Mar 132020

As Trump* virus is shutting down the nation, the criminal Fuhrer of the Republican Reich, Donald “the problem is fake news” Trump has demonstrated that he and his sycophant Vice-Fuhrer Pence are both not competent to manage the crisis.  As they campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination, both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden gave policy speeches to demonstrate that they are competent to manage the crisis.


Former vice president Joe Biden said Thursday that the coronavirus outbreak has revealed the Trump administration’s “severe shortcomings” as he delivered remarks on a subject that has rapidly come to dominate and reshape the Democratic campaign for the White House.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) also delivered remarks on the health and economic effects of the outbreak, comparing it in scale to a major war. Later Thursday afternoon, Sanders’s campaign was given a boost when he was declared the winner of last week’s Super Tuesday contest in California.

Also Thursday, the Democratic National Committee announced that it was moving a one-on-one debate Sunday between Biden and Sanders from Arizona to a television studio in the nation’s capital “out of an abundance of caution” amid the outbreak…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

I’ll let you see the speeches so you can judge which one is right.  I’ll embed Joe’s speech first, because he gave it first.

Joe Biden Gives Speech On Coronavirus Pandemic

Bernie Sanders makes address about Coronavirus

So, which do you think is right?

In my view, they both are!


Mar 132020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox, as back pain is slowing me down a bit.  WWWendy is back to Sunday, as the Trump* virus is shutting down her school.  Throw some salt over your shoulder, and stay away from Republicans.  They bring bad luck!  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:10 (average 6:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


This does not include the thousands of Americans that have Trump* virus, but can’t get tested.

Short Takes:

From NY Times: First came the tickle in the throat. Then, a hacking cough. Then, a shortness of breath she had never experienced before. Hillary King, a 32-year-old consultant in Boston who lives down the street from a hotel where dozens of Biogen executives contracted the new coronavirus, decided that she had better get tested.

But getting tested is far easier said than done, even as testing slowly ramps up nationwide. Five days after President Trump announced that anyone who wants a test can get a test, Ms. King’s experience shows how difficult it can be in the United States to find out if you have the coronavirus.

Many who fear they have the virus have faced one roadblock after another as they try to get tested, according to interviews with dozens of people across the country.

Some have been rejected because they had no symptoms, even though they had been in proximity to someone who tested positive. Others were told no because they had not traveled to a hot spot abroad, even though they had fevers and hacking coughs and lived in cities with growing outbreaks. Still others were told a bitter truth: There simply were not enough tests to go around.  [emphasis added]

This is exactly what I said yesterday. In spite of lies from the same Republicans, who turned down FREE tests from the WHO, there are far fewer tests than there is need. People are sickening and dying, because of Republican incompetence.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): How A Country Serious About Coronavirus Does Testing And Quarantine

The Fuhrer of the Fifth Reich is handling the Trump* virus pandemic as well as the Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich handled Katrina. Republican incompetence kills!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Righteous Brothers – You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ (Top Gun 1986)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Mar 122020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox.  I haven’t lost a meal since Tuesday, and Propanol has managed my back pain to a 2-3 level so far this morning.  Store to door is delivering groceries this afternoon, and I’ll need to put them away.  I am quite tired, though, because I ate late and got to bed late.  WWWendy is flying to Iowa for a few days to see a boyfriend.  I’m trying to talk her out of it.  If she goes, she’ll be coming this Saturday and next Tuesday.  Have a great day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:24 (average 5:26).  To do it, click here.  Not edible.  How did you do?


I know of 5 more times US troops have intervened there.

Trump* Virus Update:


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: House Democrats held a meeting this morning to get out in front of Trump on a coronavirus relief bill and make sure their priorities are included, MSNBC reporter Leigh Anne Caldwell said.

“It’s to ensure that people who aren’t receiving any income because of coronavirus get relief and that those who are food insecure also get some relief,” she said.

