Aug 132024

Yesterday, Tina Peters was convicted on 7 (out of 10) charges, 4 of which were felonies. Ten out of ten would have been perfect – but this is pretty good. Since I didn’t follow the exact charges, it may be very good. Certainly it makes her a felon, and convicted felons can’t vote, until (and unless) they have completely satisfies all obligations imposed (such as parole successfully completed and no unpaid fines.) She will likely appeal, and want to vote while it’s pemding, and i don’t know what the rule is on that. Also, she can’t legally leave the country (most other countries would not have her anyway) until all obligations are satisfied. And she probably knows all that, but may still get a few surprises.

Nice for me to have someone whose job is to evaluate the media saying what I’ve been saying for years: “fair” and “balance” are not only not synonyms, they’re virtual antonyms when one “side” lies constantly and the other is a struthful as it possibly can be. That does a real disservice to viewers who just want to know what is happening.

Kevin Roberts’s (the architect of Project 2025) book has been postponed, and will now not be published in September but in November, after the election. But I hope and believe it’s too late for that. The full project, over 900 pages, has been made public on the internet, and just about everywhere you turn, you’ll see someone else (with credentials) offering to explain the worst parts of it. And now, even their secret training videos have been exposed by Pro Publica.

Aug 062024

Yesterday, I saw the creepiest squib in Talking Points Memo’s morning email about RFK Jr. There was no link. There was a video, but it was on Xitter, and I can’t even see those, let alone embed them. So I looked around and found this on Democratic Underground. It has more detail, so it;s even creepier. And also weird (though I’m not really comfortable with that, because there s such a thing as good weird – which I like ti believe I have.) I also received a grocery order. And today the exterminator comes (grin).  And then – after putting everything away – I checked my email and learned that an elder had been shot and killed at an Oglala powwow.  It wasn’t a mass shooting, it wasn’t actually intended to hurt anyone, the trigger was pulled with one of those good intentions which pave that road.

If you are interested in the “Trump** took a bribe from Egypt in front of God and everybody” story,I doubt you’ll find anyone telling it better than Heather Cox Richardson. Personally, I’m far more interested in why it took so long for it to be revealed.

Back in the day, at least my day, there used to be an expression “how the other half lives.” Of course, nothing is ever exactly half and half, but it’s not only possible but probable that there are groups who, whether through privilege or through necessity, live in ways about which you or I don’t have a clue. If you would like to get a glimpse into some things that black people cope with the knowledge of every day, I recommend subscribing to the Atlanta Black Star. Youdon’t even have to read the articles to get the point. The headlines are more than enough. I’ve picked one story to share here, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you don’t want more in your inbox, consider saving this link and looking up the headlines from time to time. It is eyeopening and sobering.
