Dec 222022

Yesterday, though the high for the day was only 47°F, when I went to take out my carts for the grocery delivery (around noon) the sun had been shining on the porch for 4-5 hours and if felt much warmer. Today and tomorrow, we are expecting sub-zero (centigrade: -14°F and +5°F respectively) high temperatures with snow possible tonight. I’m glad I ordered when I did. I don’t like making the delivery folk go out in severe weather. Sure, they get tipped, and I can increase it, but there’s really no tip that can adequately compensate for those conditions. Also, it tool me a while and a little research, but I think I have found the phrase for us to throw back in the faces of those who say “Democrats in disarray.”  How does Republicans in rupture” strike you? Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!

And, yes, I saw the Joint Session with President Zelenskyy’s address.  I have set this link to start when he actually started speaking  If you want to see the announcements of the names of the ushers, the entrance of diplomats, and the entrance of the Cabinet, you can use this link insted – it is the whole enchilada.  I will note that there appears to be ab echo in the closed captions (you will see what I mean if you use them) and there are some errors, which happens even with perfect dictio (if there is such a thing).  But the message – including the comparison to Christmas 1944 – comes through.  If you just want a summary, this one is stunning.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Fox’s Favorite Priest Defrocked By Vatican Over Abortion Stunt
Quote – Pavone, founder of anti-abortion group Priests for Life, frequently posts on social media about politics and abortion, largely in support of former President Donald J. Trump and the Republican party’s anti-abortion platform. The Vatican said it provided Pavone “ample opportunity” to defend himself, but he provided “no reasonable justification for his actions,” according to the letter.
Click through for (frankly disgusting) details. When I first saw a headline on this, I thought he was being defrocked for not being anti-abortion enough, and I was disappointed. My faith in the current Pope has been restored.

The Daily Beast – Trump Special Prosecutor Has a History of Indicting Presidents
Quote – The story may sound familiar, if not a bit like resistance fan-fiction. But this story is actually about Smith’s efforts in Kosovo, a small country in southeastern Europe that was historically an Albanian enclave in Serbia. It was difficult every step of the way. Smith had to defend his work from widespread accusations that he was conducting an unfair political prosecution to remove the nation’s favorite leader. And the narrative was that cooperators are traitors—and that these lawyers like Smith were trying to destroy the country. It may prove to be an invaluable experience.
Click through for background. BTW, that purple you see in his photos, which looks either affected or athletic, is actually a robe worn in the international court. Here, only judges wear robes, but that’s not true in all courts, and especially in Europe (at least he didn’t need to wear a barrister’s wig.)

Food For Thought

Dec 182022

Glenn Kirschner – Mark Meadows: NC voter fraud; contempt of Congress; treasonous text messages. Is he above the law?

Tim Ryan – Last Speech to Congress ( Steve Schmidt)

Ojeda Live – Marjorie Sinks to a NEW LOW (WRT the Fourteenth, Section 3 does not address how it is to be determined that someone has engaged in insurrection. At the time the amendment was ratified, it was obvious – it was participation in the Confederate Army. I do get it that Congress, and also Secretaries of State, to want something like a Court verdict before expelling anyone, or striking anyone off the ballot. I don’t like it, but I do get it.)

Liberal Redneck – On the Absence of Empathy

Couple Rescues Baby Sparrow And Turns Their Living Room Into A Habitat

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, Whelan, and Bout….

Dec 132022

Glenn Kirschner – January 6 committee debates criminal referrals for Trump, Meadows, Eastman, Clark and Giuliani

Robert Reich – UC Workers in Richest State in Richest Country Strike For Living Wages

MSNBC – Russia Providing ‘Unprecedented’ Support To Iran, Biden Administration Says

Mrs Betty Bowers – The War on Christmas 2022

This Little Kitten Cannot Miss Out On An Adventure With Her Pittie Brother

Beau – Let’s talk about the Committee’s referrals….

