Feb 282025

Today is the day we are all supposed to avoid buying anything, in person or on line. Robert Reich is one of those calling for this action. The more who participate the better, as there will always be some who didn’t get the words, and some who will over-buy just to spite us. Today is also the beginning of Ramadan. It can come at any time of the year, being based on a specific lunar calendar unique to Islam, but when it comes at this time of the year, it can be tempting to think “Oh, that’a the Islamic version of Lent.” It isn’t. Both involve fasting, sure, but with a different approach. With Lent the approach is penitential, and it’s nos supposed to be fun. In Islam, the fasting is approached with joy. And while both come to an end of triumph of some kind, that too is different from the Christian calendar. There’s a big gap between being gifted with the Holy Book and rising from the dead. I am not in any way about to say the one is better – rather I hope to call a little attention to the fact that loving our neighbors becomes easier if we are open to looking at our similarities and differences though others’ eyes and not just through our own.

Mary Trump is, quite reasonably, not happy that main stream media outlets are not taking the danger we are in seriously. And she is right. There are a few people on MSN we can still trust – but we have to wonder for how long. And being able to trust a few individuals does not mean being able to trust the station. I was aware of each point Mary made before reading this, and I expect all the readers here were also. But that’s because we care. So many people don’t – so many claim to “not do politics” and apparently have no idea that politics does them. Sigh.

Robert Reich sums it up. Not everyone on Substack allows unpaid subscribers to read comments – but Reich does. And his readers mange to have actual conversations (which you can see by clicking on the number of replies listed under each post shown.)

ProPublica exposes the collaboration of HUD. Although with all the Mango Monster’s nominees getting confirmed, I don’t expect them to be alone. What’s happening at Defense may be the most obviously scary, but there is plenty of other damage which is being done.

Oct 032024

Yesterday, it seemed that people in or near my age are dropping like flies. John Amos (84), Pete Rose (83). Also yesterday, I was directed to the website of “Evangelicals for Harris” to see the ads they are putting out. I have no idea where they are running, but they’re worth a look – and a share with any Evangrelicals you might know (“Evangelical” is not a denomination, it’s a way of looking at faith, and in itself it is not bad. But it is unfortunately very vulnerable to being distorted by people who want power. There is, sadly. a Biblical justification for that – in at least one of the Gospels Jesus says that when the Holy Spirit comes, “you shall receive power.” Political power is not what he meant – and since all our Bibles in English are translations from something, I suspect a mistranslation for something more like “abilities.” But when a book designed to help people understand the concept and learn to walk the walk, in English titled “Life in the Spirit” was translated into Spanish under the title “Recibirán Poder”, I saw instantly where the movement was headed, and dissociated myself from it immediately. From the movement – not from its original good ideas.)

Yesterday also too, although I am confident that real news media such as the Guardian and maybe Reuters and AP covered it, but Axios was the only outlet which sent me an email about Jack Smith and his new filing. Everyone else had their head up in the debate. IMO, Jack Smith’s filing is , eeven with redactions, not only more interesting but also more important. But I’m sure more information about it is coming – and more interpretation as well.

I don’t guess it gets any more real than this. When I think of County Clerks and Secretaries of State I have known over the years, it makes me want to cry – as if that would do any good.

Vanity Fair is a Condé Nast publication (like The New Yorker and, of all thing, Wired), so although the original link was to a “one free article”, I archived it, so you can get it back if needed. We’ve heard a lot – a whole lot – of stories of people losing their parents to Fox News, or to Trump**, or to Trumpism. But this one, from Caroline Giuliani, takes the cake. (Incidentally, Belle calls it a mustread for all Americans)

mostly Cat

Jul 192023

Yesterday, TFG announced that he has received a target letter from Jack Smith regarding the January 6 insurrection. Let’s see, how long was it in the documents case between the target letter and the indictment dropping? Does anyone recall? Also yesterday, Michigan dropped indictments on 16 fake Trump** electors. Lots of people entering the “find out” phase.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Daily Beast – Closing Guantanamo Bay Prison Won’t Erase the Crimes Committed Against Muslims
Quote – Guantanamo was not created as a place for justice—especially not for the Muslim men detained behind its bars. Just as soon as these men were captured, they were labeled as suspected terrorists—thus precluding any ability for them to be seen as innocent until proven guilty. From the long years spent behind bars awaiting charges and convictions that never came, to torture, and even murder, the U.S. government has, at every conceivable step of the way, sought to entrench the perception of their inherent guilt. This perception has been shaped by the deployment of strategic narratives that have been carefully constructed and maintained to paint the men as irredeemable terrorists.
Click through for article. The headlne is true. But it still needs to be closed. Just not forgotten. And, yes, there needs to be justice.

