This is not a full Open Thread, but it’s more than a Personal Update. It’s a busy day, because I have to completely reorganize my diet, given the new set of problems I’m facing. The snow storm has degenerated into an ice storm. TriMet has suspended all all bus, train, and lift service. Please, let me wish you all a Happy Valentines Day with love and gratitude to each of you. Tomorrow is a WWWendy Morning, so please expect no more than a Personal Update. from me. Sunday Hugs with .
Jig Zone Puzzles:
Yesterdays took me 6:10 (average 4:55). To do it, click here. Today’s took me 3:12 (average 4:57). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Me: Here are my thoughts on the Senate trial and treason by all but seven Republican Senators. Many on the left are very upset with Democrats’ decision not to call witnesses, and are accusing those Democrats of selling out the country for their Valentines recess. That’s hogwash! If they had decided to call witnesses, Republicans would have used it as an excuse to depose hundreds of witnesses and tie the Senate’s hands for months preventing any work on confirmations, GOP plague relief, saving the earth, human rights, and all the other things Democrats need to get done to prove to the American people that they made the right decision to elect Democrats in the last election. In the end, all but seven Republicans would have voted in favor of treason anyway.
Many Republicans now say that Trump** was guilty as hell, but alas, their hands were tied, because they could not impeach someone who was no in office. I won’t post video, but that was exactly the reason that filthy bastard, Bought Bitch Bullshit Traitor Mitch, said he had to vote to acquit. However, the only reason the trial did not take place, while Trump** was in office is that Bought Bitch Bullshit Traitor Mitch was Majority Leader until Trump** left office and prevented the trial from taking place then.
Finally, as much as we hoped for a different outcome, we never expected to win this one. Our job just isn’t done yet. As long as the RNP exists, America will be in grave danger. RESIST the Republican Reich!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): For What It’s Worth
Ah… the memories! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!!