Dec 032022

Yesterday, I learned a new word – new to me, at least. A forb is an herbaceous flowering plant other than in the grass family. I get a “Bird of the Week” email from the American Bird Conservancy, and this week’s bird, the Chestnut-collared Longspur, they tell me, seeks shelter among grasses and forbs. Who’da thunk. I also continued listening to a Rachel Maddow podcast, “Ultra,” about a plot from 1940. There are 8 episodes altogether, and each episode has a complete ranscript whic has been edited and proofread, and indicates at all times who is speaking. It doesn’t get any better than that. Also, the episode I listened to on Wednesday included a few commercials, and the transcripts do not. The full 8-episode podcast corcens events which happened in 1940 of which you have probably never heard (I hadn’t) but which are spookily similar to today. (The one person whose name I had heard was Father Coughlin, and I was aware he was terrible, but exactly how terrible, no.) The fact is, eternal vigilance really is the price of liberty. And yet, it’s also true that Democracy requires a lot of mutual trust in order to finction well. Those two truths constantly work against each other, yet neither one is safe alone.


Short Takes –

truthout – Fracking Firm Agrees to Pay a Small Town’s Water Bills for 75 Years
Quote – After years of legal wrangling, the company formerly known as Cabot Oil & Gas agreed to plead no contest to 15 criminal violations of state environmental laws and pay nearly $16.3 million for the construction of a new public water supply for Dimock. Activists say some Dimock residents went years without access to clean tap water, and Coterra Energy, the company that bought Cabot, will pay their water bills for 75 years under a plea deal with Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro. It remains unclear whether Coterra would be permitted to frack the area in the future, but production was halted years ago as the scandal unfolded.
Click through for story – This is something we don’t see every day (but probably should.) I was thinking that if one ever wanted a prosecuting attorney, the prosecutor in this case would be the one you’d want… but he’s not available. He just got elected Governor.

Crooks & Liars – Russian Propagandist Admits: If Russia Loses, We’re All Going To The Hague
Quote – “I want to say that if we manage to lose, the Hague, conditional or concrete, is even waiting for the janitor who sweeps the paving stones behind the Kremlin wall. What do we need from the fact that another district of Kyiv will be left without electricity or not? The scale of the catastrophe for our country, if we manage to do it [lose] is unimaginable. To be afraid of The Hague – do not go into the forest, ”said Simonyan. However, propaganda host Vladimir Solovyov summed up at the end that if Russia loses, there will be no The Hague. According to him, if this happens, then “the whole world will go to dust.”
Click through for a little more. Yes, this fear has substance. The Iternational Court has formed (or is forming) a court specifically to investigate Russian war crimes.

The 19th – Bipartisan bill would require human trafficking hotline to be posted in every U.S. port of entry
Quote – Senators introduced on Thursday the Human Trafficking Prevention Act, bipartisan legislation which was shared first with The 19th. The bill would direct the Departments of Transportation and Homeland Security to ensure the hotline is also visible in every individual plane, bus and train restroom. The companion bill, introduced by Reps. Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat, and Darrell Issa, a Republican, passed in the House in July. Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, one of the bill’s primary sponsors, said transportation hubs are a “common-sense place to intercede” by letting victims and bystanders know who to call for help.
Click through for details – I’m going to try not to be snotty, and just say this is a good idea, and it’s good that it’s (at least to some extent) bipartisan.

Food For Thought (updated by me.)

Dec 012022

Glenn Kirschner – Jury convicts Oath Keepers of seditious conspiracy, obstructing official proceedings & other crimes

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – November 29, 2022

Meidas Touch – Russian TV Host Hilariously Mocks Trump LIVE ON TV During his Presidential Announcement (this one does have real subtitles, not “real subtitles?”

Farron Balanced – Court Filing Reveals Lawyer’s Anger Over Matt Gaetz Not Being Indicted

Couple on Date Sees Teeny Kitten in Distress…See How They Save Her Life

Beau – Let’s talk about the presumed Speaker of the House….

Nov 302022

Yesterday, we did indeed have snow as predicted, but the sun was out a couple of hours before is was supposed to slow down to a trickle. (the prediction also suggested it would continue to trickle throug the night, which it may – or may not.)  It was also Giving Tuesday, so my inbox was about twice its usual size. And one more notable thng – the Senate passed the law upholding same-sex marriage 61-36  At this link you can see the 12 Republicans who voted yes, and I guarantee some will surprise you.  Now, this doesn’t mean some (*)hole state will not challenge the law, but it does make it harder.

