Jul 112022

Glenn – Cipollone testifies for hours about & against Trump. Next up Bannon? Elmer “Oath Keeper” Rhodes

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul SLAMS Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Newest MAGA Conspiracy Lunacy

The Lincoln Project – Boris (Sure wish we could emulate the Brits.)

MSNBC – The Common Signs Of Mass Shooters | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Mrs Betty Bowers – Is America Really a Christian Nation?

Beau – Let’s talk about Democratic messaging…. (I have been saying, “Well, Democrats do address our messages to sane people,” which includes reasonable, informed people. And there are just not enough of them. And we look at Republicans who use lies to gin up first fesr and then anger in their base. Well, gining up fear about Republican poliies does NOT require lying – and, sadly but truly, we need to start doing it, and loudly Look – it’s not disingenuous or deceitful when it’s the truth!)

Jul 082022

Glenn – Supreme Court parade of horribles: what we CAN do about the court revoking our constitutional rights

Twitter – Ken Harbaugh is the Governor Missouri needs. But alas, he isn’t even running. (The CC is accurate.)

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda RIPS Steve Bannon’s Podcast

Represent Us – Retired Four-Star General Issues a Dire Warning for America

Mrs. Betty Bowers – Don Jr’s Intervention

Beau – Let’s talk about Moore v Harper and SCOTUS….

Jul 042022

Glenn – J6 committee subpoenas WH Counsel Pat Cipollone. Will he testify or coverup Trump’s crimes?

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen REACTS to Trump attacks on Cassidy Hutchinson

Robert Reich – The Supreme Court’s War on the People (yes, I also used the text article.)

Beloved Community Talks | The Replacement Theory and White Fear: It Starts in Our Minds
This is a seminar produced by The King Center through “The Beloved Comunity Speaks” program, and it is 45 minutes even after I cut off some intro. I don’t expect anyone to watch it without setting aside time to do so, and I understand anyone who doesn’t want to do that. I share it mainly because I have a long online relationship with Scott. When he first “came out” on LinkedIn as a “reformed racist” in 2010 (and asked for advice how best to help eliminate racism from anyone willing to give it), I was new to LinkedIn myself but I felt I had to respond with support, and we have been LinkedIn contacts ever since. It hasn’t been easy for him (racism is not the only thing he is recovering from) but he has never wavered. He works with The King Center at least annually now. I’m proud to know him.

Puppet Regine – CoVid-19

Beau – Let’s talk about Elmo and a phrase I never thought I say….

Jul 032022

Glenn Kirschner with Stephanie Miller: Trump Will Hold onto His Lies Until the Day He Dies.

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Olivia Rodrigo and Megan Thee Stallion SLAMMING Roe Decision

The Lincoln Project – He Wanted to Help

Dakota Water Wars Part 5 – Ignoring Tribes, Ignoring Laws (I would point out that when the speaker castigates the DOJ official opinion, that was Trump**’s DOJ)

Mrs Betty Bowers – The Not-So-Supreme Court

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s denials from the committee….

Jun 282022

Yesterday, I realized Nameless has posted Sunday evening after I sent the email – I’ll pick it up in next week’s, but for regular readers, here’s the link – https://www.7thstep.org/blog/2022/06/26/there-is-no-joy-in-mudville/ I didn’t see it immediately because I was loking for an email response to my visit-Virgil notification, and when I found it, it was a notificaion that he has been moved again. I needed to address that right away because they only have certain hours in which they read and answer emails, so I didn’t get to PP right away. And I realize this OT is pretty lightweught. Sometimes that happens. BTW, there’s another hearing today I’ll be watching it after the fact. And one final note – I’m not big on podcasts myself as a learning method (I find it difficult to sit still and listen), but this one, recommended by the editor of Mother Jones, appears to be seriously content-rich, down to earth, and something you can recommend to anyone whose shock at current events leads them to wnt to learn more. It’s called “How to Citizen.” https://www.howtocitizen.com

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker (Borowitz) – Women Declare Themselves Corporations to Force Supreme Court to Grant Them Rights as People
Quote – Attorneys across the nation indicated that they have been swamped by requests from clients seeking to incorporate as soon as possible. “The Supreme Court decided in 2010 that corporations are people, so all we want is to be treated like corporations, ” Carol Foyler, who now goes by the corporate name FoylerCo L.L.C., said.
Click through for full (short) article. I’ve heard lots of ideas less intelligent than this one.

Robert Reich – When I was Baby Jesus
Quote – What was I to do? I did the only thing my five-year-old brain could come up with: I apologized to God. I did it quietly as I lay on the straw on the stage, under my breath so no one else would hear, and then apologized again during the prayers and Christmas carols. I whispered, “God, I didn’t have a choice. I was cast as Baby Jesus. I don’t celebrate Christmas. It’s against my religion. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
Click through for his thoughts on yet another horrible SCOTUS decision.

Food For Thought

Jun 042022

Glenn Kirschner – With J6 hearings to begin 6/9, we finally learn that DOJ is criminally investigating Trump. Why now?

Meidas Touch – Tucker Carlson admits he LIES to viewers in SHOCKING new interview

The Lincoln Project – The Republican Army

MSNBC – Jail: Facing Criminal Subpoena, Trump Aide Threatens Biden, Pelosi, Fauci (including very nice eyeroll)

CNN – He helped decode Mark Meadows’ texts. What he found scared him (Long but meaty. Partial transcript here.) https://crooksandliars.com/2022/06/intelligence-expert-says-jan-6-data

The Daily Show – The Story of Covfefe: Based on a True Typo

Beau – Let’s talk about Georgia showing Wyoming the way….

Jun 012022

Glenn Kirschner – President Biden visits Uvalde, TX: Time to use executive orders to limit access to weapons of war

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Hate Mail calling him Satan with EPIC RESPONSE!  (Sorry it’s so long – skip it if you must.)

MSNBC – What Is Kevin McCarthy Hiding?: Rep. Lofgren

Rebel HQ – American Right Is Moving Right Towards Fascism

Armageddon Update – It IS Political (hanky alert)

Mrs. Betty Bowers – The Killing in Killing

Beau – Let’s talk about investigating Trump’s campaign in Georgia….

May 312022

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia DA Willis issues 50 grand jury subpoenas; is “weighing racketeering charges” against Trump

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Jim Acosta EVISCERATES NRA Board Member and leaves him SPEECHLESS!

Rebel HQ – Trevor Reed’s Father SHREDS Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Actions

Truth Matters – Slaughter of the Innocent (featuring Senator Chris Murphy DCT) hanky alert

Robert Reich – Why Your Barbecue Is More Expensive This Year

Puppet Regime – Zuckerberg Practices Free Speech On Elon Musk

Beau – Let’s talk about metaphors, hair, and Florida….
