Feb 162025

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Ariadne auf Naxos” by Richard Strauss. It is one act with a prologue which is about as long as the Act. This performance was chosen by Lise Davidsen, a Norwegian soprano. I would imagine (demonstrating a lack of imagination) that a Norwegian soprano would be likely to model on someone like Swedish Birgit Nilsson or Norwegian Kirsten Flagstad, but Davidsen has more imagination than that, so her most admired model is the late Jessye Norman, who sang the role of Ariadne in this broadcast. There’s a black history fact, if you will. The opera itself is an atypical comedy, the premise being that a serious opera and a comedy act similar to Commedia dell’Arte are presented on the same stage at the same time, and the participants have to interact somehow improvising as they go, and that is what happens in the one act. In the prologue, the situation is set up, with the prima donna throwing a fit, the composer throwing another fit, and the comedy troupe being more accepting and trying to calm everyone else down. There aren’t any punchlines, the humor is all situational and subtle. And the music is beautiful. Richard Strauss got hos start with “Salome” and “Elektra,” both of which include two or more murders and neither of which can really be called beautiful – although exciting fits, and maybe even enthralling. But Ariadne is compositionally more like his final opera, “Der Rosenkavalier,” which really is beautiful, especially the waltzes, though Richard and the Johanns were completely unrelated.

My state Senate is taking action on censorship – book banning. At least this committee is. And our state house (the Assembly) is also blue. I hope it will pass. It looks like a good bill. It allows challenges, but limits who can legitimately make them and how frequently they can do so. And more.

Robert Reich recognizes six individuals and one group who are willing and able to say “No” to the Papaya Poopy-Pants. And he’s right, it takes courage. And they have it and they exercised it. And, to the gest of my knowledge all are still alive. But sadly, all are now out of a job. Still, all these actions are well worth applauding.

Bonus video to go with cartoon

Feb 142025

Yesterday, having gotten my Windows 8.1 back on the internet Tuesday with the help of a technician (I knew it was an ethernet cable that wasn’t plugged in, and I even knew which cable but I had no idea where it should go), I went to the 8.1 first to deal with emails. I had 99, and in under an hour I got it down to 44, and that included not just deleting, but unsubscribing where appropriate and signing all petitions – and even adding back in a couple of thanks for signing emails. It is so much faster than the Win10 – and my browser there doesn’t keep bumping me out of the Net. There are a few things I like about 10, like being able to make the mouse pointer both large enough for me to see it and changing to contrasting colors so it jumps out. And there are some things it can do that the 8.1 can’t. But it is so slow. The technician couldn’t get my second and third phone handsets working, but he did explain why (essentially my phone lines are inside the walls) and what I can do about it – several options – and I went with the cheapest and easiest, ordering some new equipment, even though that means I have to wait a bit. It will give me more and better control in the long run. In other news, Josh Hawley said something which was not only intelligent,  but Constitutional, and even moral. To reach it at this link you need to scroll down past the second Aaron Ruper Xeet five paragraphs – the one with the quote begins with “This culminated in…” I think you’ll find it worth it. Hawley said it in a Xeet of his own, and I won’t go there, nor make you go there. Finally, for Valentine’s day, the Holocaust Museum has love stories to share. Here’s one.

This from The F* News is more about Musk than Trump** – and possibly more scary, although that’s close to a toss-up. This certainly lays out the grounds for calling Musk “Dork Vader.” The cartoon below is from Steve Schmidt – I don’t know whether he made it, but he owns it, since he is not just allowing but encouraging anyone who sees it to spread it widely.

Doktor Zoom at Wonkette takes on the confirmation of RFK Jr sardonically, as is to be expected. In a separate Substack, Andy Borowitz advises that the NAFD (National Alliance of Funeral Directors) publicly applauded the confirmation. I don’t know about them (assuming they exist, which, Andy being Andy, is not terribly likely), but I do know and am embarrassed to say that the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) is happy with the confirmation (I unsubscribed when they wanted me to ask my Senators to vote to confirm Bobby. ANH has some good ideas, but also some terrible ones, and don’t know – and clearly a lot of member don’t know – where to draw the line.

Nov 162024

Yesterday, I was shocked to learn that I apparently agree with John Bolton, of all people, on something. He appears to have gone on record that Trump’s nominees, including Gaetz and Gabbard by name, need to be fully investigated by the FBI *before* any nomination hearings are held. “We need to know exatly what we’re dealing with.” [as quoted by Crooks and Liars]. Also this article from TFN is interesting, although so dripping with sarcasm that when yo read it, try not to get any on you.

