Jul 132023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump files a brief telling Judge Cannon to set NO trial date in his federal prosecution in Florida!

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party July 11, 2023

Farron Balanced – What Happened To Trump Truckers Who Ran Biden Supporters Off The Road? (Aspen has gained weight, but is still grumpy. Haddie, sadly, has passed away.)

Puppet Regime – What’s Vladimir Putin reading these days?

Bird Laughs Like An Evil Villain Chasing Her Family Around The House

Beau – Let’s talk about Michigan GOP infighting….

Jun 292023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump lashes out at Jack Smith’s understanding of the law. Here’s why Trump is yelling into the void

PoliticsGirl – What we can Learn from the Titan Sub Tragedy

The Lincoln Project – Same Case

Randy Rainbow for President! (2023-2024 Tour Announcement)

Cat Hides From Her Foster Mom For A Year — Then She Does This

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden, the rails, and sick days….

Jun 272023

Glenn Kirschner – Current Republican member of Congress calls out Trump for his lies, says Trump committed crime

The Lincoln Project – A Clear Crime

Thom Hartmann – Right To Vote Ended For People With These Common Disabilities

Brent Terhune – Dodgers Pride Night (a week late but way too good not toshare)

Starving Cat Shows Up To Guy’s Backyard Asking For Help

Beau – Let’s talk about a GOP mistake with over energizing their base….

Jun 262023

Glenn Kirschner – Special Counsel Jack Smith files motion seeking Dec. trial date for Trump’s crimes: 5 key takeaways

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – June 20, 2023

Ring of Fire – Jim Jordan Threatens Legal Action Against Fact Checkers

Brent Terhune – Hunter Biden is guilty

Camel So Skinny His Humps Collapsed Gets Strong Enough To Run Free

Beau – Let’s talk about the $6.2 billion error….

Jun 212023

Glenn skipped a day and threw me off balance so I’m using this to gain it back
Talking Feds – BREAKING Hunter Biden News EXPLAINED

The Lincoln Project – When Dems Fight

PBS News – New report looks at the changing face of extremist groups in America

Puppet Regime – More unmanned attacks on the Kremlin?

Mama Cat Does The Cutest Thing While She’s In Labor

Beau – Let’s talk about the Dems ending the influence of MAGA Republicans….

Jun 152023

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump arraigned on his criminal indictment BUT judge imposes NO conditions on his release

The Lincoln Project – Trust

MSNBC – Eric Holder: Jack Smith won’t be ‘deterred by anything Donald Trump throws at him’

Brent Terhune – Cracker Barrel Has Fallen

Tiniest Kitten Is The Biggest Fighter [If this is a rerun, I apologize. I’m getting to the point where I’m not always sure.]

Beau – Let’s talk about FD-1023s and shows…

Jun 132023

Yesterday, we had thunder, lightning, and hail, and also a power outage which lasted about an hour. And, of course, it was cold – low fifties with a “feels like” in the high forties. The outage must have stressed me, thoug, because I tripped and fell – no damage to speak of – two small cuts is all – just annoying. Incidentally, if anyone is wonderng abot whether the indictment really has 37 or 38 counts, the aner is 38, but the 38th one only applies to the pool boy, so 37 relating to Trump** is correct.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

NPR – What is HAPE? How people in the mountains can still fall ill to mountain sickness
Quote – High altitude pulmonary edema — commonly referred to as HAPE — is a more serious case of altitude sickness that, if not treated quickly or properly, can lead to death…. “There are deaths usually every couple of years in adults who come to ski or have a vacation with their friends,” [Summit County’s Dr. Christine] Ebert-Santos said. “There are so many times when people are sick with a virus and you don’t really give it a second thought. Without having somebody’s eyes on you or having a pulse oximeter to see what is happening with your oxygen, you can’t really know if this is something going on in your lungs or it’s just a cold.”
Click through for details. I know, I’m the only one who lives in the mountains. But people do come up ere for reasons – and this was certainly news to me. I do own a pulse oximeter and I know how to use it, so here’s that.

USA Today – I don’t want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable
Quote – It’s like Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin wrote in a tweet Friday: “These charges are unprecedented and it’s a sad day for our country, especially in light of what clearly appears to be a two-tiered justice system where some are selectively prosecuted, and others are not.”… TWO TIERS! One tier in which President Trump keeps getting indicted via both state and federal justice systems and another in which the people I don’t like keep getting not indicted via all the things Fox News tells me they did wrong.
Click through for full satire – if it isn’t too close to reality for you to stand. It realy doesn’t get any more “bothsiderist” than this.

The Nib (Rosemary Mosco) – The Future Is on Thin Ice
Quote – Growing up in Canada, I used to skate home from school. I know this sounds like a stereotype…. I grew up in … Ottawa. A canal runs through the city…. [I]t holds the Guiness World Record for the largest naturally frozen ice rink. In the winter, the canal freezes over…. Only this year it didn’t.
Click through for graphic essay. Back in the ineties, when the general public started to hear about climate change (which fossil fuel pushers had known about for decades), the changes resulted in some extremely heavy swnowfalls for us (because so much polar ice had thawed, there was more water in the air elsewhere.) So many ignorant people thought that was a reason to deny that glabal warming existed. What will that say to this, I wonder? Will they even see it?

Food For Thought

Jun 032023

Glenn Kirschner – Audio recording shows Trump may have violated US espionage laws. Federal indictments MUST now issue

The Lincoln Project – Trump Debt Ceiling

Ring of Fire – Lunatic Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims FBI Set Up ‘Honeypots’ To Trick Capitol Rioters

Brent Terhune – Mike Pence’s Biker Gang

Cat Meets New Boyfriend On A Walk But Is Skeptical About Him At First, Until…

Beau – Let’s talk about juries in the US….
