Jun 022020

It’s a very busy day, here in the CatBox, so this is my only article today today.  JD, you might want to cover the new John Pavlovitz video. WWWendy got back to town late last night and is coming to de-stink me this afternoon.  I could not need it more.  I received a reply from my palliative care team.  They upped Oxycodone my dosage to 5 – 10 mg every 4 – 6 hours as needed, so when I’m in my chair, I’m gradually increasing my dosage to find the minimum that works.  This morning I had a video visit with Megan, my PCP.  She took me off of insulin, simvastatin, and lisinopril.  After that, I ensconced my butt on the throne for about an hour.  I unloaded virtually everything that had collected since leaving the hospital and before.  It was done in a healthy fashion, but I swear that some of the Republicans that came out of me met Abe Lincoln personally!  Tuesday is flush Republicans day!  I did!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:50 (average 5:17).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 1,862,343
Deaths: 107,066
Recovered: 615,654

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: A controversial new study suggests that the United States of America could benefit from having a President.

The study has raised eyebrows by claiming that a President could be helpful in unifying a country and, in a best-case scenario, providing moral leadership.

“At a time of crisis, a President could be a galvanizing figure who leads a country to a better future,” the study theorizes. “He or she could bring a nation together rather than tear it apart.”

In one of the study’s most radical proposals, it argues that a so-called Justice Department could include an Attorney General appointed by the President to uphold the rule of law.

But Andy, if the US had a President instead of Resident Trump*, then Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch and Barrf could not run the Republican Reich!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Lincoln Project Channel): Flag of Treason

The Republican Reich, led by criminal Fuhrer Trump*, is the party of hate, the party of racism, and the party of treason!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Rolling Stones – Paint It, Black (Official Lyric Video)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

May 302020

It’s a painful day here in the CatBox.  Sitting in my chair to write exacerbates my spinal cancer pain.  The pain seems to become severe about two hours before my Oxycodone dose.  I’ll talk to my palliative care team on the 16th.  Wendy is alive and well in Wyoming.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:53 (average 4:19).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 1,795,635
Deaths: 104,581
Recovered: 519,709

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: In case there was any questions about Jo Rae Perkins’ devotion to the cultish QAnon conspiracy theory universe—raised, no doubt, by her campaign statement last week after she won the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate race in Oregon—she answered them fulsomely the next day in interviews.

Thank God this Fascist dingbat is running against Jeff Merkley. She doesn’t stand a chance!   RESIST!!


John Pavlovitz epitomizes what it means to be a real authentic Christian, as opposed to a Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian. Republicans are not racist, the Pope is not Catholic, and bears never, ever shit in the woods!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Trey Crowder Channel): Liberal Redneck – Minnesota Burning

You have to hand it to Trey. How often is it that you get to heat such profound truth in that accent?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): John Denver – Take Me Home, Country Roads (Live from The Wildlife Concert)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

May 282020

It’s a hot busy day, here in the CatBox, with 89° forecast.  WWWendy is coming, and we have lots to do to get me ready for her five day trip.  Have a great day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:00 (average 5:10):  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 1,747,781
Deaths: 102,197
Recovered: 490,256

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In an escalation of his spat with Roy Cooper, the Democratic governor of North Carolina, Donald Trump is demanding that the 2020 Republican National Convention relocate from Charlotte to Moscow.

“North Carolina has been difficult every step of the way, and meanwhile Moscow has always been very helpful to me,” Trump wrote, in one of a series of early-morning tweets.

Additionally, Trump argued, moving the R.N.C. to Moscow would save the Republicans millions in airfare. “The most important people working on our 2020 campaign will already be there,” he tweeted.

Well, Andy, I see you’re doing straight news again. Is Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch dancing for glee?  RESIST!!

From Alternet: Trump and Republicans don’t want mail-in voting this November because it blows up a couple of their most effective voter suppression schemes.

In presidential elections dating back to 2000, there’s been noticeable media coverage of long lines in majority-black precincts; commentators sometimes wonder out loud why people would have to wait in line 8 hours to vote in, for example, inner city Ohio in 2004 or Milwaukee in the 2020 primaries.

Leading up to Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s contest with Stacey Abrams in 2018, the Atlanta Constitution-Journal documented how 8 percent of the state’s polling places had been recently closed, hitting rural black areas particularly hard. The Washington Post chronicled how broken voting machines—and the long lines they create—were largely confined to downtown Atlanta and black suburbs and rural areas.

