Nov 092020

Meidas Touch (a victory lap)

Now This News – a Jon Ossoff video (about 6 minutes) and a vid on the work of artists in India

This is a parody of Avenger: Endgame which may need a hanky alert. I hope the embed works I’ve never tried a direct embed from C&L before.

Not much dialogue, but – Trump: If you take a look at the states we’ve won, and then look at the margins we won them by, frankly, we did win this election. Biden: Will you shut up, man. Obama: We can’t just imagine a better future. We’ve got to fight for it. Sanders: Is that everyone? Yang: What, you wanted more? Biden: Now, every vote must be counted. No one’s going to take our democracy away from us….Avengers!

This is for Lona (not that she hasn’t already seen it – I’m confident she has – but share on her behalf, so to speak.

Apparently this is an actual movie trailer. I’d love to see the movie!

A blast from the past

And, of course, Keith

Letter of gratitude to USPS
Medicare for All
Petition to Joe on the Cabinet
Public Citizen
Prosecute Trump*
Recusal petitions
Daily Kos 

Nov 092020

It’s another tired day here in the CatBox.  I slept so much the night before last and yesterday that I could not sleep last night.  Tomorrow morning Molly, my physical therapist, is coming back, and what I get done here depends on how long that takes.  Since Trump* is headed for the drain, Woooo Hoooo it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:24 (average 4:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Religious Agony:


OK, Turd Birds.  You got the win.  Now put Ossoff and Warnock in the US Senate.  That’s the deal!

Short Takes:

From BBC: The first effective coronavirus vaccine can prevent more than 90% of people from getting Covid-19, a preliminary analysis shows.

The developers – Pfizer and BioNTech – described it as a “great day for science and humanity”.

Their vaccine has been tested on 43,500 people in six countries and no safety concerns have been raised.

The companies plan to apply for emergency approval to use the vaccine by the end of the month.

A vaccine – alongside better treatments – is seen as the best way of getting out of the restrictions that have been imposed on all our lives.

There are around a dozen in the final stages of testing – known as a phase 3 trial – but this is the first to show any results.

It uses a completely experimental approach – that involves injecting part of the virus’s genetic code – in order to train the immune system.

I’m glad to see that Pfizer could get it up. However We’re probably at least a year before they can get it out into widespread distribution.  But the biggest step toward getting control of the Trump* Virus plague is getting rid of Trump*.  RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: As the 2020 presidential votes are being counted, Georgia has two Senate races headed to a runoff election on Jan. 5, 2021. Nothing less than the majority of the United States Senate is on the line. Jon Ossoff wasted no time kicking off his reenergized campaign as Democrats seem to have some wind at their back in the Peach State.


Go Jon, go! Here at PP, we have a secret weapon to unleash on David “Donnie’s Pet” Perdue. Freya, give him a Saguaro Suppository!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of freedom): Elected


There’s a 70s song that still works! Celebrate!!  RESIST!!

71 Days Until the FLUSH!!

Nov 082020

I promised TC I would say “AMEN” here, and so I am.

This is the full event for anyone who missed it. I won’t be hurt if no one watches it, but I thought it should be in our files.

Now This News – No CC because no words – just pictures worth a thousand each.

The Protest Films

Founders Sing

Beau – and AMEN. Again.

I am not expecting to hear from Keith today, but I doubt he is through. We have a “transition” to get through. I think, first, he will stay with us through then, and second, he will tell us when he does the last broadcast he intends to do. But we shall see.

Amendment petitions
Medicare for All
Petition to Trump* to concede
Count the Vote petition
California Dems

Nov 082020

Although I slept well last night, it’s still an exhausted day here in the CatBox.  I suspect it will take a few to recover from the vote count.  WWWendy is coming mid afternoon, and we’re having BBQ ribs for supper.  Oh and Shit (her dawgs) are jumping for joy.  They get the bones.  Tomorrow is a normal day.  Go Broncos!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:30 (average 5:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Philadelphia Mayor Has Advice For Trump: ‘Put Your Big Boy Pants On’


Does Trump* actually have any big boy pants? Ask Stormy. She knows!  RESIST!!