What’s that translating to in a draft bill in the House of Representatives, including sick leave for people who either have to be quarantined because of coronavirus or who actually have the virus. Other things, an extension of unemployment insurance and an extension of food stamps and aid for kids who get free and reduced lunches at school, but can’t go to school because their schools are closed.”

Criminal Fuhrer Trump* refused to negotiate with Pelosi on the Trump* Virus relief bill, so she went ahead, and it will pass the House tomorrow. Will Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch sit on it, or will Trump* veto it to exacerbate Americans’ suffering?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): U.S. Unprepared For Expected Explosion In Coronavirus Cases

While nobody can be completely prepared for a pandemic of this magnitude, the ineptitude of criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich will kill hundreds if not thousands of Americans.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Camerota to Pence: Why are number of tests going down?

Damn! If pseudo-Christian Pence gets hos nose any deeper in his criminal Fuhrer’s ass, he’ll be able to see the bottom of Trump’s* tonsils. The reason the number of tests are going down, according to Occam’s Razor, is that we have a diminishing supply of tests available. Nevertheless, criminal Fuhrer Trump* refused FREE tests from WHO!  RESIST!!


From YouTube (a blast from the past):  Lemon Pipers – Green Tambourine

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Mar 112020

It’s a difficult day here in the CatBox.  I was able to keep my serving of strawberries and cream instant oatmeal down this morning, but I have a lot of back pain. Tonight, WWWendy comes to de-stink the TomCat and help with  chores.  For some reason, my shower chair really exacerbates my back pain.  I have a few Oxycodone left.  I’ll take one when she gets here.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:43).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus  Update:


Short Takes:

From Alternet: Critics are denouncing as ‘corporate socialism’ the Trump administration’s reported consideration to offer oil and gas companies in the U.S. fracking industry a massive bailout amid a drop in prices that comes amid the global coronavirus outbreak.

“Corporate socialists seek welfare from Trump administration,” tweeted journalist David Cay Johnson, in response to reporting by the Washington Post on Tuesday.

According to the Post, the administration is looking to bail out the fracking sector due to its instability in the wake of the ongoing financial downturn:

White House officials are alarmed at the prospect that numerous shale companies, many of them deep in debt, could be driven out of business if the downturn in oil prices turns into a prolonged crisis for the industry. The federal assistance is likely to take the form of low-interest government loans to the shale companies, whose lines of credit to major financial institutions have been choked off, three people said.

I fully agree with one caveat. Bailouts for the worst mother fracking corporate criminals is not corporate socialism. It is Republican National Socialism.  RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: Always nice to see the fair and balanced (and not completely deranged) hosts of Fox News, or in this case, Fox Business News, working on behalf of Dear Leader. Trish Regan’s monologue was called the “coronavirus impeachment scam.” I suppose none of which should be in any way surprising, as Fox News and its bizarre offspring, Fox Business News, exist to prop up this failed and inept president, even at the expense of public health and safety.

Barf Bag Alert!!

The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, are so full of shit that their Nazi blue eyes are turning brown. This Republican disinformation will kill people.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): the beach boys – fun, fun, fun

I occasionally dated a gal with a 1957 T-Bird 2 seat convertible (LOVED that car!!). Friends and I used to sing and play this tune to her to tease her. Ah… the memories.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Mar 072020

It’s a hectic day here in the CatBox.  I had trouble holding my supper down last night, but it was my fault.  I became distracted by the news on TV and ate too much too fast.  That will do me in every time.  I received the results from my PET Scan last night, but I could not understand a damn thing about what they mean.  Therefore I sent them to Dr. Nameless in email, and hopefully he can tell us more.  Please expect short days from me on both Sunday and Monday.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, with all the attendant de-stinking and chores.  On Monday, I’m going out for a drive with Sandi, a good friend for 35 years with whom I have made hundreds of trips to the prison for volunteer work.  She is also a cancer survivor.  I should be fully back in the saddle on Tuesday.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:15 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


They are building a National Socialist Reich to do that very thing!

