Feb 152023

Yesterday, I got the New Yorker’s Name Drop on the first clue (and the cheeky little respone they provide, whether you get the answer or not, said “Now go tell everyone you know.”) I don’t know that everyoe would get it on the first clue (I happen to be a huge fan), but there’s a lot of information scattered through the six clues, and I think most people would get it at some point. But thegood news is that Dianne Feinstein has announced she will not run again. Not that there won’t be a primary, but it looks like it will be between Katie Porter and Adam Schiff, and possibly Barbara Lee. Much as I hate the thought of losing any from the House,let alone all three, any of them would dramatically improve the Senate. Does anyone know whether the losers will be able to run for their House seat instead? That varies from state to state, and I’m not even 100% positive how it works in mine. Speaking of mine, another announcement today – Adam Frisch will take on Boebert again.

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PolitiZoom – Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls, GOP. It Tolls For Thee
Quote – The next day he went into Rick Skeletor Scott’s backyard in Florida to spread the good word. And as people walked into the auditorium for the rally, there was a leaflet of Senator Scott’s 11 point plan on every seat. Biden almost gleefully led a Sing-Along-With-Mitch of the part that sunsetted Medicare and Social Security after 5 years
Click through for full list. Considering the bubble in which MAGAts live, I don’t know how long these achievements are going to carry us, but it won’t hurt to take a small victory lap.

Politico [from 2019] – The Spy Case That Made Adam Schiff a Russia Hawk
Quote – This was no ordinary FBI surveillance operation: The “acquaintance” Grishin referred to was himself an FBI agent—a man who, out of greed, desperation, and spite, had begun an affair with Ogorodnikov and agreed to sell classified information to the Soviet government. Eventually, this man—Richard W. Miller, a 47-year-old Los Angeles-based counterintelligence agent on the Bureau’s Soviet squad—would become the first FBI agent ever convicted of espionage. And the man who would finally secure Miller’s conviction in 1990—after three trials over the course of six years—was a young U.S. attorney in Los Angeles: Adam Schiff.
Click through for background. This is not news, but since Adam is running for the Senate, I thought some background wouldn’t hurt. I will also from time to time look at background on Katie, and if and when Barbara announces, on her as well.

Food For Thought

Feb 072023

Yesterday, “Choose Love” managed to get a donation request ou for Turkish and Syrian victims of the earthquake. I’m not on their mailing list (at least I wasn’t), so they must have worked with other groups to get it out so fast, and therefore you may also have received it. In case you didn’t and want to help, here’s a link. I went from there by clicking on the logo to a page which has an “About us” link which provides some credentioals, including the number by which they are registered as a charity in the U.S., so anyone who is dubious can investigate further. OXFAM also came though with a request.  Tonight, of course, is the State of the Union address. I plan to watch it, but if you don’t wish to, or aren’t able to, Robert Reich’s prediction is a short take today.

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Robert Reich – The state of Joe Biden’s union: The return to democratic capitalism
Quote – America’s postwar industrial policy spurred innovation. The Department of Defense and its Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration developed satellite communications, container ships, and the internet. The National Institutes of Health did trailblazing basic research in biochemistry, DNA, and infectious diseases…. Large corporations sought to be responsive to all their stakeholders — not just shareholders but employees, consumers, the communities where they produced goods and services, and the nation as a whole.
Click through for full opinion. Benjamin Franklin’s warning – “if you can keep it” – comtinues to echo through my mind.

The New Yorker – The Hunt for Russian Collaborators in Ukraine
Quote – The most obvious cases are those in which a person took up arms against Ukrainian forces or was involved in spying or sabotage to aid the Russian war effort. But assessing culpability can get murky at the level of local governance. “We’re looking for people who worked for the benefit of the Russian occupation,” Kravchenko told me. “But does that apply to a welder or carpenter who maintained buildings or equipment for the occupiers? Or people responsible for critical infrastructure?” There wasn’t an easy answer or policy, he said.
Click through for story. At least we didn’t have to get bombed and invaded before finding ourselves in the situation of having to wonder whether our friends, family, and beighbors are collaborators.

Food For Thought

Feb 022023

Glenn Kirschner – NY DA Alvin Bragg opens a grand jury probe & AGAIN begins investigating the crimes of Donald Trump (I would remind y’all that the investigation being discussed involves a case which was dead under the NY statute of limitations, involves a crime regarding which NY has just opened a sort of amnesty window under which it may now be considered.)

The Lincoln Project – RNC Chaos

Thom Hartmann – Will Right Wing Sheriffs Perp Walk America Right Into Fascism? (Colorado has a cople of those Sheriffs too.)

Mrs. Betty Bowers – The Secret To Reading an Inconvenient Bible

Couple Saves ‘Gargoyle’ Dog After 8 Years On The Streets

Beau – Let’s talk about what escalation is….