Letters from an American – July 17, 2023
Quote – “What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them,” said Russell T. Vought, who ran Trump’s Office of Management and Budget and who now advises the right-wing House Freedom Caucus. They envision a “president” who cannot be checked by the Congress or the courts. Trump’s desire to grab the mechanics of our government and become a dictator is not new; both scholars and journalists have called it out since the early years of his administration. What is new here is the willingness of so-called establishment Republicans to support this authoritarian power grab. Behind this initiative is “Project 2025,” a coalition of more than 65 right-wing organizations putting in place personnel and policies to recommend not just to Trump, but to any Republican who may win in 2024. Project 2025 is led by the Heritage Foundation, once considered a conservative think tank, that helped to lead the Reagan revolution.
Click through for details. I have read about all of this – stuff – piecemeal. This is the first time I have seen it all in one place, discussed by a person who is both competent and unafraid to put it all together and call it out – as well as the people behind it.

Food For Thought

May 222023

Glenn Kirschner – One lawyer quits team Trump, while another says evidence “will lead to a conviction & prison time”

Thom Hartmann – The Election That Destroyed Democracy

MSNBC – GOP tries to prop up Durham report dud with attack on Adam Schiff

Armageddon Update – DEMOCRATS vs REPUBLICANS! Let’s Compare & Contrast

Tiny Rescue Chicken Follows Mom Everywhere

Beau – Let’s talk about polling on why people are leaving….

Dec 092022

Yesterday, I was glad to see that we finally found someone acceptable to swap for Britney Griner, who is now on her way home. About time, too.  Of course Republicans are screaming bloody murder.  But there are a few other good news items which got me through the day. and I got to see my BFF, who ca  me by to bring me a prescription so I don’t have to go into a store and get exposed to heaven knows what.  The three items which I think really command attention concern Lizzo, Biden, and Kamala Harris.


Short Takes –

Wonkette – Germany Arrests 25 In QAnon-Fueled Coup Plot, Proving America Does Too Still Export Stuff
Quote – The plot included a plan to attack Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, to kill members or take them hostage. By golly, we have seen that movie…. In addition to the plan to storm the Bundestag, the group allegedly planned to attack Germany’s electric grid and use the resulting chaos to foment a civil war. All told, while only 25 people were arrested, a total of 50 have been accused of involvement in the terrorist organization.
Click through for story. This appears to be a bit of a scoop – there was a short clip on MSNBC and that was all I found (it’s in the video thread.)

Crooks & Liars – ‘Religious Freedom’ Bites Forced-Birthers Where The ‘Son’ Don’t Shine
Quote – Jewish people, for instance, don’t believe the fetus has a soul until it draws its first independent breath. We prioritize the life of the pregnant person above the life of the fetus for the entirety of the pregnancy, including in situations that put the pregnant person’s emotional health at risk. With the imposition of the GOP’s fetus-fetish laws all over the nation, however, Jews and others whose religions don’t subscribe to the ideology of these nutters are fighting fire with fire.
Click through for details. I applaud this work. I’m so tired of people claiming to be Christians saying abortion is murder when the Bible does not say so, but implies it is not. What clearly IS murder is failing to treat pregnancy issues and thereby causing death. If you’re going to outlaw abortion, you might as well also outlaw the Heimlich maneuver.

Food For Thought – OMG, this is beautiful!

Sep 082022

Before there was Saint Javelin, there were Eastern Orthodox icons of many saints, including, of course, the Virgin Mary. She is more often than not shown with the Baby Jesus. This has often given people the impression that Mary was sweet, submissive, and silent. But that’s not entirely accurate. What do we know about Mary from the Bible?  Most of what we know is from the Gospel of Luke.

We don’t know her exact age when Jesus was born. The youngest I have heard her age speculated on is thirteen – the same age that Margaret Beaufort was when she gave birth to Henry Tudor (later Henry VII). Henry was certainly no Jesus, but Margaret Beaufort was definitely a tough cookie. But I digress.

The Biblical story goes (and please suspend disbelief if necessary, in order to appreciate the flavor) that an angel appeared to her and told her Jehovah (westernized spelling in my attempt to avoid cultural appropriation) had chosen her to be the mother of his son. Her first response was, “Yeah, right. How is that going to happen to someone who’s never had sex?” The angel gave her a mystical explanation involving the Holy Spirit and the Power of the Most High, and added that her childless and now post-menopausal cousin Elizabeth had conceived and was now in her 6th month of pregnancy. At that point, Mary said, “All right then, I consent.” You may not consider that fully informed consent, but she’d clearly had at least some sex education, and likely had a pretty good idea of what she was getting into socially.  And, like it or not, children were expected to grow up faster up to and including the Indistrial Revolution.

