Aug 292020

It’s another tired day here in the CatBox.  I overslept again.  Yesterday I had a rough afternoon.  My pulled pork BBQ goop still had chucks that were too big, and it plugged my tumor.  That kept me awake all afternoon.  WWWendy regooped it when she made a pit stop to change my pain patch.  At least its cooler.  We have three days in the 70°s before a week in the 90°s.  Have a fine weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:59 (average 5:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Remember Larry?

Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive map

US Cases: 6,103,398
US Deaths: 186,167
Plus the thousands of GOP plague victims Republicans are hiding from us.

Short Takes:

From NY Times: It started with an unexpected call last week from Lynne Patton, a longtime Trump associate who oversees federal housing programs in New York.

Ms. Patton told a leader of a tenants’ group at the New York City Housing Authority, the nation’s largest, that she was interested in speaking with residents about conditions in the authority’s buildings, which have long been in poor repair.

Four tenants soon assembled in front of a video camera and were interviewed for more than four hours by Ms. Patton herself. Three of the tenants were never told that their interviews would be edited into a two-minute video clip that would air prominently on Thursday night at the Republican National Convention and be used to bash Mayor Bill de Blasio, the three tenants said in interviews on Friday.

“I am not a Trump supporter,” said one of the tenants, Claudia Perez. “I am not a supporter of his racist policies on immigration. I am a first-generation Honduran. It was my people he was sending back.”

The episode represents another stark example of how President Trump has deployed government resources to further his political ambitions.

My response can be condensed into one word: typical!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Liberal Redneck – This Week in Hell

Dang, Trae! That’s the best RNC analysis I’ve heard!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a long blast of protest!): Live From the Left Coast

28 fantastic minutes against the Republican Reich! Kudos to left wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 282020

It’s a very tired day, here in the CatBox.  When I order groceries from Store to Door, the Fred Meyer store has usually been out of half the frozen entrees I order to goop.  So I order more selections than I need, so I’ll have enough.  Yesterday, they not only delivered everything, but two items were on a two for one sale.  I had to unload and repack my freezer to get everything to fit.  WWWendy had to work late and arrived late, and we had more work to do than usual, so I ate supper late and got to bed late.  I overslept this morning and got started late.  I’m pooped!  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:54 (average 4:31).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


It it any wonder Canada had closed its border to US residents?

US Cases: 6,055,672
US Deaths: 185,051
Plus the thousands of GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us

RNC Deplorables Take:

Yesterday was so different in spirit than the first three days.  The super-spreader event was dominated by Trump* himself, so the lies were more numerous and the hatred more intense than before.

Wendy mentioned how surprised she was that she had seen so many Black speakers during  the convention.  She didn’t see how Black people could be that stupid.  So I told her a story, which I shall also share with you.  When I was doing prison volunteer work several years ago, I was the Treasurer of our volunteer organization and a former lead parole officer for this county was the President.  We spent so many hours together that we became good friends.  Our political views were very similar, so I was shocked when he mentioned he was a Republican.  I asked how that could be.  He explained that the reason was that he is Black.  I asked why being Black attracted him to a racist party that opposed everything we were for.  He explained that as a Democrat, he was one among millions of Black Democrats, but as a Republican, he was something special.  He received awards and honors.  They paid him to be the token Black at events they could use to prove they weren’t racist.  They promised him future job opportunities and financial security.  I asked him if he felt like a hypocrite.  He said he tried not to think about it, because he deserved a piece of the pie.  I lost a lot of respect for him that day.  Nevertheless, we continued to work together for another couple of years.  Then he proved that he really is a Republican.  He misappropriated money from our organization to pay himself a salary.  When the money was gone, he left the organization in ruin.  Those of us who remain reincorporated, reorganized rebuilt it from scratch at the prisoners’ request.

The Republicans promised to follow Trump’s* agenda for America.  The following is a complete description of that agenda:

Finally, thank God it’s over!

Short Takes:

From Willamette Week: President Trump Warns of Dystopian Future Under Democrats: “They Will Make Every City Look Like Portland, Oregon”

In his acceptance of the Republican nomination, Trump uses Portland as a shorthand for lawlessness.

America would be better off, if every city looked like Portland! Oregon leads the way!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Fact checker on Trump’s RNC speech: He is a serial liar


If criminal Fuhrer Trump* were any more full 0f shit, his foul orange hair would turn brown.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): “The Shady Bunch” a Roy Zimmerman song parody


Could it be more true? Hell no! Kudos to left-wing protesters!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


Samantha Bee from 8/26

 Posted by at 11:49 am  Politics
Aug 272020

It’s that time of week again, and here are five fine video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

The Republican Party’s Fall Look: Fringe!

Barf Bag Alert!!


Dang Sam! That first Republican made me have to clean my screen! YUCK! The Republican Reich, not Islam, is a cancer on society!



