Oct 082021

Quiz: If America Had Six Parties, Which Would You Belong To?

America’s two-party system is broken. Democrats and Republicans are locked in an increasingly destructive partisan struggle that has produced gridlock and stagnation on too many critical issues — most urgently, the pandemic and climate change.

Unfortunately the Quiz is behind the NY Times paywall.  BUT there are two workarounds:

[1] You’re allowed a certain number of free articles every month.  If you’ve already met your quota, you can clear your cache and that resets the dial.

[2] The good people at Daily Kos provided a link to the Quiz that let’s you avoid the paywall.  I subscribe to the NY Times, so I don’t know if it works for everyone – but worth a shot.  You might have to copy/paste it into the address bar if a direct click doesn’t work



It’s an interactive Quiz where the questions advance only after answering the first one.  So I went ahead and typed out the questions for some background.  But unless you answer them online, you will not get the results that place you in one of the six “new” parties.  (Lee Drutman provided this graph where you’ll be plotted based on your answers.)

But I did include the thumbnail info of each – but the site provides a lot more info – demographics for each party, etc.

It’s readily apparent that you can “game” the quiz to put yourself where you want – but I was brutally honest, as I really wanted to know.

And a couple of the questions are fairly nuanced, which might change your answer.  Have fun!

Straight Link:



Marijuana should be legal

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


Should same-sex marriage be legal

Yes – No


How easy of difficult should it be to immigrate to the USA

Much Easier – Slightly Easier – Same – Slightly Harder – Much Harder


How do you feel about reducing government regulation of business

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


Local government should decrease the size of police forces and the scope of their work

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


It is the responsibility of the federal government to see to it that everyone has health care coverage

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


When it comes to really important questions, scientific facts don’t help very much.

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


The minimum wage should be raised

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


I would rather be a citizen of the USA than any other country.

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


Gun control laws should be …

Stricter – No Change– Less Strict


American society systematically advantages white people

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


I think abortion should be …

Legal in all cases – Legal in some cases and illegal in other – Illegal in all cases


An important reason that some people are poor is because the economy is unfair

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


Racial minorities have mostly fair opportunities to advance in the USA today

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


Today, discrimination against white people has become as big a problem as discrimination against Black people and other minorities

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


Should the government raise taxes on incomes above $200,000?

Yes – No


Do you favor or oppose of providing a way for undocumented immigrants already in the USA to become citizens?

Yes – No


Wealthy people spur innovation

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree


How important is the issue of climate change to you?

Very important – Somewhat important – Not very important – Unimportant


It’s the responsibility of government to reduce the income differences among people

Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree – Neutral – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Agree




The Progressive Party is focused on equity and racial justice, with a strong vision of inclusive social democracy. Its strongest support comes from politically engaged, highly educated younger people, especially women.


New Liberal [This is where my answers placed me]

The New Liberal Party is the professional-class establishment wing of the Democratic Party. Members are cosmopolitan in their social and racial views but more pro-business and more likely to see the wealthy as innovators.


American Labor

The American Labor Party is focused on economic populism, with an appeal to working-class Democrats who don’t have college degrees and don’t follow politics closely. It is more moderate on social and cultural issues compared with the Progressive Party, but also more diverse, appealing to many working-class Hispanics.


Growth & Opportunity

The Growth and Opportunity Party is the socially moderate, pro-business wing of the Republican Party. It is the heir to the old moderate “Rockefeller Republican,” the East Coast wing of the G.O.P.



The Patriot Party is the party of Donald Trump’s 2016 primary campaign: the coalition of the small town, white working-class Americans who feel left behind by globalism and condescended to by cosmopolitanism. It is economically populist and strongly anti-immigration. Its strongest support among lower-income conservatives comes from exurban America.


Christian Conservative

The Christian Conservative Party is focused centrally on issues of religious liberty and morality, with very limited government. It will find stronger support among the most politically engaged and affluent, especially men.