But she didn’t fail to do the fact checking. The first thing she did was go visit Elizabeth to see if this unlikely story was true. It was – and Elizabeth had also been informed somehow about Mary – because the first thing she said was “You? The mother of God? Visiting me? I’m overwhelmed!”

And that was when Mary on the spot composed the poem the church calls the “Magnificat.” A poem which has been around so long that its edge has been blunted. It was actually quite revolutionary.

In drastic paraphrase, but you can check it against any translation and see why you think: “Now I get it. This is a BFD. For the rest of time, everyone in the world will know about me and know my name. What an honor. Our god is amazing, and strong. He’s going to show the privileged elites they are just dirt. He’s going to kick out the powerful and give power to us nobodies. He’s going to feed the poor and starve the rich.” And, of course, that’s what Jesus told us to do. It was revolutionary then, and it’s revolutionary now. And you still have to be a badass if you are actually going to make it happen – or even try to.

Jumping to modern times, in 2012, an artist named Chris Shaw was inspired to do an acrylic-on-canvas painting of Mary holding an AK-47, in a style inspired by Orthodox Iconography. He called it Madonna Kalashnikov.  He doesn’r seem to have been thinking specifically about Mary’s character – he says, “The initial idea for the image was conceived during the post 9/11 era.  I have always juxtaposed and mixed concepts about culture and religion into my icons, and had long been intrigued at how weapons can be perceived as both evil and good – especially if they are doing God’s work.  The concept was brought a bit further in another painting I made around the same time, ‘Madonna of the Suicide Vest’.”

“I first exhibited Madonna Kalashnikov at Varnish Gallery (2012), then at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (2013)” he says. “She received plenty of attention but also came back unsold after both exhibits, I think she was a bit too subversive for the times. I eventually sold her directly out of the studio.”

After that, “I can’t say she was ever a meme or went viral after her debut, but the image of Madonna Kalashnikov from my website got shared around. I’d look it up occasionally and typically got a kick out of where she ended up, eventually she was getting all over the place. Unfortunately that also meant unauthorized prints and merchandise started showing up too, ever since it’s been extremely labor intensive trying to keep people from printing her on shirts or other items to sell. Bootleg Madonna Kalashnikov merchandise has been popular in East Europe, which isn’t surprising. Less frustrating are the tattoos, there’s a lot of great Madonna Kalashnikov tattoos, I always enjoy seeing them.” She even became a patch for the Ukrainian military

Still later, “The story continues, in 2018 someone in Ukraine altered an image of the Madonna Kalashnikov painting. She now held a Javelin missile launcher and was posted on twitter, shortly after she was named, ‘Saint Javelin’. Not many people saw it then, I didn’t. However, in 2022 amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the St.Javelin version of Madonna Kalashnikov went hyper-viral, eventually becoming the face of the conflict and a symbol of Ukraine’s resistance against Russia.”

While Chris is not thrilled with the unauthorized uses, he is grateful that the images are being used to raise money for Ukrainians battling totalitarianism. “I feel better knowing that she’s become an icon of hope, freedom, and good.”

I don’t know what he would think of the interpretation of her in stained glass, which is quite recent. It was created by an American artist, Sheila Noseworthy, using vintage glass, made in West Germany, which is no longer obtainable, but which she had been saving. I think Chris would approve – not only is the work exquisite, but the purpose is to raise funds for Ukrainian defense.

Nor do I have a clue what he would think of this, or other videos at the “Saint Javelin Official” YouTube site. I can tell you it made me laugh and cry.  The CC ss good, the voices of the judges sound authentic.  The voice of HIMARS is that of a wise child.

There are other Saints being called upon also.  You can see quite a variety at the Saint Javelin Official Site.  One is Saint Neptune, Protector of the Seas.  I would call the site, among other things, ecumenical.

Jun 232022

Glenn Kirschner – Who is on John Eastman’s pardon list & why did Sen. Grassley say he, not Pence, would preside on 1/6

Meidas Touch – Rep. Katie Porter EXPOSES Big PHARMA scam in epic SMACK DOWN you can’t miss

The Lincoln Project – 40 Feet

MSNBC – Lawrence: Trump Can’t Understand Why GOP Officials Wouldn’t Steal 2020 For Him

Rebel HQ – Veteran ROASTS Right-Wing Gun Nuts

Beau – Let’s talk about New Mexico, foreshadowing, and the committee….

Jun 202022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump pressuring Mike Pence to overturn election results is additional evidence of Trump’s treason

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Lauren Boebert saying Jesus needed an AR-15

The Lincoln Project – Scam

MSNBC – Fascist, Paramilitary Groups Seen Aligning With Republican Political Targeting

Woman brings home a rescue dog. And then discovers she barks like a duck.

Beau – Let’s talk about pardons, votes, and Trump….
