Truth be told, I actually wasn’t going to do a Friday Fun because I’ve been gloomy about the election. (Although it now looks like we might very well have a LANDSIDE Electoral College victory!)
But then, courtesy of Right Wing Watch, I came across Trump’s “spiritual advisor” – Paula White – leading a prayer to turn the results around to make him win. I wanted to make sure to share with you guys & gals how far off the tracks the Trump Train has gone.
Those not familiar with Paula White, a talibangelical christianist and Grifter-Supreme, of course she has a very scandalous background – including multiple marriages, bankruptcies and having her “church” investigated by the Senate Finance Committee from 2007 through 2011. Is it any wonder Trump would pick her as an “advisor”?
Oh, and if you want to scroll through some views of her $1.1+ MILLION home in Florida (naturally), be my guest:
Back to the “prayer” – I did find a Transcript of what she was saying:
White is heard saying:
“Strike, strike, strike until you have victory, for every enemy that is aligned against you, let there be that we would strike the ground for you will give us victory, God.
“I hear a sound of an abundance of rain, I hear a sound of victory, I hear a sound of shouting and singing, I hear a sound of victory.
White repeats the “I hear a sound of an abundance of rain, I hear a sound of victory,” a couple of times and then says: “The Lord says it is done, the Lord says it is done, the Lord says it is done.
“For I hear victory, victory, victory, victory in the quarters of heaven, in the quarters of heaven I hear victory…
“For angels are being released right now, angels are being dispatched right now, [speaks in tongues] for angels have even been dispatched from Africa right now, Africa right now, Africa right now, they’re coming here, they’re coming here in the name of Jesus, from South America, they’re coming here…”
As you can imagine, there are literally dozens and dozens of music remixes to her “supplication” – which all are lost on me. So I’ll stick to the ones that have a visual impact.
While most cats were incredulous …
There was one who definitely was feeling the beat …
While lots of people are trying to figure out who the guy carrying a bathrobe and reading a newspaper walking behind White was doing, this is the longest clip (at the end) that I was able to find of him:
Saving the best for last, someone decided to improve on White’s hammering away during her “pleadings”:
“Pray” all you want Paula – to quote a certain someone: “It is what it is.”