Jan 302023

Yesterday, I did get to see Virgil. It was snowing and cold – but I really had to see him because omething had gone wrong in the phone system; he had tried 3 times to call me Friday but I wasn’t able to accept ythe call and I wanted to tell him it was not I who was haning up on him. Fortunately, he didn’t think that, and I got to talk with the inmate who helps him place calls and tell him what happened. I had called the provider, and I did get an answer – frankly it didn’t make sense to me, but I shared it anyway because it’s not something I can fix, and if they are going to they need all available information – at least. I wasn’t able to finish scraping the windshield before starting out in the morning; I got the driver’s side and part of the passenger side clear, but part of it was just rock solid, despite my having turned the defrost on for over a half hour and of course kept it on while driving. I was worried about having to deal with that before leaving for home, and I was also worried, as by this time the snow had reached Pueblo and was coming down, about getting on to the interstate. But by the time I left, the rock hard ice had melted so thoroughly that a couple swipes of the windshield wipers took care of it, and when I got to the interstate there was a huge gap to get into, and just about everyone was driving slowly anyway, plus it was practically dry, both directions (I don’t know how Colorado snowstorms know to fall most heavily on residential areas and frequesntted commercial areas, and less on highways, but they do a good job of it.) So there are three more proofs of one of my favorite sayings (see right). As usual, Virgil returns all greetings. He does appreciate all of you – he knows, among other things, you are company for me, which he can’t be under the circumstances.

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Washington Post (no paywall) – Justice Department asks FEC to stand down as prosecutors probe Santos
Quote – The Justice Department has asked the Federal Election Commission to hold off on any enforcement action against George Santos, the Republican congressman from New York who lied about key aspects of his biography, as prosecutors conduct a parallel criminal probe, according to two people familiar with the request…. “Basically they don’t want two sets of investigators tripping over each other,” said David M. Mason, a former FEC commissioner. “And they don’t want anything that the FEC, which is a civil agency, does to potentially complicate their criminal case.”
Click through for story – From WaPo’s keyboards to God’s iPhone.

Timothy Snyder – Thinking about… – The Specter of 2016
Quote – The reporting on this so far seems to miss the larger implications. One of them is that Trump’s historical position looks far cloudier. In 2016, Trump’s campaign manager (Manafort) was a former employee of a Russian oligarch (Deripaska), and owed money to that same Russian oligarch. And the FBI special agent (McGonigal) who was charged with investigating the Trump campaign’s Russian connections then went to work (according to the indictment) for that very same Russian oligarch (Deripaska). This is obviously very bad for Trump personally. But it is also very bad for FBI New York, for the FBI generally, and for the United States of America.
Click through for analysis. Snyder is a historian and this falls right into his special area, namely Europe. What strikes me here is that we all seem to be laboring under themistaken impression that if a responsible adult is aware that there is a problem under his or her purview, he or she will take some action. That does not appear to be the case Look at the 6-year-old school shooter – other students reported to multiple adults that he had a gun, starting early in the day. One of, I guess, the last to hear, just said, “Don’t worry, the school day’s almost over.” And then there was the entire police department in Uvalde. I understand the impulse, I really do, to mind one’s own business, but we citizens deserve better. Just because fascists want to supervise inappropriately doesn’t mean that we must fail to exercise supervision at all.

Food For Thought

Jan 292023

Glenn Kirschner – The ugly truth EXPOSED about the Durham/Barr investigation of those who investigated Trump-Russia

The Lincoln Project – – RNC Chaos

MSNBC – Pence takes ‘full responsibility’ for classified documents found at his home

PUPPET REGIME – The Rat Explains Putin

Dog Stuck In Pipe Gets Dug Out

Beau – Let’s talk about the Pence documents case….

Jan 222023

Yesterday, the radio opera was L’Elisir d’Amore by Donizetti. If I remember correctly, that was included in the summer lineup, I think from China, and I think I remember it was an American Old West setting – cowboys and a snake oil salesman and recruiting for the Civil War. So there’s not much to add. I can mention that the characters are straight out of the Italian Commedia dell’Arte and that their names are part of the humor – “Nemorino” means “little nobody,” Sergeant “Belcore” means “beautiful heart” (that would be only on his own mind, as his character is the “braggart soldier,”) and Dr. “Dulcamara” means “bittersweet.” Commedia dell’Arte heroines were spared from this, so Adina is just Adina. The one thing that has always bugged me about this ooera, although it’s necessary to the plot – wouldn’t you think of a love potion as something you’d give to the object of your affections to change his or her feelings? That’s certainly how it works in “Tristan und Isolde,” and in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” and just about everywhere else. But in this, Nemorino drinks the potion himself to make Adina fall in love with him. Somehow it works. Also (via Heather Cox Richardson), Representative Bill Foster (D-IL), an award-winning physicist with real credentials, tweeted a welcome to the Science Committee to George Santos as a “Nobel prize winner” who also received a math prize “for his groundbreaking work with “imaginary numbers.” I’m not sure that “poorly educated” MAGAts know that “imaginary numbers” are an actual thing – but even those of us who do can be sure Foster is not talking about that kind of “imaginary numbers.” And I hesitate to say the DOJ trolled Gym Jordan when all they did was explain that they cannot reveal any information on ongoing investigations, but they’ll be happy to help with crafting legislation when it’s just pure fact, but it’s going to sound like “Keep your nose out of grownup matters, little boy, and do your own job. We’ll help – you obviously need help.”

