Jun 092024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Gluck’s “Orfeo ed Euridice.” Composed in 1762, it was part of his “reform” project to simplify both operatic plots and operatic music. Allow me to suggest that the story is of universal appeal by pointing out that the most famous aria in it, “Che faro senza Euridice,” has the same content as irving Berlin’s “What’ll I Do,” both being in language appropriate to their time periods (for example, Orpheus didn’t have access to photographs.) I sang the aria (badly) when I was taking voice lessons – it’s in the mezzo-soprano range, but sung yesterday by a counter tenor – Anthony Roth Constanzo – of whom I’m a fan.  As I guess is the Philadelphia Opera – they just named him their General Director) This is the last opera in the Met season, so next week I’ll be streaming a summer season opera broadcast from Chicago (performed and recorded in Vienna).

For pride month. I guess I don’t need to go over again how so-called Christians who think being anti-gay is Christian annoy me (not a strong enough word but I’m trying to be civil.) The image below is also from this article.

Sheesh. I remember when it was anthrax. I’m sure this is coming from the right … but there are too many suspects to nail it down. I hope we can get a clearer picture by November – maybe even put a stop to it.

Jun 032024

Yesterday, I saw Virgil. We both enjoyed the visit. He returns all greetings, and I didn’t get lost coming home this time. Also, the featured image today is different for a reason. See the first short take. (I may do this again, but if so, it will be very seldom and only for a strong reason.)

I often say I’m old enough to remember when honosable Republicans were a thing. Margaret Chase Smith is one of those I remember. To be honest, I don’t remember June 1, 1950 – I was two month short of five years old. But I do remember her, her name, and her excellent reputation always, bipartisanly. She was the first Senator to rebuke Joe McCarthy. Heather Cox Richardson describes the incident and the implications well. We need more Margaret Chase Smiths today (and alot fewer Marjorie Taylor Greenes).

Lots of people are making or sharing memes of what “not guilty” actually looks like. This post, regarding an exonerated member of the Central Park Five, demonstrates not only what it looks like, but also what it sounds like. (He is also now a New York City Councilman, so it’s also what a winner looks like.)

Jun 172023

Yesterday, I scored 8 out of 8 correct on the Conversation’s weekly quiz (after a few weeks of 5s and 4s), but I can’t take that much credit. All of the wrong answers were generated by AI. In the graph at the end I was expeting to see a huge increase in the number of 8/8 scores – but, although there was some increase, the biggest increase was in 7/8. Now I wish I had looked more closely at the percentage who got each question right as I was going through. Not that that’s important – just curiosity. Also yesterday, the first major motion in the Trump** trial has been filed, and it is a protective order on the discovery. The attorneys for the defense have agreed to the motion. Solid details in the Video Thread in a Meidas Touch video (almost 9 minutes but all information.)

Cartoon – 17 0617Cartoon.jpg

Short Takes –

The Conversation – George Soros hands control over his family’s philanthropy to son Alex,…
Quote – As a sociologist who researches immigrants and minorities in Europe and conspiracy theories about them, I study how Soros became a scapegoat and bogeyman for nationalists and populists and a target of people who harbor and spread antisemitic beliefs. Baseless conspiracy theories have at times clouded his legacy as one of the world’s biggest donors to causes like higher education, human rights and the democratization of Europe’s formerly communist countries.
Click through for story. I’ve often thought how difficult it must have been for him to be constantly confronted with conspiract theories and anti-Semitic libels. I’m grateful his son is willing to carry on his work.

HuffPost – The GOP Throws A Fit Over The Pride Flag
Quote – Republicans are observing this year’s Pride Month with complaints about the rainbow flag being flown on federal properties, including at the White House. It’s another way the GOP is leaning into culture war issues that are animating its base amid broader efforts to restrict transgender rights nationwide…. “I don’t know if you know it, but simply looking at a Pride flag will not make you gay,” Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), who is gay, said at a hearing marking up the bill.
Click through for more. All this about “insulting veterans who died for the American flag.” Well, I’m a veteran, and I served with gay people who showed tremendous courage – who risked everything, including their lives, to have the honor of serving. People have died for the Pride flag too.

Food For Thought

Jun 152021

Glenn Kirschner – America Is Back:

The Lincoln Project (released yesterday)

The Franklin Project – Good leaders keep us on track. Good citizens keep them in check.

Now This News – Ohio GOP Backs New Restrictive Voting Bill – MY SOS tells it like it is.

Puppet Regime – Authoritarian Airlines

Liberal Redneck – Flag Day

Corey Ryan Forrester – an a capella country song for Pride month (NSFW)

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump vs McConnell in 2022….

Jun 062021

Glenn Kirschner with a “Top Five” list o Don McGahn’s testimony

Meidas Touch – More Jason Kande

Armageddon nUpdate – One of Titus’s best. Touching even. It he talks too fast for you, slowing it down to 75% usually helps a lot.

VoteVets now has two ads each aimed at a specific state … and the two states are West Virginia and Arizona. Let me see … what do those twp states have in common?

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, Facebook, and the future….

Keith – I don’t know who he is talking to that thinks Democrats are afrais to arrest Trump**. I don’t see that at all. I’ve heard things like it in the past (over much less consequential actions0, but I’m not hearing it now. And if too hasty arrest causes any case, or any charges, no matter how small, to be tossed out in the courts, Keith is going to look awfully stupid. I love Keith but some one with more prosecutorial knowledge than I needs to sit him down and have a talk.