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Short Takes –

Mother Jones – How Did a State Known for Its War on Immigrants Approve In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students?
Quote – Proposition 300, [passed in 2006, was] a successful ballot measure that made university students in Arizona who were not US citizens or permanent residents and those lacking legal status ineligible for in-state tuition and federal and state financial aid…. Sixteen years later, that could change. The majority of voters in Arizona during the recent midterm elections were in favor of Proposition 308, a ballot measure that repealed provisions from Proposition 300 and opened the way for any high school graduate, regardless of immigration status, living in Arizona for at least two years, to access in-state tuition rates at state universities and community colleges.
Click through for analysis. It makes sense to me. If you don’t like a groups of people, at least in part because they are uneducated, then educate them. but then, I’m a flaming liberal.

Crooks & Liars – Russian Mothers ‘Rewarded’ With A Set Of Towels For Fallen Sons
Quote – On the occasion of Mother’s Day, one of the leaders of the Kursk region in Russia made a grotesque gesture, presenting a set of towels to mothers who lost their sons on the Ukrainian front. Outrageous news came to light in the Russian media: one of the district leaders of the Kursk region, Sergey Korostyev, gave a set of towels to mothers who lost their sons on the Ukrainian front, reports the Russian newspaper Vesma.
Click through for story and sources. Mothers Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday in November. I don’t know about the “Dollar store” part. I expect the government is hurting for funding.

Food For Thought


Nov 242022

Yesterday, I had already picked out short takes for today – being a holiday, and specifically a holiday for gratitutde, I didn’t want to be gloom and doom, and i haven’t changed them. But I was – you migt say sucked in – by the title of Steve Schmidt’s newsletter for the day: “It’s time to pick up JFK’s unfinished business.” An an unpaid subscriber, I didn’t reveive the full article, but he opens discussing oratory. JFK was no mean speaker, but Schmidt transitions to MLK’s Promised Land speech and Bobby’s extemporaneous speech on MLK’s death – “one of the greatest pieces of oratory in American history” and “the greatest extemporaneous speech in American history” respectively – and links to videos of them. Truly, all three men deserve our gratitude, and if yours is up to the associated grief at their loss, you can read (part of) the article here and link from it to videos of those two speeches. I don’t know whether they have CC; I couldn’t. Also, Virgil called, and Pat emailed to let me know that, between Thanksgiving and multiple famiy birthdays, we may not see her for a couple of days.

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Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – Russian POW Offers Himself In Exchange For Stolen Raccoon
Quote – A Russian prisoner of war (POW) has offered to exchange him for a raccoon stolen by Russians from the Kherson zoo. The relevant statement was made by Kherson Regional Council First Deputy Head Yurii Sobolevskyi on Facebook, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. The video shows the Russian military saying: “I, Oleg Mokashov, a private, born in 1975, from Novosibirsk, am asking the government of Russia to swap me for the Kherson raccoon.”
Click through for story, meme, and video. This seems to be a new level of trolling (which apparently is not always a bad thing.)

Open Culture – Jim Henson’s Commercials for Wilkins Coffee: 15 Twisted Minutes of Muppet Coffee Ads (1957-1961)
Quote – Drink our coffee. Or else. That’s the message of these curiously sadistic TV commercials produced by Jim Henson between 1957 and 1961. Henson made 179 ten-second spots for Wilkins Coffee, a regional company with distribution in the Baltimore-Washington D.C. market, according to the Muppets Wiki: “The local stations only had ten seconds for station identification, so the Muppet commercials had to be lightning-fast–essentially, eight seconds for the commercial pitch and a two-second shot of the product.”
Click through for video collection. Yes, I could have put this in the video thread, but I already have Mrs. Betty Bowers there, and this is pretty unusual – typical Henson, and quite amusing.