Amen Sam!

What It Means To Be Progressive With Pramila Jayapal


I’m well known for saying, “Oregon leads the way!” But so does Washington, and all the other blue states. But Jayapal is wrong about thing. She said that Trump* won’t deliver on anything you care about. If you care about bringing more hate, more greed, and more violence to the US, Trump* will do it for you!

Full Frontal’s The Amazing Disgrace: Our Country’s Racist Symbols Pt. 1


Full Frontal’s The Amazing Disgrace: Our Country’s Racist Symbols Pt. 2


The biggest racist symbol in America has not been removed and needs to be completely obliterated. It is the Republican Party!

And for a change of pace, JD gets to enjoy the show without having to do the work! 😉


Aug 272020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Store to Door will be delivering groceries in the next three hours, and I have to unpack and put them away.  WWWendy is coming late this evening to destink the stinky TomCat, goop, and help with chores.  Tomorrow is her regular day, but tomorrow she has to go straight from school to her night job bartending at the Elks Lodge.  Then tomorrow she’ll come by in a lunch-hour pit stop to change my pain patch.  The down side is that I’ll be extra stinky when she returns Monday.  If you’re anywhere near Republicane Laura, please take care.

Jog Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:57 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do>


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for several other maps

US Cases: 6,002,176
US Deaths: 183,687
Plus all the many GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

RNC Deplorables Take:

Day three was more of the same show featuring the worship of criminal Fuhrer Trump*.  They created a complete alternate reality, based on 100% lies.

It was a super-spreader event with virtually no masks and no social distancing.

I happened to notice an old Parade recipient, Joni Pig Nuts [R-IA].  She said that Biden would ban fossil fuels and ban farm animals.  Both statements and all her other statements were lies.

The following is a complete analysis of the effect Trump* and the Republican Reich have had on America:

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: An outbreak hit the 2020 Republican National Convention this week as hundreds of attendees tested positive for delusion.

While public-health experts have yet to determine the extent of the outbreak, the episodes of attendees exhibiting magical thinking bordering on the hallucinatory appear to be widespread.

Davis Logsdon, who studies delusional epidemics at the University of Minnesota’s School of Medicine, said that multiple R.N.C. participants professed to see things “that are not actually there,” such as a strong economy, a successful coronavirus response, and an immigration policy brimming with kindness.

In another worrying symptom, Logsdon said that attendees who tested positive were unable to see things that were clearly in their line of vision. “One participant on Monday was shouting for more than six minutes despite the presence of a microphone inches away from her,” he said.

Dang, Andy! There’s no satire here. All the stupid, rabid GOP Sheeple who attended the Nazi Republican super-spreader event are deluded by definition!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Kenosha Protest Shooting Suspect Attended A Trump Rally In January


Should we be surprised? Trump rallies and other Republican events are the easiest places for Ammosexual Republican terrorists to learn hate, racism and violence!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): A SPOONFUL OF CLOROX – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody


Hilarious! I think JD has shared this one before, but it’s worth another go. Randy really nailed the sponsor of the RNC. Support left wing protesters!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 262020

It’s another tired day, here in the CatBox.  I overslept again this morning, but I still took a morning nap.  Then I overslept from that too, so I’m running somewhat behind schedule.  Last night I got to tell WWWendy she’s full of shit.  She used my toilet and plugged it.  That’s what happens when you get too many Republicans in one place.  Fortunately she unplugged it too.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:16 (average 4:19).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 5,957,522
US Deaths: 182,471
Plus the many GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

RNC Deplorables Take:

Night two of the RNC was more of the same.

I was particularly taken with the abject hypocrisy of der Reichsminister der Staat, Mike Pompeo.  Do you remember how Republicans screamed when the Chicks (then Dixie Chicks) criticized GW ChickenHawk, Fuhrer of the failed Fourth Reich, for lying about his failed attempt to conquer Iraq for oil and profit?  Then Republicans claimed that all politics stops at the water’s edge.  But last night, Pompeo delivered his totally political message, praising Trump’s* failed foreign policy, from Jerusalem.  Republican pseudo-Christians (the opposite of real authentic Christians) loved it, but it was unethical at best, if not criminal.

The following is a summary of everything that occurred:

Short Takes:

From USA Today: Hurricane Laura, which grew to a Category 3 storm early Wednesday, is forecast to bring “potentially catastrophic” storm surge, fierce winds and flash flooding to eastern Texas and Louisiana on Wednesday night and early Thursday, the National Hurricane Center says.

More than half a million people were ordered to evacuate as the storm approached, including the Texas cities of Beaumont, Galveston and Port Arthur.

Even if Laura reaches Category 4 strength during the day on Wednesday, forecasters still expect the storm to hit near the Texas-Louisiana border as a Category 3 hurricane, as it’s predicted to weaken slightly before landfall. The storm has already intensified a “remarkable” amount in the past 24 hours, the storm center says.

