could see what he’s missing, I’ll bet he’d rethink some of the cute things he’s done.”

Dang, Andy! If Little Lord Willard keeps this up, he may even get a blessing from Seamus in dawg heaven!  RESIST!!

From Politico: But in a sign of how Trump’s reelection prospects have weakened across the country, even the heartland may be having second thoughts.

Since the start of the year, Democrats in Iowa have added about twice as many active voters to their rolls as Republicans, nudging ahead in total registration for the first time in years. The farm economy has been battered by the coronavirus pandemic. And though Trump still holds a small lead in the state, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average, he’s now airing TV advertisements there — a tacit acknowledgment that the campaign anticipates a contest.

When the Republican Reich has to spend money in places they considered a sure win, that has to help open other doors for Democrats!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Beatles – A Day In The Life

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 092020

It’s a hectic day here in the CatBox.  I had to get up at 4:00 AM to have time to eat breakfast before my pre-test fast began, as I won’t be back until after noon.  I’ll try to post a “home safe” comment, when I return.  Depending on how much today burns me out, I’ll be back in the saddle tomorrow.  Tuesday is eat lots of burritos and ride elevators full of Republicans day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 5:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,027,438
Deaths: 113,125
Recovered: 773,509

Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Rolling Stones – (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (Official Lyric Video)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 082020

It’s another busy day here in the CatBox.  After research, I lay dawn for 90 minutes to minimize pain.  When I arose, I visited the throne and flushed Republicans.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update from me.  WWWendy is taking me to the hospital for my PET scan.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:53 (average 5:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,008,791
Deaths: 112,506
Recovered: 761,729

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Vladimir Putin has rejected Donald J. Trump’s request for ten thousand active-duty Russian Army troops to guard the perimeter around the White House, Administration and Kremlin sources have confirmed.

After Trump’s call for U.S. troops was rebuffed by Defense Secretary Mark Esper and General Mark Milley, Trump reportedly snapped, “I’ll call Vlad,” and stormed out of the meeting with the two men.

Much to Trump’s disappointment, however, his request for Russian troops met with a chilly response.

“The optics would be terrible,” Putin reportedly told him. “Worse than that crazy thing you did with the Bible. Really, you need to get a grip.”

Dang, Andy! Poor* widdle criminal Fuhrer Trump! It really hurt his feelings, when his perv-daddy Putin [R-RU] pulled out of Trump’s* pooter and zipped up his fly!  RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: The New York Times’ Editorial Page Editor James Bennet has resigned after the publication of an editorial by Sen. Tom Cotton advocating that the military be deployed to end racial injustice protests throughout the United States. Bennet had been the head of the Times’ editorial pages since 2016.

The Times faced immediate and furious backlash for publishing the op-ed, including from within the Times itself. After repeatedly defending the decision to run Cotton’s anti-American screed, it came out that the Times’ editors had themselves solicited for Cotton to make his case—and that Bennet had not even read the piece before publishing it.

It appears to me that the Times has made James Bennet a scapegoat for following the Times editors’ policy, against his own wishes. They should all be fired. However, Bennet should be fired too, for publishing it without reading it.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Animals – The House Of The Rising Sun 1964 (High Quality)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 072020

I’m afraid I need to go back to bed.  I have no idea why, but I could not sleep at all last night, and I need to get on top of that, before it gets on top of me.  Hopefully, I’ll be in the saddle tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:20 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate Son

Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 062020

WWWendy will come to de-stink the rancid TomCat and help with lots of chores.  I plan to lay down first to minimize pain.  This is my only article today.  Tomorrow we’ll see what’s there.  Sundays are slow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:06 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 1,967,273
Deaths: 111,408
Recovered: 738,729

Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Jimi Hendrix Experience – All Along The Watchtower (Audio)

He was certainly one of the greatest guitarists in history. Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 052020

It’s another hectic day here in the CatBox.  I had to lay down 90 minutes to alleviate back pain.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update, as it’s a WWWendy day and we have lots of chores to do.  JD, will you cover Bill Maher?  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:44 (average 5:52).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 1,925,267
Deaths: 110,218
Recovered: 712,436

Short Takes:

From ProPublica: Police culture can be insular and tough to penetrate. But I’ve been surprised by how often it’s possible, though time consuming, to expose important issues by requesting and examining records and data from police departments and other government agencies and engaging citizens and key leaders. So here are five techniques concerned citizens, journalists and policymakers can use to examine police conduct in their communities.

1. Understand the policies and laws that govern police conduct.

If you’re alarmed by what you saw in Minneapolis, or other recent incidents of apparent police misconduct, the first step is to find out if the agency in question has a written policy on the use of force. Does the policy dictate when officers should or shouldn’t use force? What tactics are they allowed to use? Is there any rule against choking a suspect?

It’s important to know if the officers involved were following the policies and procedures that are supposed to guide their behavior. Police actions that strike an onlooker as inappropriate may actually be within a department’s rules. It’s possible the rules themselves are inconsistent with best practices elsewhere.

Ask the department for its policies on the practices that concern you, like restraining suspects or the use of pepper spray or Tasers. You may also need to request rules set by a county or state authority. Ask for written copies. You may be required to file a formal public records request, which I will describe below. And if there is no existing written policy, that might be something worth questioning itself.

If you’re having trouble understanding a policy, try running it by an attorney, academic, elected official or a journalist in your community.

How I did it: I did a deep dive into policies about drug testing after a police captain was killed in a car crash in 2016, and I exposed that he was drunk and on drugs at the time. I spoke to his chief and learned their department didn’t have a policy for random drug testing. I wondered why that was the case and looked to the state attorney general’s office, which sets many police rules. The rules allowed departments to choose whether they wanted to do random testing, and my reporting identified more than 100 that did not. After our story, the state attorney general mandated random drug testing for cops across the state.

I included one of five ways YOU can help hold police accountable for criminal Republican behavior. Please click through for the other four.  It’s worth the read, and you need to know it.  RESIST!!

From Alternet: New York Times columnist Paul Krugman on Friday warned that it’s wrong to compare President Donald Trump to President Richard Nixon, on the grounds that Trump is far worse and more dangerous.

Krugman acknowledges that there are some similarities between Trump and Nixon, such as their willingness to use racial grievance to gain power and their cavalier attitude toward obeying the law.

But Krugman thinks that the biggest difference between Trump and Nixon is that the Republican Party of 2020 is not the same as the Republican Party that pushed Nixon out in 1974…

…“The point is that today’s Republican Party wouldn’t object to a Trumpian power grab, even if it amounted to a military coup,” he writes. “On the contrary, the party would cheer it on.”

The Republican Reich, aka the Fifth Reich, has elections with predetermined results.  They exist for show only. If a military coup is needed to bring it about, Republicans are fine with that.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Beatles – Come Together

Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