Cartoon – 22 1/22 Roe also Rabbit RTL

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The Daily Beast – Russia’s Shadow Army Exposed and Humiliated by Bogus ‘Recruit’

The New York Times (no paywall – The U.S. will name the Wagner mercenary group a transnational criminal organization.
Quote – The United States has decided to designate the Russian private military group Wagner as a significant transnational criminal organization, the White House said on Friday, a move that will expand the number of nations and institutions that can be prevented from doing business with the company “Our message to any company that is considering providing support to Wagner is simply this: Wagner is a criminal organization that is committing widespread human rights abuses,” John Kirby, the White House national security spokesman, told reporters at a news briefing.
Click through to one or both. The first link will demonstrate how they operate on deceit (and throw their own under the bus). The second is more about what we are trying to do about it.

Crooks & Liars – GOP Congressman Greg Steube Falls Off His Roof
Quote – You know, I’ll bet Kevin McCarthy just might start to worry about getting rid of proxy voting. Yesterday Florida congress critter Greg Steube fell off his roof and is in the hospital, which leaves Kevin with a two-vote margin. His caucus might start to get Manchin-and-Sinema-type ideas!
Click through for story. From Susie Madrak’s keyboard to God’s iPhone. We’d only need to flip two. Or, I won’t wish them injuries or death, but if we could only flip one, and one could be arrested and detained long ehough, we’d have the votes to raise the debt ceiling right there. Yeah, I know, McCarthy won’t bring it to the floor.  Except he might.  He has already shown willingness to bring a vote to the floor without having the votes – what was it, 15 times?

Food For Thought

Jan 102023

Yesterday, the Smithsonian newsletter included a link to their Andean Bear cub cam (at a month and a half, their eyes have not yet opoened, nor can they hear), and that page also includes a link to the Giant Panda cam. I didn’t try the pandas. I watched the cubs for a minute or teo, saw no motion, but heard a tiny “squeep.” It might have been a baby snore – not, I think, a baby sneeze. Also, I received a grocery delivery.It looks like i got everything except the lip balm, and there’s no huge hurry on that.  In actual news, The PCCC (Bold Progressives wants to know whether or not we think it would be a good idea for Katie Porter to run for the Senate next time.  Initially I shuddered, thnking of Tim Ryan (and so many others),.  and then I thought, wait a minute – her district was already red, and redistricting just made it redder – she probably actually has better prospects state wide.  So I answered yes.  Of course they also want funds but they’ve labeled it “optional,” so no pressure.  Here’s the link.

I cannot say it was a slow news day.  In fact, it was so much the opposite that it’s going to take me a while to digest it.

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Crooks & Liars – Russian Wife Wants Her Husband To Go Die In Ukraine For A New Car
Quote – A Russian woman named her goal in the war against Ukraine…. [O]ne Russian woman confirmed that she wanted to send her husband to die to get a car for him…. And she did it right in his presence…. The Russian confirms that he supports the dictator Vladimir Putin and will go to the front when he is summoned.
Click through – If this is real, and not some twisted joke, it’s easy to see why GQP voters are so in sync with Russia.

CPR News – Colorado sees more avalanche deaths than any other state. A training course at this mountain park hopes to change that
Quote – While carrying avalanche safety equipment has become the norm for many backcountry skiers and other recreators, remembering how to use it in an emergency properly is another skill entirely. So where can one practice for the unthinkable? At a park just outside of Minturn, now open for its third season, there are eight transmitters that people can practice finding with their beacons.
Click through for story. Good thing we have technology, because avalanches are a phenomenon which climate change is not going to make less common. Now people just need to learn how to use it.

Food For Thought

Jan 052023

Glenn Kirschner – Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony shows how DOJ’s refusal to indict Mark Meadows comes home to roost

Thom Hartmann – SCOTUS Judge’s Obscene Joke During Important Case Should Scare You!

Political Voices Network – arbara McQuade: Trump’s Crew, Thomas Caught Lying? Ornato’s Memory is Foggy & Meadows is Too Quiet

Ring of Fire – Trump Allies WANT Him To Get Indicted To Help His Campaign

Terrified Pregnant Pittie Is The Happiest Mom Now

Beau – Let’s talk about what the US is getting out of Ukraine….