Laura is growing in size, too. “Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles from the center and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 175 miles,” forecasters said.


Aren’t we lucky that criminal Fuhrer Trump and the Republican Reich stole FEMA’s operating funds? The poor that are devastated by this Republicane are SOL. But what will Republicans raid to pay for slightest storm damage to the property of billionaires: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, aid to starving children? If you’re in Laura’s path, please tale care.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Trump’s 40 Biggest Broken Promises Revealed


Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right, while the Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, don’t care how wrong they are. They’re too busy having wet dreams over criminal Fuhrer Trump*. They chose him to be their beloved Fifth Reich Fuhrer, because he reflects the ideas, values and policies of the Republican Reich better than anyone since the original Fuhrer, who lead the Third Reich! But how did Robert limit it to just 40?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): Trump Song Parody Blasts the President’s Many Misdeeds


Amen! Kudos to left-wing protesters!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 252020

It’s a tired day, here in the CatBox, but I did get a nap this morning.  My meeting with Diana was routine, except that Trump* was speaking when she arrived.  I gave her a barf bag.  She appreciated it.  WWWendy is coming tonight to destink the rancid TomCat, change my pain patch, do lots of gooping, and help with chores.  Close the lid before you flush, so the Republicans don’t get away!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:31 (average 4:15).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive map

US Cases: 5,917,479
US Deaths: 181,204
Plus all the GOP Plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

Deplorable RNC Take:

When I got up for supper the Republican National Convention was already underway.  Dressing, which I have to do in bed, takes me about 15 minutes, so I tried to count the lies.  I failed.  Actually, I gave up, when I had counted 75 before I finished dressing.

It was truly ugly.  They called Trump* Virus ‘China Virus’ and praised Trump* for the magnificent way he has protected us from it.  They set their platform as whatever their God damn Fuhrer wants.  Do you remember the McCloskys, those vile racists, who got a ‘Republicans on Parade for threatening BLM protesters with guns from their front yard?  They were the stars of the show, behind Trump*.  They said Biden and the “Democrat Party” want to do away with the suburbs, implying that black people would move in and make them slums.

Here is a complete summary of everything that occurred.

The person at the bottom of the picture is YOU!

Short Takes:

From Reuters: In a claim likely to intensify the controversy surrounding one of the most influential figures in the American Christian conservative movement, a business partner of Jerry Falwell Jr has come forward to say he had a years-long sexual relationship involving Falwell’s wife and the evangelical leader.

Giancarlo Granda says he was 20 when he met Jerry and Becki Falwell while working as a pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel in March 2012. Starting that month and continuing into 2018, Granda told Reuters that the relationship involved him having sex with Becki Falwell while Jerry Falwell looked on.

Granda showed Reuters emails, text messages and other evidence that he says demonstrate the sexual nature of his relationship with the couple, who have been married since 1987. “Becki and I developed an intimate relationship and Jerry enjoyed watching from the corner of the room,” Granda said in an interview. Now 29, he described the liaisons as frequent – “multiple times per year” – and said the encounters took place at hotels in Miami and New York, and at the Falwells’ home in Virginia.

This is typical of the hypocrisy of Republican pseudo-Christians, the opposite of real authentic Christians. FYI, Falwell now refuses to resign from Liberty UniversityRESIST!!

From YouTube (Jeff Merkley Channel): Merkley Speaks Out Against Secret Police


Jeff could not be more spot-on about Trump’s* GOP Gestapo! Oregon leads the way! I’m so glad I worked on his campaign in 2008, the year he won his seat from Oregon’s last Republican Senator, Gordon “Goose Step” Smith!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): “Like a Brick Thrown in Troubled Water” – a Roy Zimmerman song parody


Isn’t that the truth?!!?  Kudos to left-wing protesters!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 242020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox.  Diana, my palliative care nurse, is coming between (9:00 and 10:00 this morning for a routine visit.  I’m now experiencing a side effect from my new cancer treatment: fatigue.  Evelyn, my Oncologist, advised me that was the most likely problem I might have.  It’s a fight to keep my eyes open today.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, but it won’t effect my writing.  It will be 4:30 to 5:00 PM when she gets here.  Starting tomorrow, I shall be covering the Republican National Convention in Open Threads.  But you don’t need to stay away.  I shall not include any videos, just a brief pictorial summary.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


At least it’s worst in red states.

US Cases: 5,875,939
US Deaths: 180,618
Plus the many GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

Short Takes:

From Forbes: A majority of Republican voters think that the U.S. coronavirus death toll, which is over 176,000 and rising, is “acceptable,” a CBS News/YouGov poll found Sunday, with an even larger number saying that the national response to coronavirus is “going well.”

