Yesterday, I signed a couple of petitions for LeftClick, which is now using Care2 as a platform, at least sometimes, and at least these two. Both were addressed to the people of Ukraine. Both were offering apologies to them and expressing support. One was for the Mango Monster being an idiot. The other was for the Hillbilly Huckster being a jerk. Both expressed something like “We know you don’t need this, especially when you are fighting for your existence.” Seldom have I been in so much and so passionate agreement with a petition – and I’ve been passionate about a lot that I have signed. Also, is anyone here interested in getting stickers of Trump** saying “I did that!” to put on products ot product labels showing highly inflated prices, or closed federal buildings, or any other indicator of a catastrophe which this administration is responsible for? Progressive Change Campaign Committee is offering them for as little as a $5 donation. Check out the offer at ActBlue. Oh, and the night before the volcano went off in the White House, Mary Trump and Alex Vindman did a live streamed convo on Substack which is now available to all, here (it’s about an hour, but there’s a transcript).
Well, this from HuffPost is not exactly encouraging – but it certainly is honest. And honesty, integrity, truth are the first steps to ending authoritarian regimes. And at the site of the article was a link to this story, which graphically shows what it looks like.
Yes I realize this news from The F* News is news from last week. I’ll always try to get critical breaking news up when I can (probably mostly in comments since I do work ahead as much as possible), but when I can’t get it to you that fast I go for analysis, clarity, and attitude.