Mar 202025

Yesterday, The new (to me) PC is here now and I was able to get it connected to everything and running much faster then I’ll be able to get everything organized on it. But it’s looking a lot more feasible. And I did find out my games are going to work now, except for the ones which depended on Adobe Flash (Sadly, there’s no workaround for that – I asked about that some time ago, and instead of a workaround they gave me a free game coupon to get something else.) Oh, and happy Spring Equinox to those who celebrate.

Jim Stewartson has a background in entertainment, including videogames. When he realized that technology he had helped develop was being used in far-right propaganda and psyops, he founded the organization Antifascist USUA to help deprogram victims. So, though not academically trained in psyops, he has been on the frontlines for a while. I am taking this seriously. This link is to his own website, but he is also on Substack now.

Robert Hubbell has retired from lawyering, but he doesn’t appear to have forgotten much. The post is from this week, but before John Roberts released his social media post about impeachment, with which Hubbell clearly disagrees, at least in part. (Off topic, but as I was typing I typoed “media: as “mefia.” And it occurred to me that all that needs is an “a” in the second position to be all too accurate.)

Jan 032025

Yesterday, I expect everyone knows that a couple of Cybertrucks were uses in incidents in which people were injured or killed or both. There’s a lot of speculation, but what appears to have been confirmed is that the two drivers – a white man from Colorado Springs who drove the truck to Las Vegas, NV, and a black man from Houston who drove the truck to New Orleans, rented the trucks, both from the same company online, Truro (or Turo – I didn’t verify which was correct.) We need not to jump to conclusions. In better news, my state’s Attorney General, Phil Weiser, announced that he is running for Governor. That’s good news, and gave me some hope. I’d been worried about that since our current Governor is term limited out, and I couldn’t think of anyone else who had the necessary visibility who hadn’t already served (and been term limited.) Phil has a real chance, and, while I’m now worried about the Attorney General position, I feel this is more important.

As a non-subscriber to Crooks and Liars, I find it difficult to read their stuff. And this particular one I wanted to save, since it has a lot of advice I’ll want to keep on hand, at least for the next four years – including a few Substacks (and I remind you that you can subscribe to any of those for free). I didn’t want to print it, even just to a PDF, so I used Ctrl A followed by Ctrl C to copy everything – then Ctrl V to put it into a Notepad file, and deleted everything before and after it (in simple text, it isn’t hard to tell when it starts and stops. If y’all subscribe, you shouldn’t need to do that. But it works for me.

Robert Reich could easily have written this years ago. It’s too bad he didn’t. Not that it would have changed much except a few people’s minds, and people not powerful enough to change much at that.

Jan 132024

Well, yesterday I got my car back after some very pricey repairs (including a timing belt – which was most of the cost.)  Trinette worked the time out with her boss, drove here, took an Uber to the garage, and then drove home.  Yes, Nameless, I said “Hi” for you, and she says “Hi” back.  Now we just need to keep it running until I’m cleared to drive.  Not that driving is exactly exercise, but I’d like to be a little stronger yet.

Robyn Pennecchia, writing for Wonkette, says this so well: “Today, I would like to take a moment to congratulate myself for not going on any violent murder sprees, for never adopting a Ukrainian orphan and then claiming she was an adult who was trying to kill me and my family so I could “re-age” her and send her to live on her own at the age of eight, for not participating in any dog fight rings, for never having voted Republican, and for never having consumed human flesh. At the same time, I would like to congratulate the state of Ohio for not sending a woman to prison over a miscarriage — which is a far lower bar of human decency than many of us would have ever thought possible. More specifically, we should be congratulating the grand jury that refused to charge Brittany Watts, 34, with “abuse of a corpse,” a charge which makes a lot more sense, re: cannibalism and necrophilia than, say, miscarrying a child who had no chance of survival to begin with.”
Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad that she’a been acquitted. But I’m still furious it happened in the first place. Jury nullification can be very helpful, but it’s not something which can be depended upon.