That speaks volumes about the incredible lack of empathy among the deplorable Republican Reich. To anyone who gives a damn, 176,000 dead Americans (now over 180,000) is NOT even barely tolerable, let alone “going well”.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Just weeks after President Trump’s administration agreed to pull back federal officers from demonstrations in Portland, Ore., where his attempt at a high-profile crackdown backfired, the fate of the city’s protests now rests to a large extent with an altogether different leader: A brand-new, 39-year-old district attorney whose approach to enforcing the law is as contested as the demonstrations themselves.

The new prosecutor, Mike Schmidt, took office Aug. 1 after defeating an experienced federal prosecutor by a 3-to-1 margin in Multnomah County, which includes most of Portland. Even his critics say the breadth of his victory gave him a mandate to reshape prosecutions in Portland, a city of frequent protests, where there is no clear end in sight to demonstrations against police brutality that began after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

He has not been slow to shake things up: Ten days after taking office, Mr. Schmidt effectively dismissed charges against more than half of about 600 people arrested since the protests began at the end of May.

His directive met with strong objections from the Portland police and Multnomah County sheriff. But it was in keeping with his progressive campaign platform as one of a new generation of prosecutors across the country who are pledging to reduce penalties for low-level nonviolent crimes.

Mr. Schmidt said his office would presumptively decline to prosecute demonstrators for minor offenses such as interfering with the police, disorderly conduct and trespassing — cases that did not involve deliberate violence, property damage or theft. And charges for assault on officers and resisting arrest will now require closer scrutiny, with prosecutors taking into account in filing charges whether the police fired tear gas into crowds.

I voted for Mike. I’m glad I did. Oregon leads the way!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): Confounds the Science – (Parody of) Sound of Silence – REMIX | Don Caron / Linda Gower


We’ve shared this one before, but it certainly warrants another view. Kudos to left-wing protesters.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 232020

It’s a crazy Sunday, here in the CatBox.  I overslept by over 90 minutes, so that was my AM nap.  Have a fine Sunday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for Interactive Map

US Cases: 5,844,432
US Deaths: 180,228
Plus all the GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

The Showdown at Chicken Liver Gulch:

Yesterday, there was some hilarity here.  At my request WWWendy sautéed and gooped some chicken livers.  Now Wendy’s opinion of liver is considerably worse than my opinion of Trump*.  It was delicious, and I had some for lunch with guacamole, aka goopamole.  I often feed her bites of goopamole, when  I eat it, so I did so yesterday.  I had teasingly asked her if she’d like a bite of liver to see the strength of her NO!  So when I offered her the goopamole, she decided that I was using goopamole to hide the liver underneath.  Although I have never done anything mean to her, it took me several minutes to convince her that I would not do such a thing, and she enjoyed the goopamole.  In fact, I was so considerate that I gargled with Listerine, so I could hug her goodbye without liver on my breath.  It was so good, I had more for breakfast.

Short Takes:

From CNN: Maryanne Trump Barry bitterly criticized her brother, President Donald Trump, saying, “Donald’s out for Donald,” and appeared to confirm her niece Mary Trump’s previous allegations that he had a friend take his SATs to get into college, according to audio excerpts obtained by CNN.

The Washington Post first obtained the previously unreleased transcripts and audio from Mary Trump, author of a recent bombshell book about the President and one of his most outspoken critics. Mary Trump, who has said that Donald Trump is unfit to be president and has voiced support for his rival Joe Biden, revealed to the Post that she had secretly taped 15 hours of face-to-face conversations with Barry in 2018 and 2019.

In one of the conversations revealed by the Post, Trump’s sister called him “cruel.”

Among the some of the more critical comments made by Barry was commenting on how her younger 74-year-old brother operated as president. “His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God,” she said, according to the recording. “I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”

This is nothing new to us, but it might influence those few, who are still on the fence.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Tropical Storms Marco and Laura continued to churn in the Caribbean on Saturday, prompting a wave of warnings and watches for several countries, and leading the governor of Louisiana to declare a state of emergency.

Marco on Saturday was about 110 miles northwest of the western tip of Cuba, with maximum sustained winds of 65 miles per hour, the National Hurricane Center said on Saturday night.

Mr. Cline said it was possible that both storms would become hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico as early as Monday. He added that it would be “pretty unusual” and that the last time it happened was in 1933. The last time a hurricane and a tropical storm were both in the Gulf of Mexico was in 1959, he said…[emphasis added]

Note that for the second time, criminal Fuhrer Trump* has stolen FEMA funds to pay for his scams. First, he did so in 2019 to pay for the wall that never happened. Second, he did so to pay for the Unemployment relief that nobody received. I doubt that he will put the money back, even though hurricanes are on the way.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): “He’s Got Bone Spurs” a Roy Zimmerman song parody

So true! Kudos to left wing protestors.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