The effect, of course, is to discourage voters from showing up or staying in line, particularly those people who are paid by the hour and have to take time off work to vote.

“The strongest tool Americans have to prevent Republican attempts at voter suppression is mail-in voting.”

In a Republican Reich, voting while Black or Latino is a felony.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): People Are Strange – The Doors [The Very Best Of The Doors]

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Mar 022020

Here is the one hundred seventy-second article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Republican State District Judge [LA] and pseudo-Christian racist, Jessie LeBlanc. She is so honored for her racist slurs, perversion of justice and Republican family values.

0302LeBlancOn Thursday, State District Judge Jessie LeBlanc of Louisiana signed and sent letters of resignation. This comes after calls from the community for her resignation due to a slew of scandals rocked the Louisiana judge, and led to calls from numerous attorneys as well as Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards for her to step down.

The first scandal came out in January that Judge LeBlanc had had an affair with Assumption Parish Chief Deputy Bruce Prejean that is now over. This led to an announcement that a review of around 600 cases the judge and chief deputy were connected to would begin. At the time, Leblanc denied everything, but subsequently admitted to the affair. Prejean was demoted.

Then, Assumption Parish Sheriff Leland Falcon released text messages, reported on by WBRZ, between Judge LeBlanc and Chief Deputy Prejean, in December of 2018 when their relationship apparently soured. According to reports, while the two remained friends after their affair ended in 2016, LeBlanc seems to have received an “anonymous package” in December of 2018 with information that ended her and Prejean’s friendship.

In the angry text messages, LeBlanc goes on racist rants, dropping N-bombs while calling Assumption Deputy Erick Taylor “thug N***** Erick.” She also accuses Prejean of cheating on her with the law clerk—who is African American—of another judge, saying “At least I was never unfaithful to you with anyone — much less a N*****.” As a result of these new revelations, District Attorney Ricky Babin told WBRZ that his office would be informing “every single defendant,” who had appeared before LeBlanc since 2012…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Racist Edomite LA Judge Resigns After Admitting To Sending Racist Text Messages (That Hatred)

Barf Bag Alert!!

This Republican is so worthy of her parade, that she has a bright future un the Republican Reich.  I suspect that criminal Fuhrer Trump* will nominate her for the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and Bought Bitch  Midnight Moscow Mitch will  ensure her confirmation.



Feb 142020

Last night I had an emergency attack of midnight Republicosis.  It was so severe that I didn’t make it to the throne.  Cleaning the mess took over two hours.  Needless to say, I’m very tired.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:02 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Warren On Bloomberg & The Practice Of Banks ‘Redlining’ Minority Communities

Bloomberg is blaming the victims of Bankster financing scams against minorities and investors. The Banksters were the criminals. “Redlining” is the practice of drawing red lines around minority (usually black) neighborhoods and denying all applications for real estate loans there. Bloomberg expressed strong support for this racist practice. RESIST!!

From The Borowitz Report: Attorney General William Barr was rushed to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Thursday afternoon after the remote-control implant in his brain briefly failed, the White House has confirmed.

White House aides first noticed signs of the implant’s malfunction during an interview Barr gave to ABC News, after which the Attorney General was immediately strapped to a gurney and transported to Walter Reed.

A team of surgeons was able to identify the problem with Barr’s implant after an examination revealed a “low-power issue,” a Walter Reed spokesperson said.

After the surgeons replaced the tiny battery in Barr’s implant, the Attorney General appeared to be recovering well and was able to speak to reporters at his bedside.

Dang Andy, he better get that battery checked regularly! Otherwise, he might puke, when he’s supposed to Barrf!  RESIST!!

Also from YouTube (MSNBC Channel): A Quid Pro Quo In Plain Sight?

Did Hakeem Jeffries call it right, or what? I fully agree with the suggestion that, when Trump* and Cuomo meet, Cuomo should wear a wire. How else can he defend against Republican Altered Transcript Syndrome. As for Trump*? Impeach the son of a bitch!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Lesley Gore – You Don’t Own Me (HD)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Feb 122020

It’s another sickly day, here in the CatBox.  I could not keep breakfast down, but eventually the burn eased off enough for me to work.  It’s a WWWendy day, and it’s been so muggy here, that I need de-stinking in the worst way.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:08 (average 7:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


I made this cartoon when Crawford Caligula was Resident.  Republicans are even worse on jobs now.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Entire Roger Stone Prosecution Team Quits Case In Protest

Now that criminal Fuhrer Trump knows he can get away with abusing his power, he’s setting off on a new crime spree. And whenever the AG hears his master’s voice, Barrf Barrfs! Kudos to the prosecutor who quit DOJ! I hope the Democratic President rehires him in Jan.  RESIST!!

