Sep 122024

Yesterday, I received a recommendation to see the movie Sugarcane from Tokata Iron Eyes (Chase’s daughter). She writes so passionately ans convincingly that I wish I could share the full letter. Instead, I can provide a link to the National Geographic site (it is a documentary) which is essentially its home page. It will not be shown everywhere in the US – nor everywhere in Canada (though about half – I didn’t count – of the locations it will appear are in Canada, as they should be). The closest to me is Denver; but there is a complete list at the link. And a lot more information of various kinds. And anyone can watch the trailer there. Besides the on-site appearances, it’s planned for Disney and Hulu to stream it (no word on when that will be available yet.) When I was in the hospital last fall, PBS showed a fact-based drama on this subject set in Canada. But it all happened everywhere, at least in North America, and i would not bet against the proposition that it also happened in Central and South America. I also received a surprise. It did not surprise me when Liz Cheney (and even her father endorsed Kamala Harris. But when Liz Cheney also indorsed Colin Allred against Ted Cruz, my jaw dropped. As grateful as I am to all the Republicans who are endorsing Harris, I did not expect any of them to endorse any down-ballot Democrats. I hope this becomes a trend, but am not holding my breath.

Also yesterday, I came to the conclusion that I am not the best person to evaluate debates. In reading around afterwards, I noticed that figures like Robert Reich, Robert Hubbell, and Steve Schmidt were so pleased by Harris’s performance they were almost giddy. Heather Cox Richardson was more restrained, but also felt that Harris had goaded Trump** to fall apart. Joyce Vance had not weighed in yet – but she was hosting an on-line watch party and may simply have been exhausted. My own reaction was most like that of DC Report (written by Terry Schwadron, a name which is new to me.) It’s just not possible for any Democrat (or anyone) to “destroy” Trump** with facts and reason, because his base evaluates him by a different standard.

I got this too late to use yesterday, but I still think it’s worth reading, even if only to evaluate how accurate his predictions were. Did you know the League of Women Voters published a Bingo card for it?
Yes, this is from Monday, but there is still a lot to consider in it, as for example her remarks on the continuing resolution to fund the government, including details in which the devil exists.

Sep 112024

Yesterday, I organized as much as I could to be free to watch the debate last night. As I typed this, I didn’t know whether the Harris campaign ad discussed by Belle had worked. I do now, though – not as I type, but as you read.

I cancelled my paid subscription to The New Yorker (after I had to get a new water heater), but the email newsletter is free, so they didn’t cancel that. This is the first thing I have seen since which is important enough to make me read it. In case anyone is paywalled out of it, I did print it to a pdf. It’s about 46 and a half pages, but it’s still less than a megabyte, and my email will sent up to 2.5 megabytes per message, so I can send it to anyone who wants it.

Just when you thought you couldn’t possibly deplore Elon Musk any more that you already do, comes this article from The Conversation. He fully justifies my referring to hom as the Muskrat (apologies ao any actual muskrats who may be reading.)

Aug 162024

Yesterday, I wondered whether anyone who comes here lives in Chicago. Because Wonkette is having a sort of party there on Sunday. I believe there will be snacks, and I’m certain there will be drinks. (If they were bringing their own bartender, there would be drinks you did not know existed. I’ve read some of his recipes and he is a perfectionist. But they’re not. So it will be mostly beer.) It will be between 5 and 7:30 PM in the bar of the Kaiser Tiger. Details here. Also, Tim Walz’s dog Scout is on the cover of Vogue’s September issue, Also, too my stuff got picked p – so my porch is cleared and ready for more.

Robert Reich on what Harris could do as President to make the economy better. Yes, it gets a bit technical. But it’s Robert Reich, so it’s clearly explained.

CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) has done an investigation of the Republican plan to infiltrate state election systems with themselves in order to refuse to certify elections they don’t like the results of. I’ve seen stories on this, and I’m sure you have too, but nothing beats an investigation report from a responsible citizens’ group. You do have to use the “download” button in order to read it. It downloads as a PDF and does so very rapidly, and it requires less than 7MB of disc space.
