Samantha Bee From 6/17

 Posted by at 10:50 am  Politics
Jun 182020

It’s that time of week again, and here are five fine video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

Pandemic Video Diaries Episode 3 How to Make A Late Night Show in Quarantine

For my late night show, I’d have a bank of video cameras recording criminal Fuhrer Trump* quarantined in his jail cell.

Live From Sam’s Shed…It’s Dirty Projectors!

I like it!

Who Runs The World? Apparently This Guy. Meet Reference Man

I agree with their complaint. In designing products, especially safety products, all genders, ages and body types must be included.

The Republican Campaign of Voter Suppression Pt. 1

In the Republican Reich, voting while Black, Brown, Yellow or Red is a criminal offense.

The Republican Campaign of Voter Suppression Pt. 2

Way back before the Dixiecrats became the Racist Republican base, the KKK was a nationwide powerhouse. The parties have now switched places, but we have come full circle. Republicans plan their Reich to be a place where elections exist for show only, because Republicans decide who gets to vote, and the outcomes are predetermined.


Jun 182020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Store to Door will be delivering groceries, and I need to unpack and put them away.  May your goop be better than mine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:08 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,235,678
Deaths: 119,955
Recovered: 918,796

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: White House staffers are seething with envy after Dr. Anthony Fauci revealed that he has not spoken to Donald J. Trump in two weeks, envious staffers have confirmed.

News of the break in communication between the two men sent shockwaves through the White House, with scores of staffers demanding to know whether Fauci had a secret trick that they could employ to similar effect.

“Two freaking weeks?” Jared Kushner was overheard muttering. “I’d settle for one hour.”

Fauci said that there was no secret to getting Trump to stop talking to him, but suggested, “Generally speaking, if you pepper your sentences with facts, that’s usually enough to do it.”

Dang Andy! I spout facts as often as Republicans spout lies, but it doesn’t mute criminal Fuhrer Trump* on my TV. I’m mad at Fauci! How does he rate?  This just isn’t fair!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Joe Biden blasts Trump’s Covid response

That is the thinking, heart, and voice of a President. Isn’t it time to flush our traitor Resident, criminal Fuhrer Trump*?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Beatles – Eleanor Rigby (From “Yellow Submarine”)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 172020

It’s a tired day, here in the CatBox, as yesterday’s activity wore me out.  My Oncologist visit went very well.  I emailed a copy of my PET Scan results to a doctor, who shall remain Nameless.  I trust he can explain it better than I.  In short, all my tumors are smaller and considerably less intense than they were before treatment began.  They could not find my liver tumors to biopsy, but it turns out that there is enough material from the original biopsy of my esophageal tumor to analyze.  I misunderstood the treatment they want to do.  They will analyze the mutations of my cancer cells.  There are many mutagenic drugs that have been developed for cancer with different mutations, and if one of them matches mine, we can use it.  If not, it’s back to the drawing board.  My next appointment is on 7/7, and I’ll know then.  They also prescribed 12.5 mg Fentanyl patches for pain, which I should have by the weekend.  Happy Hump Day to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:27 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,209,231
Deaths: 119,158
Recovered: 903,136

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: One day after it issued decisions on L.G.B.T.Q. rights and the Second Amendment that provoked his ire, Donald J. Trump said that he would overrule the Supreme Court by creating a “Supremer Court.”

“Right now, if the Supreme Court makes a bad decision, quite frankly, you’re screwed,” he said. “The Supremer Court fixes that.”

Trump said that his Supremer Court would be a “beautiful, perfect court” that would make the Supreme Court “look like exactly what it is—a sad bunch of losers.”

Trump said that the Supremer Court would be housed in a “giant, gleaming building” overlooking the Supreme Court, enabling the Supremer Court Justices to “look down at those pathetic little Supreme Court jerks and laugh.”

Dang, Andy! Did you read Criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* mind? We know he would, if he could!  RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: Last week, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals denied immunity to Martinsburg, WV police officers who shot a “secured” and “incapacitated” black man 22 times.

From the judicial opinion (which is well worth reading in its entirety).

In 2013, Wayne Jones, a black man experiencing homelessness, was stopped by law enforcement in Martinsburg, West Virginia for walking alongside, rather than on, the sidewalk. By the end of this encounter, Jones would be dead. Armed only with a knife tucked into his sleeve, he was tased four times, hit in the brachial plexus, kicked, and placed in a choke hold. In his final moments, he lay on the ground between a stone wall and a wall of five police officers, who collectively fired 22 bullets.

According to the Police Union and the Republican Reich, that was a sad case of suicide.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Bob Dylan – Mr. Tambourine Man (Audio)

Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 162020

It’s a very busy day, here at the CatBox.  WWWendy and I are going tp the hospital to meet with my Oncologist, my Palliative Care team, my Nutritionist, and my Social Worker.  I’ll try to check in when I return this afternoon with a “home safe” comment.  Have a great day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:51 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


Open Thread–6/15/2020

 Posted by at 10:54 am  Open Thread, Politics
Jun 152020

It’s a crazy day here in the CatBox.  My main nurse from Providence Home Health just called and will be here momentarily.  She just left, so I missed my morning nap.  Tomorrow is my big appointment  with my oncologist and that team, so please expect no more than a very brief Personal Update, as I leave at 7:30 AM.  Oh God, it’s Monday, AGAIN!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:03 (average 5:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Remember what Bloody Bullseye Barbie (Sarah Palin) and the Republican Reich did to Gabby Giffords!

Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,162,896
Deaths: 117,865
Recovered: 870,077

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Representative Denver Riggleman, a freshman Republican from Virginia, lost a bitterly contested primary race decided in an unusual drive-through state convention, weighed down by outrage among party activists that he officiated at a same-sex wedding.

In a result announced early Sunday, Bob Good, a former athletics official at Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Liberty University who describes himself as a “biblical conservative,” ousted Mr. Riggleman, a distillery owner and former Air Force intelligence officer with a libertarian streak. Mr. Good captured 58 percent of the vote in a convention held Saturday that was decided by roughly 2,400 party delegates, according to party officials.

Mr. Riggleman, as well as outside observers, denounced the setup — enabled by state laws that allow local party officials to choose congressional nominees by conventions instead of traditional primary elections — which has tended to benefit hard-line candidates.

This is why every Republican must go. Any time individual Republicans do something decent and proper, they get kicked out of the Reich.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Autopsy Reveals Rayshard Brooks Death Ruled A Homicide

Of course shooting a Black man in the back by a racist Republican pig was a murder. To the Republican Reich, Black Lives don’t matter.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Gerry & The Pacemakers – You’ll Never Walk Alone [Official Video]

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 142020

It’s a tired day, here in the CatBox.  I overslept and still feel a bit groggy.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Today’s took me 6:04 (average 8:57).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,143,177
Deaths: 117,538
Recovered: 854,106

Recognition at Last:

Although my justly deserved peerage would never be confirmed by the Republican Reich in this country, at least the UK has given me the recognition I deserve.


From now on, you may address me as Sir TomCat or Lord TomCat.  Either would be purrrrfect!

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In his latest attack on the nation’s sixteenth President, Donald Trump boasted on Saturday that his television ratings were “much higher” than Abraham Lincoln’s.

“If you put my TV ratings side by side with Lincoln’s, there’s no comparison,” Trump told Fox News. “Honest Abe would want me to be honest about it, and, honestly, his ratings were terrible.”

Trump argued that Lincoln’s television ratings were especially poor “when you consider that he didn’t have to compete with Netflix and Amazon, like I have to.”

“Abraham Lincoln had zero competition and he still couldn’t get a decent number,” Trump said. “He might have been O.K. at some other things, but he was a total loser on TV.”

Theorizing about Lincoln’s poor ratings performance, Trump mused that “it might have been the beard.”

Dang Andy! If criminal Fuhrer Trump* traded places with Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth would be a national hero.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Elizabeth Warren Channel): Elizabeth Warren On Why We Need To Rename Confederate Military Bases

Amen, Liz! Naming military bases after racist traitors, like criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich, is a travesty!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Simon & Garfunkel – Mrs. Robinson (from The Concert in Central Park)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 132020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox, as it’s a WWWendy day.  This is my only article today.  JD, would you please cover Bill Maher?  Yesterday’s Home Health appointment went well, and I’ll have help from, a standard care nurse, a palliative care nurse, and a home aide.  I should be in the saddle tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:04 (average 4:50).  To do it, click here.  How did you do.


Trump* Virus Update:


The reason Oregon is increasing is that Republicans here opened a couple unsafe food processing plants.  Workers became infected and spread it.

Cases: 2,118,693
Deaths: 116,873
Recovered: 842,068

Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past):

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 122020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  A Providence Home Health Nurse is coming for san initial evaluation.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, and we have lots of chores, so please expect no more than a Personal Update from me,  This is my only article today.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,090,542
Deaths: 116,063
Recovered: 816,463

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a series of angry tweets on Thursday, Donald J. Trump lashed out at the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, declaring, “This is not the military I avoided serving in.”

Calling Milley’s apology for appearing in last week’s controversial church photo op “a disgrace,” Trump said, “The United States military of my youth was known for courage and valor, which is why I got a podiatrist’s note to get out of being a part of it.”

Recalling that episode from a half century ago, Trump said, “As I watched my podiatrist dictate that note, I thought about the great institution of the U.S. military, which I would be exempted from participating in. That institution is unrecognizable today.”

Andy, he’s lying again. The military certainly is still recognizable. It is the Republican Party of Lincoln, after transforming into the Republican Reich, that is not recognizable.  RESIST!!

From CNN: Attendees of President Donald Trump’s upcoming rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, must agree not to sue the campaign if they contract coronavirus.

Rallygoers are asked to RSVP to gain admission to the event and by registering, they must agree to a disclaimer that states they acknowledge the “inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present.”

“By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury,” the disclaimer reads.

What hypocrisy! Criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich have been screaming since the beginning that danger from COVID-19, aka Trump* virus, is a hoax foisted on America by Democrats. Even more incredible, in spite of this, Republican Sheeple have such BAAA-A-A-A-A-AAD judgement that they will sign it without hesitation. What stupidity!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Yesterday (With Spoken Word Intro / Live From Studio 50, New York City / 1965)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