I admit that this week I’ve not pushed at all to share things that are brand new, and that will continue for a while, because in the days leading up to the transition, there is going to be a great deal of analysis which looks ahead, and most of it will be important, and publication date won’t have much effect on that. This by Joyce Vance is no exception. It’s no longer Veterans’ Day, but Vance’s thoughts on the military are timeless, and her thoughts on Project 2025 are pertinent.

Well, this is different. Not that it could not have been predicted, of course. That’s how Republicans roll, and Wonkette knows it as well as anyone.

Belle SS


Oct 062024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Madam Butterfly” by Puccini, the first opera I ever saw, when I was 8 years old. Despite the tenor being a jerk, it’s a pretty good first opera for a young person. For one thing, it’s generally gorgeous to look at. No one seems to have thought it a good idea to do it in black and white. For another, like all Puccini operas, it has catchy melodies, and Puccini takes advantage of them, not quite as leimotifs, but to associate with characters, and if nothing else, that helps clarify who is entering or exiting. And it’s a story line which has probably been told as my times, in as many languages, with local detail, as Cinderwlla. And now I’m off to see Virgil. I well as always check in when I get back.

I certainly do not want to praise the Heritage Foundation, so please don’t take it as praise when I say “they’ve thought of everything.” Everything to silence every last vestige of truth, integrity and just plain virtue from not only our goveernment but our entire society. If we lose this election, we will never be able to trust a government employee again. Ever. Not without a revolution.

If you wonder why I am citing this article by Steve Schmidt when it seems so self-evident – stick with it. I will say that, if you don’t know who MSgt Rodrick Edmonds is, hang tight – he will eventually tell you. Anwhen he does you may need a hanky. Also, “revanchist” as an adjective means “seeking revenge.” That was a new word for me, so I thought I’d try to save you a trip to the dictionary.

Apr 212024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Puccini’s “La Rondine” (The Swallow), his only comic opera (which still has a suffering heroine, but she doesn’t die.) It was written on commission from a Viennese theater. and was intended to be an Italian version of a Viennese operetta. Certainly some of them do not end with the lovers living happily ever after – off the yop of my head, thre’s “Juditta” and “The Land of Smiles”. Viennese operettas do, if I’m not mistaken, all have spoken dialogue, but Puccini only accepted the commission woth a stipulation of no spoken dialogue. The theme is true love v. riches and comfort. Basically, in the first act a poet’s newest work starts a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of both. in the second act she “flies like a swallow” from her sugar daddy to true love, and in the third, she “flies” back. Of course the music is luscious. Also yesterday, the House passed the foreign aid package after months of Republican anal retention (the reference is not to the content of the package necessarily, but to the conduct of Republicans.)

After the package was passed in the House, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) – toold them the truth and they thought it was hell.

This is heartbreaking – but it needs to be widely known. It explains a whole lot. And the article he links to should also be widely spread.

Jun 302023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump NOW claims he LIED about having classified document. Here’s why the “bravado” dog won’t hunt

Thom Hartmann – Right Wing Billionaires Are Slapping SCOTUS in Golden Handcuffs – No Shades of Grey Here..

MSNBC – Neal Katyal’s ‘unforgettable’ argument prevails in SCOTUS case crucial to democracy

Parody Project – Sixteen Tums

Twitter – Flying Squirrel fakes own death, creates crime scene

Beau – Let’s talk about Putin, Pulp Fiction, and pieces of information….

May 312023

Talking Feds – New Trump Lawyer Story REVEALS Shape of DOJ’s Obstruction Argument (Glenn may have posted after I put this up, but see the Open Thread – I had something else to think about.)

PoliticsGirl – Don’t Be Fooled

The Lincoln Project – Cut the Crap

MSNBC – Mississippi police shoot 11-year-old boy after his call to 911

Baby Chipmunk Burrows Into Giant 115-Pound Dog’s Fur (hanky alert)

Beau – Let’s talk about Texas teachers and me missing something….

May 232023

Talking Feds (while Glenn is on vacation – he has some fillers but not to cover every day) – Novel Legal Theory TESTED in New Lawsuit to Counter Extremism

Farron Balanced – Giuliani Hit With Lawsuit From Man He Falsely Claimed Assaulted Him

Robert Reich – Haven’t We Learned?

Parody Project Strangers on the Right

Guy Is The Best Friend A Squirrel Could Have

Beau – Let’s talk about Democratic messaging issues….