From YouTube: Bloomberg’s ‘stop-and-frisk’ comments resurface

Even if Bloomberg were not a proven racist, as the tape demonstrates so clearly, he should not be allowed to buy a chance to win the Democratic Nomination.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Van Morrison – Brown Eyed Girl (Original Version)

Vote Blue!!

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Jan 122020

It’s a queasy/busy day here in the CatBox.  I managed to keep the last three very small meals down, but not without discomfort.  It’s also another High Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  WWWendy and I shall be meditating between chores.  Good luck to both Pat and Nameless.  Please don’t fight, you two.  Have a great Sunday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:49 (average 5:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Back in those days, even the Democrats were Republican misogynists!

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): Rep. Steve King blames Democrats and George Soros for his racism on the floor of the House


There’s one and only one reason people accuse Steve King [R-KKK] of racism on the floor of the House. The son of a bitch (apologies to dawgs) is a damn Republican racist!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Elizabeth Warren Channel): Elizabeth Warren: No One Should Go Bankrupt Over Medical Problems


Nobody has to tell me how medical mayhem can drive a formerly prosperous person to economic distraction. Liz could not be more spot-on!  RESIST!!

From CNN: Australia’s beleaguered prime minister, Scott Morrison, has admitted there were things he “could have handled much better” in the bushfire crisis and will propose a royal commission into the disaster.

The prime minister has been heavily criticized for his tone-deaf interactions with fire-ravaged communities and inaction over climate change.

From what I have surmised, based on comments from Aussies, the biggest mistake was made by Morrison’s father. He should have worn a condom.  Kudos to the firefighters from Oregon and all over the world helping to fight the fires there.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Paul Revere & The Raiders – Indian Reservation HQ Sound


Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 092020

The Republican Reich is an ever shrinking minority party.  They get votes from the voters they represent: billionaires, Corporate Criminals, racists, religious bigots, homophobes, misogynists, fascists, deplorables, white supremacists, and every kind of hate monger I forgot to list.  They also get votes from people they do NOT represent but hoodwink into thinking they do.  More and more are seeing through their lies.  That leaves their party with two choices: they can steal elections, or they can lose elections.


These have not been good times for Democrats wanting a fair shot at representation. The Supreme Court’s 2012 decision to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act was the beginning of a series of rulings rubber-stamping just about every tactic the Republican Party has come up with in its comprehensive war on voting rights, which includes everything from voter ID laws to voter purges to making registering voters all but illegal to partisan gerrymandering.

So when Democrats get any kind of victory in this ongoing battle, as they just did on Tuesday [article from 9/4/2019], it’s a remarkable development. And it shows one path for them to overcome a Supreme Court that is determined to make sure Republicans can continue to rig elections in their favor:…

Proving the effect of partisan maps, it should be noted, is precisely what the Supreme Court said was impossible to do when it ruled two months ago that the federal courts have no business even trying to judge whether any gerrymander is too partisan, no matter how much it discriminates against voters from one party… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Samantha Bee knows!

Full Frontal Rewind: Make Voting Fair Again


I love the way she makes painful truths funny!

There are two other problems that need attention:

First, the Electoral College gives unfair advantage in Presidential elections to rural states with low populations.  A voter in Wyoming gets three times the electoral representation that one in California does.  But to ratify a Constitutional Amendment  to fix it, would require the support of those states that gain unfair advantage from it.  The solution is a National Popular Vote.

Second, the plurality takes all voting system makes it virtually impossible for independent and third party candidates to get votes without helping the major candidate with the opposite ideology.  For example, Republicans have volunteered for and financed Green Party Presidential candidates (Nader and Stein) on two separate occasions, so that the Democratic Candidate lost enough support in key swing states to allow GW Bush and Trump to steal the White House.  The solution is Ranked Choice Voting.  It allows people to vote their conscience, and vote strategically too.

