Yesterday, I was able to see Virgil. We weren’t able to play cribbage because another family had the only card deck (there is a pinochle deck, but imagine trying to play cribbage with a pinochle deck! That’s ROTFL level. I played a lot of pinochle as a child and teen ad was pretty good at it, but haven’t really played it since I learned bridge. I am considering boning up.) Anyway, we played Scrabble, so we had plenty of fun. As always, Virgil returns all greeting, whether or not I knew about them in advance. I got home safely and timely but also pretty tired so went to bed almost as soon as I had today’s posts scheduled and the newsletter out, and was planning to sleep in. I might add I don’t often to manage posting an historical flashback article on the anniversary date that it’s flashing back to – this time I just barely managed. I hope you enjoy – it’s a bit of a “catalog of ships” article (that’s the book of the Iliad which lists the home ports and captains and crews of the Greek ships which came to Troy, and had then a disproportionately strong emotional effect on Greek listeners just to hear the names of places and people they knew so well. And it still works.)
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Short Takes –
The New Yorker (flashback) – The Hours Before “I Have a Dream”
Quote – Quote – Most of [the buses] had red-white-and-blue signs saying “Erie, Pa., Branch, N.A.A.C.P.,” or “Inter-Church Delegation, Sponsored by National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Commission on Religion and Race,” or “District 26, United Steelworkers of America, Greater Youngstown A.F.L.-C.I.O. Council, Youngstown, Ohio.”… At exactly nine-thirty, Ossie Davis, serving as master of ceremonies, tried to begin the pre-march program, but it had to be postponed, because Rustin and Thomas were the only two dignitaries on the stage and many more were expected. “Oh, freedom,” said a voice over a loudspeaker a little later. The program had started, and Joan Baez began to sing in a wonderfully clear voice. “Oh, freedom,” she sang. “Oh, freedom over me. Before I’ll be a slave, I’ll be buried in my grave . . .”
Click through for article. It’s not all that long, and it’s not compregensive – it roughly ends where the march really starts – But it’s about memories, and it’s memorable.
Wonkette (Stephen Robinson) – Well-Regulated Racist Shooter Kills Three At Jacksonville, FL Dollar General
Quote – True to a sadly consistent form, the shooter was decked out in a tactical vest and mask. Along with the AR-15, he was also carrying a Glock. He even went to the sick effort of plastering swastikas on his guns, according to [Jacksonville Sheriff T.K.]Waters…. He first attempted to target students at the historically black college, Edward Waters University, but campus security turned him away. That’s when he went to the Dollar General…. Waters added that the gunman apparently “acted completely alone” and was not believed to be part of “any large group.” That is perhaps technically true, but we should realize that white supremacy doesn’t require a membership card and monthly dues. These racists are linked through hateful rhetoric easily found online and on cable television. It doesn’t take much to turn them to violence.
Click through for more detail. Stephen could probably have written this story in his sleep (and we could probably have read it out loud in ours.) Sigh. I tried leaving the URL long to see if it would think you were a subscribe and not make you click on “keep reading,” but it didn’t work even for me.)
Food For Thought