The Warning – “0ur faith sought the harmony of man with his surroundings”
Quote – There is an accompanying arrogance that rides comfortably with obliviousness and ignorance. It gives license to people in the present who know nothing of the past to indict the totality of the struggle for justice and progress against a present standard that is as deluded as it is preening. It is also not cost-free. There is a cost for fighting over the past, which cannot be changed, and it is a terrible one. The fight costs the future and strangles the imagination needed to create it…. Apache, Black Hawk, Kiowa, Comanche, Chinook, Lakota are the names of the great tribes, which the US Army has named their helicopters. They are named in honor of the warrior spirit and fierceness of those tribes’ warriors. Yet, the greatest attribute of a warrior in Lakota culture was not fierceness, deadliness or success. It was humility. Strength will be required to forge reconciliation. Weakness will be required to sustain more fighting. Humility will be required to listen. Listening will be required to hear, and hearing will be required to obtain wisdom. There is great wisdom in the culture of America’s native peoples who have forged this nation from its first hours. Harmony is at the center of much of American Indian belief. The white man has much to learn from this. There was a Lakota word for “white man” that roughly translated as “fat taker.”
Click through for full article (you may have to click “Let me read it first.”) The faith in the title is the faith of Native Americans. I don’t always agree with Steve … but he certainly knows a thing or two about what we as Americans need to do, and he’s not shy about saying it.

Food For Thought

Nov 232022

Yesterday, I had (not for the first time) to reckon with the fact that in the US system ol labeling knitting needles for size, there are two different “size 6.” One is 4mm and the other is 4.25mm. You might not think that would make much difference – and sometimes it doesn’t – but it can. I also discovered I am very low on batteries – I was able to change the one in the mouse at least. Other than that, it was not (thankfully) an eventful day. I hope the week continues that way.

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Short Takes –

ProPublica – “We Need to Defend This Law”: Inside an Anti-Abortion Meeting With Tennessee’s GOP Lawmakers
Quote – On Oct. 27, the Tennessee affiliate of National Right to Life held a webinar to encourage GOP legislators to hold the line. The anti-abortion organization helped write and lobby for so-called trigger bans — laws that outlawed abortion in anticipation of Roe being overturned — in Republican-majority statehouses across the country. ProPublica reviewed a recording of the call. It provides the clearest examples yet of the strategy that the law’s architects are pursuing to influence legislators and the public amid growing national concerns that abortion bans endanger women’s health care and lives.
Click through for more on this call, Tennessee’s law and how it passed, and other information. If you see any difference between this group and the KKK (other than the specific targets), I’d be interested to hear it.

The Daily Beast – Secret Signs Show Putin’s Own Henchmen Are Turning on Him
Quote – A human rights group that works closely with Russian inmates and investigates abuses by the security services has reportedly received a flood of calls from members of those same security services desperately trying to flee., founded by Vladimir Osechkin, reports that the final straw appears to have been the brutal sledgehammer-execution video released by Russia’s private army last week—a stomach-churning extrajudicial killing that the Kremlin politely averted its eyes from while the Putin-linked businessman thought to be behind it uses it for his own PR campaign.
Click through for details. This is s good news article, with the caveat that cornered rats can be more vicious than uncornered rats. Still, this one needs cornering.

Quote – This guide provides readers actionable steps to support those who have been targeted by hate-fueled acts. It offers adults information and practical lessons about how to help young people resist the manipulative rhetoric and the supremacist narratives they encounter online and off, and to identify warning signs and intervene when a young person seems to be heading in a dangerous direction. “Each trusted adult in a young person’s network of care has a unique vantage point into young people’s lives,” said Dr. Brian Hughes, Associate Director at PERIL. “That network of trusted adults – whether they’re coaches, religious leaders, tutors, or others – has an opportunity to help young people build resilience against the manipulation of extremist groups. They are also the first line of support for those who have been targeted and harmed. Those two roles go together, each one strengthening the other.” The guide is available for free here. We encourage you to share it widely across your community to help strengthen and prepare networks of trusted adults to reduce harm and build resilience in your community.
Click through for access to the complere guide. I doubt whether anyone knows more about hate than the SPLC. This is an incredible resourse – and it’s free.

Food For Thought
