Yesterday, Colorado Public Radio reported on a study from Colorado University (Boulder) which suggests that low blood levels of cortisol are related to long CoViD, and that, although if you google (or DuckduckGo) cortisol, you’ll find much more on how to get your levels down than how to get them up, nevertheless cortisol “is key for humans to generate energy, for everyday activities and also to exercise.” Let me emphasize that this study appears to be the first of its kind and therefore extremely preliminary. Don’t start chugging coffee or binging on sugar if you have long CoViD until and unless your doctor tells you to. But it’s interesting, and particularly so to anylne interested in the roles the body plays in learning and memory.
Although the FBI is trying to at least gain some headway against those who organize into groups (and I believe that falls under RICO laws so prosecution is at least possible.) In case you can’t access it, I printed it to a PDF which I can email if you are interested.
Wonkette is woman-owned, and this post was written by her husbamd (who goes by “Shypixel”). And there is some family history in the post, including how Shy discovered he was a Democrat. But if you aren’t interested in that, scroll down to the last 5 paragraphs (3 of which are only a short sentence each) beginning with “The infectious feelings of hope and love.” I found it an encouraging reminder of the best in us.