Nov 222024

Yesterday, I touched base with the other two moderators, since what I had thought was causing the squishing problem turned out not to be Of course this had to happen at a time I don’t have all my meds and am both low energy and low enthusiasm, but I promise I will be working on it, though it may be slow. The last of the four prescription I had to get new scrips for with the new PCP is supposed to come today, and I’ll take a dose immediately if and when it does, but it is still going to take time for everything to kick in (I know it will because it did coming home from rehab.) But I’m on the case.  I just chose a remembrance photo for today – at least if/when it squishes you won’t miss out on words.

Wonkette referred me to this by Ned Resnikoff. I am not personally knowledgeable on it, but I too have seen ominous signs relative to it – like Chesa Boudin losing his recall election, and some cities becoming harsh to the homeless. And if it’s this bad and getting worse, it should be obvious that the consequences would be catastrophic.

Here’s Margaret Atwood, in the writing burrow, with post-election predictions for which I’m confident paying subscribers have been begging. Mostly they are not that different from others’ predictions except that her sardonic tone is unique, and I suspect her fairly detailed description of the conditions under which the Pythia worked at the Oracle of Delphi may be her way of disclaiming accuracy. But I always find her fun to read, and hope you will also.

May 142024

Yesterday, I took in a grocery order – posted it in and received it the same day. I have been doing some baking for the first time in years, using spelt flour. Spelt is technically a wheat, but it’s a wheat like blue corn is a corn, in that people with those allergies can often tolerate them Celiac I am not sure about, but I can tell y’all that it’s definitely got less gluten than other wheats, as anyone can see who compares a piece of commercially baked spelt white bread to a slice of commercially baked white wheat bread. I say compare, but to me there’s no comparison. The spelt bread is rough textured and chunks break off easily to the point that it can be hard, or even messy, just to try to eat a sandwich made with it. It’s better toasted, but still not the same. I’m not trying to bake bread, just cookies and muffins. I did finish a batch of chocolate cookies (with walnuts and white chocolate chips), and they are very tasty.

This is a great reminder, both of how successful Biden is and has been, and also how wrong Trump**’s predictions – all of them – are – always.

Andy has been saving much of his best work on substack for paid subscribers, and I don’t blame him for an instant. The New Yorker certainly hasn’t been paying him for some time now. But this free article is as good as anything he’s ever done.

Aug 302023

Yesterday, John Eastman became the third conspirator demanding a speedy trial. There are two more days (today and tomorrow) in the window for October 23rd (they get 30 days but on account of Georgia’s definition of a speedy trial anyone demanding on September 1 or after might have to settle for December.) There was news that DA Willis wants a speedy trial for all, bit there is the little problem that there are 19 of them, and courtrooms are only so big. I recall reading womewhere that the most defendants who can be tried in one room is six. But I suppose that could all happen at the same time – Fulton County must have more than 3 judges and the DA’s staff must have more than 3 prosecutors. Also, there was a delightful story about Joe and Jill

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Short Takes –

Daily Beast – Here Are 11 Wild Things That Could Happen in the 2024 Election
Quote – These 11 examples are, of course, merely illustrative. We also know the Supreme Court is capable of making decisions that inflame electorates (see Dobbs) and that pollsters regularly misgauge the national mood resulting in seeming surprises (that really are just evidence that the pollsters got it wrong). And then there are the real unknown unknowns, the wild developments that even speculative columns like this one are unwilling to address. Take for example the recent revelations about aliens. After all, if they are true and they have seen the mess we are making of things here on this Earth, surely they must have considered and could be planning to act on the notion that we are long overdue for a planetary makeover.
Click through for complete list. Obviously sone are more likely than others, and some are imaginable only with extreme mental effort. But it’s a good reminder of how much less we know than we think we do.

Wonkette – Mark Meadows Had The Right To Remain Silent. But Now He Doesn’t.
Quote – [U]nder Georgia law, Meadows seems to have waived the right to plead the Fifth about anything discussed on the witness stand. Here’s a quote from the relevant case: :A defendant in a criminal case who voluntarily testifies in his own behalf, waives completely his privilege under the Fifth Amendment. [Cit.] Furthermore, when a defendant voluntarily takes the stand in his own behalf and testifies as to his guilt or innocence as to a particular offense, `his waiver is not partial; having once cast aside the cloak of immunity, he may not resume it at will, whenever cross-examination may be inconvenient or embarrassing”
Click through for more detail, such as even if the case is moved to a Federal Court, it will be tried under Georgia law and with Georgia prosecutors. The only differences will be the judge and the jury pool. And whatever small advantage he might have gotten from the jury pool, he may have just incinerated.

Food For Thought

Jun 302023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump NOW claims he LIED about having classified document. Here’s why the “bravado” dog won’t hunt

Thom Hartmann – Right Wing Billionaires Are Slapping SCOTUS in Golden Handcuffs – No Shades of Grey Here..

MSNBC – Neal Katyal’s ‘unforgettable’ argument prevails in SCOTUS case crucial to democracy

Parody Project – Sixteen Tums

Twitter – Flying Squirrel fakes own death, creates crime scene

Beau – Let’s talk about Putin, Pulp Fiction, and pieces of information….

Dec 302022

Glenn Kirschner – Arizona Republican Kari Lake, an election denier, loses first at the ballot box & then in court

Ring of Fire – What The Hell Is Going To Happen In 2023?

Robert Reich – Inflation Isn’t Happening By Magic

Armageddon Update – A Gift to us All

German Shepherd Puppy With Swimmer’s Syndrome Teaches Herself To Run

Beau – Let’s talk about understanding social media influence operations….
