May 012020

Armed members of the Republican Party, took-up and loaded their assault weapons, donned their Nazi and pro-Trump* paraphernalia, and terrorized the Michigan State Capital in Lansing, over their protest opposing protecting the people of Michigan against Trump* virus.  They demonstrated that the Republican Party is the greatest terrorist threat faced by America today.


Hundreds of protesters, some armed, gathered inside Michigan’s state capitol on Thursday as state lawmakers debated the Democratic governor’s request to extend her emergency powers to combat coronavirus.

A tightly packed crowd of protesters, some carrying rifles, attempted to enter the floor of the legislative chamber, and were held back by a line of state police and capitol staff, according to video footage posted by local journalists.

“Let us in! Let us in!” the protesters chanted, as they stood shoulder-to-shoulder inside the statehouse. Few of them were wearing face masks.

Some of the protesters shouted anti-government slogans, including comparing the state’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, to Hitler…

Inserted from <The Guardian>
Photo credit: CBC

Any time Republicans, especially when goose-stepping with their beloved criminal Fuhrer Trump*, compare a Democrat to Hitler, we have a classic example of projection.

Armed Protesters In Mich. Rally Against Emergency Measures

Which symbols take precedence for these terrorists: KKK hoods, NRA pins, Swastikas, GOP buttons, MAGA hats, or idiotic facial expressions?

Frontline Doctor In Michigan Responds To Armed Protesters At State Capitol


In short, these armed storm troopers serve criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich  as agents of infection for the Republican Trump* virus.


Mar 242020

Many of you remember the days when Sarah Palin, aka Bloody Bullseye Barbie, aka Drill Baby Dingbat, accused Barack Obama and the Democratic Party of including Death Panels in the Affordable Care Act.  They claimed we wanted to lower the cost of ObamaCare by killing seniors.  At that time, I made the graphic you see below, because I knew the Republican Party’s penchant for projection, and that if they were accusing us of intent to kill seniors, I could safely predict that they would do just that, when the time they deemed appropriate arrived.  That time has come.

In a blistering column for the Daily Beast, conservative Matt Lewis ripped into the Republican Party for demonstrating it really does stand for putting profits before people if its response to the coronavirus pandemic is any indication.

According to the author of “Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Went from the Party of Reagan to the Party of Trump,” the GOP has joined the president’s “death cult.”

Starting with a blunt, “In the last 24 hours, it has become clear that, despite warnings from experts like Dr. Fauci, Donald Trump is willing to sacrifice lives to try and save the economy and his chances for re-election,” Lewis suggested Republicans are not only backing the president — they’re proudly and publically embracing it.

Pointing to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) proclaiming, “We don’t shut down our economy because tens of thousands of people die on the highways. It’s a risk we accept so we can move about. We don’t shut down our economies because tens of thousands of people die from the common flu,” the columnist expressed his disgust by writing, “I’m pretty sure Johnson just said he was comfortable with millions of Americans dying of coronavirus—so long as it doesn’t disrupt economic activity.”

“This logic is spreading among Republicans,” he continued. “Consider the comments Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick made Monday night on Fox News: ‘No one reached out to me and said as a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren. And if that’s the exchange, I’m all in.’”…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says he and other seniors are willing to die from virus to save economy

Like most Republicans, he’s a fool! It is not only his own life he risks, but the lives of all the people to whom he passes Trump* virus.  Did all of them agree to be killed to get Patrick’s beloved Fuhrer reelected too?

The following is not from the horse’s mouth.  It’s from the horse’s ass’ mouth.

Trump Appears To Weigh Saving Economy Against Saving Lives From COVID-19

Barf Bag Alert!!

Criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich care only about staying in power, and they don’t give a damn how many Americans they have to murder to do it.


Jan 042020

It’s a tired Saturday here in the CatBox.  I had a kink in my back last night that was so severe, that I finally gave up at around 2:00 AM and took an Oxycodone.  The Republican war to retain power still dominates the news, and since I covered that yesterday, this is my only article today.  Today and tomorrow are Holy Days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, the Festival of Cards Gone Wild.  Good luck, Pat!  Tomorrow is also a WWWendy day to de-stink the rancid TomCat.  We have lots of chores to do do, so please expect no more than a Personal Update from me.  Have a peaceful weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:03 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: The reasons that Donald Trump would need a massive distraction at this point are numerous. Every day seems to produce fresh evidence that the White House was fully aware that Trump’s delay of military assistance to Ukraine was simply against the law, and that multiple officials engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up for Trump and retroactively create an excuse for an inexcusable act. Somewhere right now, Mitch McConnell is probably drafting a statement claiming that the Senate could not possibly consider an impeachment trial “during a time of war.”