From NY Times: For a world that held its breath as Americans went to the polls last Tuesday, the triumph of Joseph R. Biden Jr. over President Trump provoked many emotions, but above all, a profound sigh of relief.

As news of Mr. Biden’s victory reverberated from Europe and the Middle East to Asia and Latin America on Saturday, foreign leaders showered him with congratulations. Diplomats and commentators expressed gratitude, satisfaction and even jubilation that a new president would bring a much-needed return to normalcy — something that vanished alarmingly the day Mr. Trump took office.

“Welcome back America!” the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said in a Twitter message to Mr. Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, hailing Canada’s historic friendship with the United States, said, “I’m really looking forward to working together.” President Emmanuel Macron of France said, “We have a lot to do to overcome today’s challenges. Let’s work together!” Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany declared, “Our trans-Atlantic friendship is irreplaceable, if we want to overcome the great challenges of our time.”

For many world leaders, the importance of this election was as much about removing Mr. Trump as ushering in Mr. Biden.

In 2004 thousands of Americans, including me, sent pictures of ourselves holding “I’m Sorry!” signs to a website that used them to create a collage of Americans apologizing to the world for the reelection of the Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich, GW ChickenHawk, aka Crawford Caligula. Thank God I don’t have to do that again this year, because the Fuhrer of the Fifth Reich, Trump*, makes GW look like a saint!  RESIST!!

From Alternet: One day after Donald Trump learned he won’t be serving a second term, CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said the president needs to prepare himself for the possibility of criminal indictments the moment President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.

Speaking with host Christi Paul, the former federal prosecutor said the country should expect a flurry of pardons from Trump including the possibility he may try to pardon himself.

“The president by law retains all of his power until January 20th with the inauguration. With that said, what do you expect is going to happen between now and Inauguration Day?” host Paul asked.

“Hold on tight to your seats,” Honig began. “I think President Trump is going to use every last ounce of power right up until 11:59:59 on January 20th. Watch for pardons; he has the pardon power. Many presidents have used the pardon power in their final dates in office. I’d watch for him to pardon his political allies, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos. I would look at the possibility that he might pardon his family members who are under state investigations for fraud. Now presidential pardon doesn’t cover people in a state prosecution, but might well cover them for federal purposes. Then the big question is: will the president try to pardon himself? It’s never happened in our history and we don’t actually know if that’s lawful or not. But if he tries it, we could find out.”

Continuing in that vein, the former prosecutor pointed out what the future holds for the president.

“He loses his protections,” he began. “He’s avoided trouble by being in the White House — there are laws and policies, especially in the Justice Department, that protect a sitting president. He will not be the sitting president at 12:01 on January 20th.”

I’m not sure about that. In fact, It would not surprise me, if Trump resigns before his term expires, so Pence can pardon him. If that does not happen, it’s only because Pence can’t pardon him for State charges.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Biden Victory Cold Open


As much as I like SNL and Jim Carrey, nothing can hold a candle to the real speech.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the present): BIDEN HARRIS VICTORY music video: ALL ON THE LINE (Unity version Demo)- ANDRES USECHE


How many times can we say AMEN?!!?  RESIST!!

72 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Nov 072020

It’s a day to celebrate, here in the CatBox.  I had just gotten up from resting my back and was in the throne room.  Just aster I flushed, I heard the TV in the next room announce that Joe Biden had won Pennsylvania and is now the President elect of the United States.  In short, I was the one to flush the foulest turd in US history.  Tomorrow is is a Holy Day the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are playing the Atlanta Falcons, but it won’t be televised here.  But I’ll even let their turd birds beat my Broncos if they promise to elect Ossoff and Warnock in January.  Tomorrow is also a WWWendy day, but I will still be writing.  Wendy won’t be here until mid-afternoon.  Thank God for blessing America today!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:15 (average 5:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do!


Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Moscow Mitch McConnell is twisting his pretend mustache and rubbing his hands together in preparation for how he’s going to block everything presumed President Joe Biden wants to accomplish. And reportedly, Biden is considering “limiting its prospective Cabinet nominees to those who Mitch McConnell can live with, according to people familiar with the matter.” That’s Axios reporting, so all the grains of salt.

