Yesterday, as I’m sure everyone knows by now, the January 6 Committee voted to send criminal referrals to the Justice Department for Donald J. Trump**, John Eastmaan, “and others.” It also voted to refer to the Hoouse EthicsCommittee four Congressmen; these were not identified in the hearing, but Politico says they are Kevin McCarthy, Scott Perry, Jim Jordan, and Andy Biggs.
And now for something completely different – The New Yorker has a new puzzle. It’s a jigsaw puzzle, 36 pieces and I can’t say it’s teribly difficult – it isn’t time-limited, though it will tell you your time. But after it’s done, there’s a second challenge – to name 8 famous New York buildings. That’s probably not much challenge if you live there, but I could only name one; though I found several which were distinctive, I didn’t know their names.
Short Takes –
Common Dreams – The 50-Year Takeaway From Middle-Class America
Quote – Instead, through decades of financial manipulations orchestrated by neoliberal economists and financial experts and political leaders, the tremendous wealth generated by our country’s productivity has been redirected to a special few who deem themselves innovators and self-made success stories. To add to the insult, business-backed media has convinced many Americans that this is the beauty of capitalism, that any hard-working individual can be a billionaire, and that any concession to social responsibility is anti-American, bordering on communism. So, as a result, many of us accept our grotesquely unequal distribution of wealth as a natural result of progress.
Click through for article. Yet another issue which could have been avoided through education. Public education needs to be defended as fiirecely as does democracy – because, without the one, we will lose the other, and with it, everything.
New Mexico Political Report – How anti-abortion pregnancy centers can claim to be medical clinics and get away with it
Quote – The women later discovered they weren’t at the abortion clinic they’d intended to visit, but at the similarly named Women’s Help Center, one of more than 2,500 crisis pregnancy centers across the country that aim to discourage people from getting abortions. Henderson, then in her early 70s, wasn’t a “cancer doctor,” as she allegedly informed one client, or indeed any type of licensed medical professional. Her only medical experience was as a radiation therapy technologist, and her license had expired 10 years earlier…. [A]s the newly unearthed Jacksonville case highlights, beneath the veneer of medical professionalism is an industry that state and federal authorities have done almost nothing to regulate. Only a few states require pregnancy centers that provide medical services to be formally licensed as clinics, a Reveal investigation has found. And, because their views are grounded in a particular ideological viewpoint, the centers aren’t subject to many other rules designed to protect patients – rules that would require them to be transparent about their operations and medical credentials.
Click through for details. This is likely to get worse before it gets better (which it will not do at all withot a lot of work, investigation, and legislation.)
The Daily Beast – Want to Win in Politics? Be More Like Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.
Quote – Establishment elites may not be popular, but they get shit done. And my unpopular hot take is that we need more of them to win elections, not to mention to grease the gears running our governmental machine. Recent events underscore this reality. Yet, take a close look at how the two major parties treat their elites. Are they vilified or celebrated? Look no further than the difference between how Republicans are treating Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and how Democrats are treating outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Click through for full argument. I know, it would be challenging to find two people more different (restricting the pool to non-criminals). But there are parallels. And while I couldn’t be like Nancy myself, I can recognize her qualities and aregue for them to be demanded whe selecting our leadership.
Food For Thought
(Yes, that’s Theodore Roosevelt)