But onto that stack of dog-wagging rationales add this one: According to Forensic News, Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank were underwritten by a Russian state-owned bank. That news reportedly comes from a whistleblower with access to documents from both Deutsche Bank and Russia’s state-owned VTB Bank. VTB Bank was also the proposed lender on the never-completed Trump Tower Moscow project.

The question of why Deutsche Bank would extend a series of huge loans to Trump has been dangling since before he ever announced his candidacy for president on a golden escalator ride. When Trump first went to Deutsche Bank, he was worse than broke. He had just finished bankrupting multiple casinos in New Jersey, and then had convinced investors to back a takeover of those casinos at a fraction of the original value. Then Trump deliberately allowed the investment group to go bankrupt so he could grab the whole deal himself at a fraction of what his investors had paid. Then he went bankrupt. Again. And along the way he was socked with a massive fine for money laundering at his now bankrupt (again) casino.

Trump was so fiscally radioactive that no American bank would let him in the door. But Deutsche Bank turned around and gifted Trump with loans that gave him a fresh start and an apparently miracle turnaround of his New York real estate empire. Those loans have always been the subject of head-scratching over just what Deutsche Bank could have been thinking. But if Forensic News is right, what Deutsche Bank was thinking was that it wasn’t risking a damn thing, because the Russian government was actually vouching for Trump through VTB Bank. If Trump didn’t come through, Vladimir Putin was offering to make it good.

As I have said for over a year, Trump* is Putin’s Pet Pervert!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Erin Burnett calls Trump’s 2011 video about Obama and Iran ‘unbelievable’


Is that projection or what? To be fair, if the Reich can show evidence that the “immanent threat” they claim is real, and that assassinating a leader of one sovereign nation in the territory of another sovereign nation can ameliorate that threat, I’ll be the first to say I am wrong. In the interim, the Republican track record for lying us into three wars, and the Trump* track record for lying about virtually everything, demand disbelief of every claim they make without proof.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Doors – Riders on the Storm (Official Audio)


I can’t stand the words to this song, but the music is incredible. Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Dec 072019

It’s a comparatively lazy day, here in the CatBox.  Today’s articles are my only chore, except routine food prep and cleanup.  I am a bit tired, because stayed up to watch the 13th ranked Oregon Ducks win the PAC 12 by beating the 5th ranked Utah Utes 37 – 15.  Tomorrow is a Holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are playing the Texans.  Pat will get to watch it.  I won’t.  Sadly, no matter how much I yell at Pat, her team is just too horny for my guys.  Tomorrow is also a WWWendy Day.  One of our planned chores is to fleece the shaggy TomCat, before de-stinking the rancid TomCat.  Therefor, please expect no more than a Personal Update.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 5:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Alternet: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rammed through eight of President Donald Trump’s lifetime judicial picks in just three days this week, accelerating the far-right court takeover that one commentator warned is “absolutely going to hamstring efforts to make the U.S. into a responsible, civilized country, for as long as we live.”

The latest slew of confirmations, according to Bloomberg‘s Sahil Kapur, means that Trump and his Federalist Society allies have now hand-picked “about one in every five American federal judges,” or 170 judges total.

“Nearly all are in their 40s or 50s with lifetime appointments and positioned to shape American law for generations,” Kapur noted on Twitter. “It gets a tiny fraction of attention compared to other stuff he does but this is the Trump legacy that’ll echo for generations after he’s gone.”

I wish I knew what to do. Frankly, I’m at a loss. Can we impeach 170 at once?  My best guest is that the majority are guilty of crimes, if only lying during their confirmation process.  As soon as we return DOJ to the people, they all should be investigated, and most, indicted, convicted, and/or disbarred.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Rick Wiles Says ‘The Democrats Are Forcing Me to Stockpile Ammunition’

Barf Bag Alert!!


Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, the polar opposites of true authentic Christians, are experts at projection. That is, they accuse the left of committing their own crimes. It is these Ammosexuals, who art plotting the overthrow of America through violent Talibangelical Jihad, not Democrats!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Monkees – I’m a Believer, 1966 (HQ Stereo)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!