They have a source “close to McConnell” who tells them that “a Republican Senate would work with Biden on centrist nominees but no ‘radical progressives’ or ones who are controversial with conservatives.” The source adds: “It’s going to be armed camps.” It’s not just Axios. CNBC reporter Eamon Javers confirms from a source in touch with Biden’s transition team says “the transition will have to re-evaluate the names it has in mind for Senate confirmed positions. May have to send more moderate figures who can get through. Wall Street will like that.” So Biden is definitely hearing that message. That doesn’t mean he has to heed it. If he wants to save the nation, he will ignore it and bulldoze through with the progressive team he promised the millions of people who’ve worked and voted for him.

In other words, Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch will accept nothing to the left of Joe Liebermann. I like the Idea I heard from JD, I think. Nominate a strong liberal, and when BBMMM says NO, make an interim appointment to the left of AOC.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Control of the Senate hung in the balance on Friday in Georgia after Senator David Perdue, a Republican, fell just short of the majority of votes he needed to win re-election, setting the stage for a second January runoff in the rapidly changing state.

With the Senate narrowly divided between Republicans and Democrats, the twin rematches scheduled for just two weeks before Inauguration Day will almost certainly determine which party comes away with the power to shape the fate of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s agenda if he prevails to win the White House, as expected.

Facing such extraordinarily high stakes, both parties were quickly positioning themselves for a nine-week, year-end sprint that could cost another $100 million and amount to a referendum on the outcome of the presidential election. The runoffs promised to thrust a quickly evolving Georgia into the center of the nation’s political fray and test the extent of Democrats’ emerging strength in what was once a Republican stronghold in the Deep South.

Georgia’s special Senate election has been destined for a runoff since Tuesday, when the Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat, and Senator Kelly Loeffler, a Republican, emerged as the top two vote getters in a crowded field vying to replace the retired senator Johnny Isakson.

I plan to donate to the campaigns of both Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. It’s a long shot, but if we win either, we take the Senate.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Bernie Sanders Channel): After Biden’s Victory, Our Struggle Continues


I fully agree with Bernie on all significant issues with the following caveat. We tend to want big change and want it NOW!  However, most American voters are too timid and cowardly for radical change. As frustrating as it can be for us, the only way for us to get the change that we want and that America needs is through an incremental approach. Fortunately, Joe Biden is an incrementalist. Were he not, Trump would have won. We’ll need to hold Joe’s feet to the fire to make sure he doesn’t buy so-called Republican compromises they will never intend to keep, but we also need to give him our support when the good things he tries to accomplish are not as extensive, as fast, or as perfect as we want.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): WHEN YOU GO AWAY – A Parody for the Election


Amen Don! In other words, when we perform that last flush, we need to be sure that every last turd goes down the drain! RESIST!!

73 Days Until FLUSH!

Nov 072020

As always, CC enabled where available, noted where not

Monologue (“Down for the Count”)

Tristan Harris – The End of Free Choice – a documentary (with some reenactments) on the dangers of social media)

New Rule – Rodeo and Juliet – IMO oversimplification. The video from Beau yesterday is far more constructive.

(Overtime? No CC) A stalker in the White House

Nov 042020

I am putting up two links to analyses which are too long for this venue. Some of the short ones are serious, some are intended to lighten us up a little. I am posting early so as not to delat the petitions, but if (as I expect) Keith posts around 3 pm, I will edit to add him.

The Biden Campaign has a couple of half-hour videos up on what they are doing to protect the election.

The Lincoln Project is (or was) having a live Zoom event answering questions. If it’s over, it will still be up.

Now This News

Trae on Civil War Two-y

PACRONYM – Orange Faced Prison Blues

If you have been blessed to see this show in a theater, you don’t need this video. But – if not –

This Beau cast was posted 11/2, but I held it till after the election because it’s more important for what I hope will be the Reconstruction. Specifically reorganizing police departments. (And it also speak highly of at least some high school journalism students.)

Update – Yes, Keith has posted.

And you knew “Count the Vote” petitions were going to come along, right?
Medicare for All
Daily Kos
Common Cause
Fight for Equality
