As Trump* virus is shutting down the nation, the criminal Fuhrer of the Republican Reich, Donald “the problem is fake news” Trump has demonstrated that he and his sycophant Vice-Fuhrer Pence are both not competent to manage the crisis. As they campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination, both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden gave policy speeches to demonstrate that they are competent to manage the crisis.
Former vice president Joe Biden said Thursday that the coronavirus outbreak has revealed the Trump administration’s “severe shortcomings” as he delivered remarks on a subject that has rapidly come to dominate and reshape the Democratic campaign for the White House.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) also delivered remarks on the health and economic effects of the outbreak, comparing it in scale to a major war. Later Thursday afternoon, Sanders’s campaign was given a boost when he was declared the winner of last week’s Super Tuesday contest in California.
Also Thursday, the Democratic National Committee announced that it was moving a one-on-one debate Sunday between Biden and Sanders from Arizona to a television studio in the nation’s capital “out of an abundance of caution” amid the outbreak…
Inserted from <Washington Post>
I’ll let you see the speeches so you can judge which one is right. I’ll embed Joe’s speech first, because he gave it first.
Joe Biden Gives Speech On Coronavirus Pandemic
Bernie Sanders makes address about Coronavirus
So, which do you think is right?
In my view, they both are!