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Trump Praises Coronavirus Response As Cases Rack Up And Markets Spiral

Criminal Fuhrer* Trump and the Republican Reich don’t give a damn about the 3,500 Americans trapped on that ship. He only cares about keeping his “numbers” low. Earth to asshole… come in! Your numbers are going way up, anyway. But he told the truth about one thing: that he should have become a medical expert instead of running for President. AMEN! If only he had done ANYTHING, other than running for President!  RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Senator Susan Collins, of Maine, has not decided whether she will wash her hands in response to the coronavirus outbreak, Collins confirmed on Friday.

Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, Collins said that she was “deeply troubled” by the behavior of the covid-19 virus.

“The behavior of the coronavirus is, to me, profoundly disturbing,” she said. “Whether it rises to the level of something I should respond to by washing my hands is a question I am devoting a great deal of thought to right now.”

Dang, Andy, I have an idea! Until she makes up her mind, she should go live on the cruise ship her criminal Fuhrer Trump* refuses to rescue.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Three Dog Night “One”

Ah… the memories.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Mar 032020

The other day, I relabeled COVID-19 to make it’s name descriptive of the principal cause of its spread in the US and the deaths that the pandemic has caused and shall cause here.  It is now the Trump* virus.

John Oliver explains we need to be scared of the coronavirus — but not too scared, and slammed the Trump administration for making things so much worse than they had to do…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Coronavirus: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John is spot on in everything he said, save one. COVID-19 is not the corona virus. It’s the Trump virus.

Yesterday, Oregon Health authorities announced a third case of Trump virus, unrelated to the first two.  This victim attended a basketball game in Eastern Oregon just before he tested positive.

As I go to the hospital for chemo and radiation treatments, and have long waits there for the TriMet Lift bus, I’ll be at much higher risk than most.  If it kills me, send the bill for my funeral to the asshole in the White House.



The Trump Virus

 Posted by at 10:32 am  Politics
Feb 292020

Criminal Fuhrer Donald “Blame the Dems” Trump* and criminal Vice Fuhrer Mike “The HIV Guy” Pence have so badly mismanaged the federal response to the rapidly growing epidemic of COVID-19, it’s time to change its name.  It is now the Trump Virus.


On Thursday, a whistleblower revealed that the U.S. personnel who greeted potentially infected arrivals from Wuhan, China, were not given either the protective gear or the training necessary for the situation. Despite being exposed to these evacuees—some of whom have since proven to be carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus—the workers have still not been tested for COVID-19.

That might seem like a bullet that was dodged, except that just two days ago the CDC confirmed that a U.S. patient who had not traveled outside the country or associated with someone known to be infected was infected with the COVID-19 virus. It was the first case of “community spread” COVID-19 in the nation. And that patient lived in the same county as the location of the incident the whistleblower described.

It’s clear now that the very first time this White House was forced to confront this threat, it fumbled the response. One time may be all it took… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

The health workers who treated arrivals from Wuhan and did not take precautions when testing and treating them should have been quarantined.  They were not, because “the workers did not exhibit symptoms”.  Of course they didn’t, as it was before the incubation period could finish.  Now they are loose in the population.

Because of Trump* and the Republican Reich, the disease has now spread to California, Washington, and Oregon.

Window Of Opportunity For Containing Coronavirus Rapidly Closing

To sum this up, all the information were getting from criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich 100% pure unadulterated bullshit. All they care about is protecting the economic improvements Obama built and Trump* pretends to own.

Michael Moore: Trump Calling Coronavirus ‘Hoax’ Is ‘Dangerous’

Last night I learned that it is now in the Portland area. Given my stage III cancer, I’ll probably be spending a lot of time at the hospital getting chemo and radiation therapy. This puts me at at much higher risk for infection than most. If it kills me, please send the bill for my funeral to the asshole in the White House responsible for Trump Virus!

