This just isn’t my week. WWWendy changed my Fentanyl patch to 100 mcg Yesterday afternoon, and it kicked in around Midnight, but it’s already disaster time again. I have not Republicated since I was in the hospital Friday, so my OIC is back and severe. Starting Saturday, I’ve been taking a 200 mg Docusate Sodium and a double dose of Dulcolax morning and evening and a dose od MIRAlax at noon. I did squeeze out a tiny bit this morning. Trying to push produced a tiny bit (1 tbsp.) of soft poo, but the pushing shot my pain level to 10 until I stopped pushing. I’ll call Providence Doctor at Home when they open to see if they can come give me a shot of Resistor. Yesterday I was in so much pain I didn’t know what day it was. Today, Republicans are waging an insurrection against my bowels. I hope your hump day is better than mine. ARGH!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 5:11 (average 5:06). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Take:
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Lyin’ Eyes (2018 Remaster)
Ah… the memories. If this was about Republicans it world be Lyin’ Everything! RESIST the Republican Reich!!